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  1. Day 89, 26 Books for the year. I've been closely reviewing my relationship with my company and I'm seriously considering pivoting into graphic novels. I've struggled throughout the years, on getting the mechanics of the board games I've made, to what I find acceptable. It's also possible I've somehow taken some negative aspect of how I work on my stuff, similarly to how I played games. It's been a hard question: What do I really value? I've founded my company on this world I've made and refined over the years. Why not just convert to a medium where the focus is the story? Makes sense right? Business / creative stuff aside, I feel something's missing. I've yet to find another medium that recharges my batteries, so I've been more uneasy / easily spent. I've been dealing with this large weight of what to do. I'm 32 and i'm unemployed. I'm not broke and I'm pretty good with my finances. What concerns me most is, once again, falling into this trap of working a job I just don't care about. I want to do something that provides value, long term, and not just for me, but for others. If you're on this path, take a look on what matters to you, and start there (sheesh, sounds like I should take my own advise :D). All the best, -Oct
  2. I'd recommend what @TheNewMe2.0 suggested. Meditation is very powerful. Try and find substitutions for facebook and discord. It may be difficult, especially with covid, but there's always a path forward if you're willing to find it.
  3. Day 79, 21 books for the year. Back at the gym. Been reading up on how to run a Kickstarter. Odd question: How can you tell what you're doing is what really fires you up / sticks? I've been running my business since 2016 within the tabletop games field. I'm not the greatest designer, but what I do enjoy is creating stories and worldbuilding. As I've been on this path of quitting video games, I've been asking myself a very hard question: Is tabletop design the last bastion of what video games was to me? I'm unsure if this is ultimately true, but I do obsess over getting my current game right, mostly because of the uncertainty over small details/game balance. This is a double-edged sword for me, as running my company has been the one thing that has stuck with me. Maybe it's fear? Fear of trying to get this year right. I've gone to Kickstarter before and failed miserably (and rightfully so). As I'm still currently unemployed, using this opportunity to really take my company seriously seems like the right move. In the end, I just want to tell the truth and give something back. I want to provide something valuable and do cool stuff. Hope you're all working toward the things that fulfill you. -Oct
  4. Day 61, Hey all - still managing to stay away from games. It's odd really. I didn't actually intend on quitting for a prolonged period, but I do like being outside the loop. A group of my friends have been playing WoW, but I've been able to understand doing that wouldn't provide any value to me. I'm at 18 books for the year. I like being able to read and when I do find the time to socialize, it helps me facilitate conversation (sometimes). Though all this reading i've been really asking myself what I want to do next. I really don't want to work another job just for the sake of having a job. I've been taking the spare time I have currently to try and work more on my company. At this rate, I may be able to finish a project by summertime, but we'll see what happens. I use this place as a sort of digital journal. However, if anyone is reading this just know that you're here for a reason. Hear yourself out and try to give yourself some time to figure that out. It's about the journey not the destination. Keep at it -Oct
  5. Hey Jason, Thanks for your words. I've been doing a little better with the emptiness, but today has been a bit intense. I have this feeling of hopelessness. I feel there's still apart of me on a wrong path or that something isn't in place. I have a lot of free time so it's easy to get stuck in deep thought. My current relationship as been rocky. My gf games and takes life slowly, where as i'm looking to make moves and really better myself. Is there a thing with being in an environment that diverges from what you want? I'm not blaming her, it's just I try and push her to be a little better and it's often met with resistance / complacency. There's more layers here, but I'll say it's a complex issue that doesn't need to be one, but is. Not good to say, but part of me feels trapped. It's not a bad trapped, but not good either, just 'bleh'. Those of you that share relationships with someone close to you, do you often feel as if you are 'on the same page'? Regardless - I continue to read, workout, and take the time to try and invest in myself. Thanks again Jason, best to you.
  6. Day 44, I'm 14 books in for the year. A mixture of fiction and writing. I've joined a writing group, thus far we meet every other Monday. I've signed up for a game design master class (specifically tabletop games) in regards to moving my business forward. There's a lot of things i've been doing to help myself improve myself, but yet, I can't help but feel empty. Not quite sure why that is? Maybe my brain reconfiguring itself? One thing I can say is that it feels better to finish books rather than games, even though when I did game, I'd only play one game. Keep on keeping on. All the best, -Oct
  7. Day 26, I've read 9 books since the new year. I average about 100 pages a day. Feels great to be focused again in this old art. Started writing again. Focused more on being active. Overall self investment. Though my initial anxieties are thoughts concerning finding work, what that work is, and what I intend to do with my current girlfriend. These are two big questions I don't quite have the answer to, but I do know that what I feel current when around my gf isn't very positive, something I've been taking account of and intend to make a decision in May when our lease is up. Things feel lighter now. It feels that I am able to make decisions more clearly. I hope that I am able to invest in myself enough so that I can, one day, help others. Hope all of you are finding the answers to your questions on this path. Wishing well. -Oct.
  8. Hey Cam - I appreciate it. I'm actually doing rather well. Haven't gamed in 18 days. Reading a ton. Feels pretty good. Hope you're well.
  9. Another update here, Lost my job on Wednesday, performance related. Dealing with the fallout mentally.
  10. Correct - Board games. Video games are what I'm looking to stop. I approach board games drastically differently. The situations I'm referencing are in relation to my current job and my relationship with my girlfriend. As I've not played a video game in about a week-in-a-half, it's been a little easier to deal with. Right at this moment. I'm considering my position as a table-top designer. I feel as if i'm not cut out for this work, as it's been about five years and I've only been able to produce one product while having four other games that ended up unmade. I'm unsure how to get through this burnout. It's been stressful to deal with.
  11. I can say as of now, I'm certainly doing better. Hm - as for Wisdom. I can say this. I often retreat into games when I find a situation in my life without answer(s). I'm a tabletop game designer and the current project I was/am working on has been causing me a fair bit of stress. I don't have any answers to how to solve these problems I've been having with it, but I feel I'm ready to do something about it, whatever it is. Also, I had some life things that also caused stress, further adding to the retreat. Basically, if you end up playing games similar to this way, your best bet is to not become distracted. Eventually what you run away from, will catch up to you. One way or another.
  12. Hey all, It's been a while. Just wanted to check in and say that I feel crazy right now. This past year I've spend 820 hours in the game destiny 2. I just deleted my account off steam. I feel extremely anxious, but I know what I've done is for the best. That's all for now. Just wanted to get this off my chest. Hope you're all doing well. Welcome to 2021.
  13. Consider your options here. It's going to be difficult, really difficult to stop playing while in a relationship with a gamer. However, it's perfectly understandable that you would want to maintain your relationship regardless. What you're going to have to look at here is, what do you want? What do you really want out of life. Take some time and ask yourself why it is you think you game. Well all have our own reasons. At the end of the day, we've all decided it's better that we don't game, otherwise why come to this community. I know this may not be the best advise, but while gaming, try to show yourself some compassion. When you retreat from gaming from a negative motivation, it's a lot harder to maintain. Try and find positive reasons to substitute your gaming experience with. Be that a feeling or another activity. I often recommend board games as a stepping stone and or joining a local sport. The thing with this kind of addiction is that it never 100% goes away but it absolutely changes and for the better.
  14. I've been paying close attention to my current situation. Do I like games? Sure, sometimes. Do I need to play them? No, not really. My current reasoning for gaming is to escape from my current situation: I'll likely be out of a job by the end of the year due to downsizing within the company. I've been failing to run my business well. I feel as if I'm in no position to date, meaning I'm not really as independent now (living at home, but I pay rent). I'm really trying to do better in regards to why I come here. I really don't want to come here and complain. Complaining isn't productive. In a way, it's a sort of self therapy. I would be seeing my counselor but as I don't have insurance they accept and the cost to do so isn't feasible this is unfortunately not an option. I did a bit of a four year assessment this morning. I feel as if I've maybe walked two steps from where I was four years ago and that's really disappointing. This realization has helped me really understand why I've thrown myself back into gaming. The big reasoning being: Connection. Fortunately I still meditate daily and work our three days a week as I've done so for 61 weeks now. I've scanned this entire thread a few times and I notice one difference when I stopped the first time. This was before I started my business and I can remember the difference in ease during this time. I guess with any difficult journey there's some pit falls along the way. Just trying to simplify my life right now. -Oct
  15. Hey, I just wanted to say that I've failed in quitting. I went back and played some game for a few hours to log off and feel terrible. There's a fair amount of unknowns in my life right now, so it's hard to see what's going right. I've been under a lot of pressure while under this recent hiatus. Now I'm looking at what my next step is. Though I wish you all the best on your journey. I'll still check in here and there. -Oct.
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