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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by Icandothis

  1. I talked with my counselor this morning. That was nice. So I went for a walk at a local park and found this little beauty. The smell is simply amazing. At first I thought it was honey suckle, but it’s not. It’s the most blissful aromatic flower. Hints of honey, lavender, orange. It was blossoming in a tree. Does anyone know this flower? I am going to try and identify it.
  2. So tired today friends. My outside picture from yesterday.
  3. Hi! Thank you for sharing your journey here. It is really courageous of you to take these steps to make huge change in your life. I really hope your taco dinner from the other night was amazing. Sounds so good my friend! Sending joy and hope you have the most wonderful day. 🌺
  4. This is very awesome that you are on vacation. I hope things go really well with the video chat! She sounds like a really beautiful person, you deserve someone really special in your life. 🌺
  5. “When after heavy rains, the storm clouds dispersed. Is it not that they wept themselves clear to the end.” Tears are the most powerful medicine. I found this beautiful being looking down at me during my walk. His big eyes stared straight into my soul.
  6. Thank you friend. You are a beautiful being. Wishing you are joyful day.
  7. I am trying to show up here... just as I am. Today is ok. Just doing simple things. I have to pay rent. Go to bank. Eat. Spend time with kids. I need to fill out ROI for DHS. If I look at everything as a whole it is very overwhelming, so doing my best to concentrate on 1 thing at a time. Another plant friend.
  8. Oh wow!! That is the most beautiful flower. Thank you so much for sharing.
  9. Hey all, Yesterday was awful. No energy, I could not get out of bed. My whole body felt horrible. I cried a ton. It’s just not fair. I was so angry and frustrated and in pain. My whole chest was on fire. My body felt like lead. Just in deep deep despair. Day 3 is always the worst day. But here we are, a new day, and I feel better. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. Made it thru treatment 3. 9 more to go.... sigh. So my new plan... is to take 1 class this fall. I suppose remotely. Then once I get thru this treatment to start applying for jobs again in the winter. I have been working with a ton of social agencies hoping to get help during this treatment. Still going to counseling which is a huge plus and still loving acupuncture. Recently I have not had a lot of words: so these are the words of a close friend. Remember Ahimsa.... Do no harm. Let this be your guide as you move gently thru this life. Be kind to this earth and all beings. Cultivate compassion at every turn. This beautiful plant friend with scents of sweet orange and bergamot.
  10. We are all collectively going through a crisis. I am challenging myself to find beauty in the everyday. Here is a picture of an orchid I bought for my sweet friends... who have shown such huge love to me. Notice the yellows, oranges and purples. Up close this flower glistens and radiates joy.
  11. Ooh... the Japanese restaurant sounds amazing. My close friend lives in Tokyo and he says the authentic food is blissful. I hope you have the most enjoyable time, before these next couple of busy days. I hope your appointment with physical therapy is helpful. I have been sending you healing energy. Have beautiful day friend.
  12. I love reading your recaps. They are so insightful and just show how much you are growing. “Life is more colorful” - this is so beautiful to hear! Just to be able to stop and enjoy the small moments. To notice the dew drops on a leaf, the way the branches blow in the wind, the feeling of ground beneath your feet. This is so wonderful. “ I am not horrified of free time”. This is huge. To be ok with just being. Just being still, not having to do anything or get anyway. To just know that you to enjoy the present moment. I am just so proud of you. Your posts are so insightful and intuitive. I realized that I projected a lot on to your statements, but they deeply resonated with me. I hope you have the most wonderful day.
  13. I am praying for you. You are doing so well. I agree you should eat healthy but also enjoy foods sometimes. I say eat the brownies!!!! I am so sorry about your sleep. Sleep disturbances are just the worst and end up messing up your day. I will pray Proverbs 3:24 over you. That when you lay down your sleep with be pleasant. I am happy about your new house. That must be very exciting and something to look forward to. I am wishing you peace, calm, serenity, love and joy. You are so loved. Talk soon.
  14. Hi All- Thank you so much for everyone who has sent love/light/hope to me. I know this sounds crazy... but I can really truly feel your love and prayers. This treatment is making me very sick and feel very terrible. Thank you friends for continuing to hold a light for me... when everything seems so dark. I started my 3rd treatment today, and will be receiving a continuous chemo infusion until Wednesday. I would be deeply grateful for any prayers or loving intention. Again, thank you. I hope you each just have the most beautiful day.
  15. Thank you to everyone who has posted. I feel so thankful to have you all. My first chemo treatment was terrible, no good, rotten and miserable. I am asking everyone to send the below loving intention. I really believe in the power of love and community. If you are going through a hard time and would like me to send the same energy to you, just let me know. Thank you friends.
  16. Thank you so much my friend. I really really love this community as well. Thank you for app suggestion. I will have to check it out. My infusions are 4 hours long.... I pray, I meditate, I try to read. Thank you so much for being along on this journey.
  17. I am glad you found some relief with acupuncture. It definitely is a very different experience. I had my first acupuncture 2 weeks ago and had an out of body experience. It was like my spirit was floating on water, and my body was floating above me. But, it provided a ton of relief. I hope you are able to get to the cause of the pain and get some relief soon. Have a beautiful day.
  18. Congratulations on your milestone. We are so thankful for you in the community. You helped me, and many others, during the hardest times..... changing our lives’ course for the better. This move sounds really wonderful. A beautiful, peaceful place for you to get away from the many stresses in your life. Living right next to nature is very awesome. I live right next to a forested walking trail; it adds so much peace and serenity to my life. Good luck, again, with the move. Sending lots of energy.
  19. Hi my friend, Wow. Congratulations on all of your accomplishments over the past days. This is so inspiring. How long have you been practicing the guitar? Do you take lessons or study on your own? I find playing music helps tune us into and release our emotions. Plus, it is just really fun to make beautiful music. Thank you for sharing your journey. I hope you have a beautiful day.
  20. This is a really beautiful piece. Thank you for sharing your work and your heart with us. 💙💙💙
  21. Hi! It’s good to read your posts again and I see that you are doing really well. Time spent next to nature is so valuable... I hope you get to spend more time on the pier and with family. Keep up the poetry.... you are a really amazing writer and have a creative gift. I also hear what you mean on dating sites. The one time I joined a dating site.... I met a man who ended up being completely fake; posted a stolen picture and basically lied to me. Those sites and apps are really demoralizing. I really hope you are able to meet someone tho. Sending energy. Have a beautiful day!
  22. Hi! Congratulations on your journey!! Breaking the addiction of gaming gives you the ability to make that choice. You can now choose how to spend your days and fill them with love and joy. It is so wonderful that you are biking and getting outside with friends. This is so important. 💙💙💙 Sending love, energy and peace my friend. I am you have the most beautiful day. 🌺
  23. Hi! So I turned 39! Yay! I think I am at least 10, if not 20 years older then most on this forum. I feel like I should have some wisdom to share.... all I have is one breath at a time. Just one breath at a time. I had my port put in. My kids are calling it mouse. 😂🤦‍♀️ Have a beautiful day friends. May your spirit be strong. May you be filled with goodness. May you be held in love.
  24. I have read a whole page of your posts and I am just so proud of how far you have come!!! Remember when you were just waiting to move/start school? Now you are almost done with the semester. This is a huge accomplishment. Just focus on getting through exams and then you will have more free time to pursue other areas. One day at a time, no need to hurry or rush. You are doing so well. Sending energy. I hope you have the best day.
  25. I am so sorry you had a rough day. Just keep going. I am sending you love and energy. May your spirit be strong. Good luck with you move on Sunday.
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