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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by Icandothis

  1. Another week of no gaming! So proud of you. Just one moment at a time.
  2. Welcome to the forum! Thank you for sharing your story here. Love the picture of the fog on the river. I feel like we are kindred spirits as my kids and I try to go barefoot as much as possible. But mostly in the grass doing yoga. Will be following your journey.
  3. Found a quote... that relates grief. It validates my emotions from a couple of posts back as it is almost the same wording. Today was ok. Just one breath. Then another breath. Inhale.... hold.... exhale. Inhale... hold... exhale.
  4. I love your painting. I hope you feel better and the medicine works. Take care....
  5. Seeing the beauty. These little friends were dancing in the wind.
  6. Hi friend. Thank you for the update. I hope the planning and the move back to your home country goes well. I will be sending prayers to your family as well.
  7. Oh no. I hope your SO is ok. That must be so scary for you both and your families. I hope they can locate the cause quickly and provide good treatment. I am sorry. I am sending you both prayers and loving energy for healing.
  8. Thank you friends. Today is another beautiful day. Hoping to get out on a walk so I can post a nature picture again. It brings me so much joy. Oh... yesterday was also 11 months game free. We can do this. We can quit gaming for the long term. We can then face trials and heartbreak... and instead of escaping to games... we can use this as an opportunity for connection. ( I am writing this for myself 💙) The opposite of addiction is not sobriety, it’s human connection. Have a beautiful day friends.
  9. Hi! I really enjoyed your summary thread. I am actually going to come back so I have time to read the whole thing. There is a piece of advice... which I know is unsolicited... but I think it might be helpful regarding Forex. My friend who is a professional poker player always says... don’t be results oriented. Make the best decision with the information you have... and over the long term you will do well. I hope this helps. You are doing so well in all areas of your life... so happy for you. Sending love and continued energy.
  10. Hi friend, Are you doing ok? I am so sorry for everything that you are going through... and wish I could just make things better. Life is so tough right now... and you have so much on your plate. You are doing such a good job navigating everything from work to family to friends to your test to taking care of yourself to... the list goes on and on. I am so proud of you. We are all in this together... hoping you had a really good night sleep and a wonderful morning.
  11. Hi! Yes, I think you should grow your hair long! After my treatment, I will be growing back my hair... so we can do it together! 🙂 Have a beautiful day.
  12. Hi friend! I am so glad you had fun golfing. Getting outside and hanging out with friends is always a good thing! I am so glad you are going to therapy and hopefully found a person you like? My therapist has been absolutely instrumental in my mental health. Having someone who listens with compassion... so you can feel fully seen and heard is so important. Take care...
  13. Hi friend! Congratulations. I am so very proud of your almost 9 month game free accomplishment. This is huge. I am so glad you are writing poetry and haikus. Maybe you could share them here? I am so very grateful for you. Have a beautiful day.
  14. Hi all- I just want to say thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers and love. It really means so much to me. Round 5 of chemo was horrid. But round 6 was “ok”. I can’t help but feel that all love I receive from so many, including on this forum is helping me. I made the really hard decision to put my little boy in daycare. I am nervous about CoVid, but it has become almost impossible to chase around after him while feeling so bad. You are right.... these waves of grief and emotion pass. I am so very hopeful this season of cancer will pass too. I have another round of chemo starting Monday. But hoping to enjoy a couple days here being symptom free. Thank you friends.
  15. I don’t know what to say anymore. I am completely broken, lost and confused. I don’t know which way is up or down and I feel like a buoy in the water being tossed around by waves. I have been spending all of my energy meditating and praying, focusing on my breath and my spirit. Tomorrow is round 6 out of 12. Would you please pray... especially for my kids? Ephesians 3:17 And I pray that you may grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. Thank you for being here.
  16. This is very beautiful. The colors are very lovely. Thank you for sharing.
  17. I really like your poem from a couple entries back. Please keep writing. You have a gift.
  18. Congratulations on the 93 weeks... this is such an inspiration to the community. Praying for you today as always.
  19. Thank you friends. Day 3/4 - Knock down miserable. Day 5 - Feeling much improved. I was so weak and could not get out of bed... I had to stay at a hotel due to my toxicity and the staff got me flowers. Psalm 30:2 as been on my heart. Have a beautiful day friends.
  20. I am so sorry. That is really sad and frustrating. Were you going to take the 2 weeks off for therapy? You deserve some time to take care of yourself. Sending big hugs.
  21. Thank you for sharing your story here. I am so glad you are finding joy in cooking. You could try a lemon sauce for your pancakes. It tastes very delicious. First spread soften butter, then sprinkle some sugar, then squeeze lemon on top. It’s soo yummy! Have a beautiful day
  22. Thank you for all the love. I am very grateful for the support of this community. Chemo round 5, Day 2. Feeling ok. Just another 24 hours until my pump can be taken off. I am sending joy and serenity to everyone. May we all take a chance today to slow down and notice the beauty and magic in the small things. Thank you for listening.
  23. When it seems as if the dark cold despair has overwhelmed all hope Let me remember Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when it is still dark Today: Chemo treatment 5/12. These treatments are just horrid. Would you please pray or send love? Thank you.
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