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NEW VIDEO: The Dark Side of Gaming (Documentary)


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  1. It's like the 'pot calling the kettle black', for lack of a better phrase. A bit disturbing in my opinion.
  2. I understand what you're saying. At the same time, though, to be blocked and told that you are rude is another transference of 'anger' in my opinion, especially since what we write can often be misinterpreted without other non-verbal social cues.
  3. @Adminiculum, This is such a fantastic question, and I appreciate that you brought up the topic. My speculation of other people who don't realize they have an addiction to gaming is that in their world it is normal. They game with other addicts, and nobody usually complains that they're spending way too much time in the game. And yup, people will argue with you because it's what they consider their down time, their only way to relax, and why should anyone take away something that makes them happy? I had one guy argue with me that he doesn't gamble, drink, or smoke, which are all addictive habits potentially. And that's the argument he used to defend his long hours of gaming. Interestingly, when I asked him what his other hobbies were in life, he was kind of silent for a while. As for me personally, I realized I had a problem six years ago when my parents asked me what I was doing in my room all day long. I felt a sense of shame, embarrassment, and had a sudden and painful realization that time has completely passed me by. I WASTED an entire year gaming 10-12 hours per day. Now, at the time, I was also trying to cope with a traumatic death in my family, but still. It was such an intensity of gaming that it required somebody outside of my gaming realm to point it out. Having said that, I think my parents saved me from a train wreck. If they hadn't have asked what I was doing all day, I would have continued the addiction. At this time in my 30-day detox, I am seriously considering removing gaming from my life completely. I am not addicted to games, as I don't crave it, but I have reasoned with myself that gaming could interfere with other hobbies that I do enjoy and which make me happier. Thanks again for this wonderful question of self-reflection!
  4. My sympathies to you regarding your father's recent passing. I wasted an entire year six years ago, coping with my cousin's death by gaming 10-12 hours a day. Perhaps this is a crossroads for you. And major kudos to you for quitting drugs and alcohol. That is a massive accomplishment.
  5. Quit Gaming 25/30 wow, the end is near.....no gaming urges Sleep went to bed yesterday at 10:00 p.m woke up today at 6;45 a.m. I felt well rested for a change Exercise 30 minutes interval training at local gym walked the dog around the park 25 minutes Reading yesterday I read for 45 minutes, The Shipping News, almost done the book Computer use today I spent about 20 minutes reading GQ and responding to a couple of posts, wrote in journal 20 minutes writing in private online journal tonight I'll spend an hour watching a movie Hobbies currently working on my third knitting project for Christmas gift Social Activities resting day from social activity, a bit burned out from last weekend and work today Positive Thoughts I am grateful for a warm home. Random Thoughts On Saturday I went to my brother's social get-together with his friends and coworkers at a restaurant. It was nice. I sat with my brother and his wife, and then two of his very outgoing coworkers sat with us. In total there were about ten people there. I didn't have a chance to speak with everyone but I wasn't crying over that. Most of the conversations I had were driven and lead by other people. I listened, smiled, and commented when there was opportunity. Everyone was in good spirits, and we didn't stay long either. Overall, I had a nice time. When I arrived back home, I instantly felt a relief. It was calm, quiet, and warm. I just wanted to wrap myself up in a cozy blanket, watch a movie, and sip some hot tea. Which I did, hahaha. Did I feel like I made a connection with others at the lunch? Not really. I mean, I get along with my brother and his wife well enough, but it felt more like a 'function'. Similar to having a potluck at my work. I won't see these people again for maybe several months at the summer barbecue. So, I didn't really feel like I was missing out on much at all. This week, my goal is to invite my coworker to a movie. She's the lady who's into gambling. She shared some personal things with me about her struggles, and I kind of want to share some things with her too. This is a different approach for me. I've always been 'kept to myself' these last few years.
  6. P.S. The other gaming friends I 'had' haven't contacted me outside of the game. I think they prefer keeping their online gaming separate from befriending the people they game with. Also, I noticed they didn't really talk about other hobbies they were into. Either the topic never came up, or they just didn't have other hobbies besides gaming. A bit sad, really.
  7. I hope it gets better for you. I understand how that feels to lose your gaming friends to a game. I still keep in contact with two people outside of the gaming environment. One friend I met in person and I discovered that she is my complete opposite in regards to personality. In a game situation, sometimes it's a bit misleading as to how people really are in person. She seemed a lot more outgoing in the game versus in real life. Still, we're friends to this day, although I don't hang out with her often, even though she lives only thirty minutes away from me. With any friendship, I suppose it will take time to nurture it. Good idea about making friends that are into other things. It's an exciting adventure to search for new people to hang out with. ?
  8. I give myself one day of the week to sleep in as long as I like, which is usually Saturdays. Every other day of the week is spent working or doing projects. Some of my projects I do until later at night, which would be around 11:30 p.m. I wake up regularly at 6:30 a.m. on most days. And never sleep past 8:00 a.m. on my days off, except for when I sleep in on Saturday. My body needs rest as soon as the weekend strolls along, and I can really feel it. So, I don't give myself such a hard time if I sleep in on Saturdays. I think that I work hard at my job, and fill my spare time with hobbies, that it's a well-deserved longer sleep. Everyone works differently, though. It's great that you stepped back to analyse how your sleep patterns are.
  9. Quit Gaming 24/30 no gaming urges Sleep went to bed last night at 2:00 a.m. woke up at 10:30 a.m. I feel refreshed due to uninterrupted sleep Exercise Plan is to go outside for a brisk Autumn walk in the park, it's a bright sunny day Reading day off reading Computer use yesterday I watched a documentary for two hours 20 minutes writing in my private journal 20 minutes watching sewing tutorials and browsing for free clothing patterns that I can download Hobbies yesterday I spent a good deal of time working on my projects: knitting and sewing completed sewing a blouse, and also finished a toy Social Activities on Saturday I had lunch with my brother, his wife, and a handful of his friends/coworkers Other Tasks today I will cook spaghetti and bake a New York cheesecake laundry to do Positive Thoughts I am grateful for the weekend. Random Thoughts Slow down. Traffic. Media. News. People rushing here and there. We're on an internal time schedule clock. I had to get off the hamster wheel. The thought "slow down" popped into my head several times yesterday as I went about town doing tasks like grocery shopping, looking for a new book at the library, and rushing to get to my brother's lunch get-together. Every task and direction I took was steadily becoming blurred into one long stream of RUSH. I think my mind disconnected from my body and I was on auto-pilot, doing my daily tasks without much thought, really. Slow down. What does this mean to me? I'm taking time today to ponder that thought, and to apply it to my day. I'll write more about it later.
  10. Hello there and welcome. I would take the time to read other people's journals here. You will see what they have done to overcome gaming addiction by replacing it with other goals, hobbies, or sports. And if you haven't done this already, please watch Cam Adair's Game Quitters videos. There are a multitude of tips and advice he offers for people taking their first steps towards quitting games for good due to addiction.
  11. Dear Journal, Yesterday was a fun day. My nephew went trick or treating with his mum, and I stayed at their home to hand out candy. It was pizza, pop, candy, and chocolates the entire night. I felt like I gained 50 lbs. Oh well. It's a once-a-year celebration which will require 365 days of recuperation. I got home at 9:30 p.m. and worked on a knitting project while watching The Twilight Zone, older episodes. Overall, a nice night. I'm very grateful.
  12. Hi @Elohim, Looks like you're managing well so far. I like your idea of pacing yourself. Sounds like a healthy way to maintain focus.
  13. Hi @James S. I hear you loud and clear about finding another life and living it. I watched this documentary and it changed my perspective about connecting with others and living a simple life. Whenever I think about escaping into virtual reality, I watch this to remind me about a different way of living. Connecting with other people outside of a video game environment, for example, is something I am working on currently. I haven't adopted most of the documentary's ideals, but I do like the idea of growing my own produce. Anyway, the concept is pretty extreme, and I certainly don't live like a monk. However, I appreciated his perspective about quality of life. Take what you you need from the video and see if anything can be applied.
  14. P.S. If you choose to do various activities as a form of distraction, please beware of activity-burnout. It can happen. ?
  15. Dear Journal, I am going to skip the usual drill of typing out what I've done today and goals and whatever. It's way past my bed-time, so I'll write a brief synopsis. As a person who enjoys crafting, I think this hobby has saved me from the perils of boredom many-a-time. I have a series of projects that I'm doing; knitting, sewing, coloring books, paper crafts, to name a few. I spent the rest of my time after work today organizing and rearranging my craft room. I bought a bunch of new items from Ikea such as shelves, two sewing tables, and two comfortable chairs. Oh, and also one bright and adjustable working lamp that I can attach to the end of each table. I love how everything looks. Organized, bright, clean, and colorful! I hung on the ceiling some cool paper flowers I made. It reminds me of Spring time. The environment I work in must have inspiration. I love color, and especially anything that reminds me of the great outdoors, particularly the ocean. Yes, it's my craft working space, but it's also a space of serenity. I don't want it to be cluttered with junk or debris, or scraps, etc. So I made sure to put two garbage pails beside each work station. Tomorrow, I'll start stacking the shelves with boxes of materials: ribbons, colored paper scraps, fabrics, stencils, stamps, etc. Not once did I think about turning on my computer to game today. I was too excited about my new crafting room and how to decorate it. It's too bad not many people here are into crafts. This hobby gives you a great deal of satisfaction, and pride, and possibly monetary reward. I am going to reopen my online Etsy shop, and start selling what I sew, which will be children's plush toys that I"ll make from scrap material. Blessings to you all!
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