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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by WorkInProgress

  1. Congratz man you're awesome indeed!
  2. Day 30 I keep it short today. Tomorrow it is exam time. Have to prepare to own this shit. cya Checklist: check I am gratefull for: - Tim ferris podcast - Fresh coffee in the morning - power of habbit beeing exact my style of book(love it) - beeing excited - gratitude journal giving me an awesome mood again
  3. Stay strong man or you fall behind me in gamefree days!
  4. Day 29 well yesterday was ok. I try to keep the slight edge philosiphy in mind(basicly do the right thing everytime,then your life improves gradually). But lately I stop thinking that way wich sends me right back into procrastination. Will take some time till i get fully used to it.It is strange that i don't get pissed on me if I don't study because it is very important now. I just see myself drive against the wall and ignore it. Or I do something against it and feel great. I don't know if this lethargy is a protection mechanism of my mind for not feeling bad. Well as you can see at the tone of my rambling, I'm not in a great mood thsi mourning. And Valentine's day is not the reason. My wife and em aren't really into this day and she always forget what date it is so we don't care so mcuh about it. I don't know guess it si just a funk. Soon a month. Let's see what happens. I felt kind of bad because noone read my comment wich is pathetic. I spent to much time here in this forum. I will cut it to 30-60min everyday in the morning. Checklist: check I am gratefull for: - my wife - left overs from yesterday - having first world problems - having a nice warm home
  5. Hi Hitaru, thanks for sharing your story! How does it feel to write all that stuff about yourself down?
  6. Hi, Thanks for sharing this i know this must be hard to write down in a pretty public space.Your anxiety seems well grounded. I am a pretty relaxed person with ( to my knowledge) no forms of anxiety, but i can relate to all the fears you described. Realize that your not akward, if you want someone to watch the damn street and not having smoked stuff whilst driving. Thats just smart. I just want to say that your thoughts seemed not weird just overly cautious. Maybe you are insecure but i am sure that this will get better if your self-esteem improves. greetings Mario
  7. Hi Tan, i adviced you on another thread to start a journal and now i see you allready did it Awesome that you share your story with us and start journaling! If you have any other questions be free to ask. Greetings Mario
  8. Love your transperant business modell btw. I always read the progress reports with big interest. It is awesome that it gets profitable for you to do this.
  9. Hi Autodidact, I think it is only a good idea to break many bad habbit at once if they are related. For example if you use gaming breaks for porn( I did this) and if you are eating sweets while gaming(did this too) it is easier to stop them all together because they are wired in your brain. On the other hand it is often hard to break even one habbit so I won't be to strict with yourself. I would start with the main habbit and reduce the other habbits on the way. I am sure as soon as you start quit gaming for real, it will be easier to stop other habbits. The main thing is to start and be consequent. I did always relapse after one or two week at my past attempts to stop gaming. But thisi am at 28 days and i sure this si because of this forum and my daily journal. I would highly advice you to start one. Getting a regular feedback on your progress(or on your relapse), helps a lot to break out of negative thought spirals. So far my suggestions;) Greeting Mario
  10. Day 28 Checklist: check Yesterday was good. Got some studies done and had even fun at learning some extra stuff I don't actually need for my exam. Found a nice ressource on continuum mechanics(this is where i wanna find work later on because fluids are jsut fascinating). I see how studying becomes gradually easier now i do it everyday atleast for two hours. I am carefully optimistic about implementing learning about engineering stuff in my daily life. Maybe i didn't chose the wrong study subject. Maybe i was just not commited enough. Additionally to my 5km jogging route i did an one hour walk with my wife and talked about life. It still amazes me how she gets motivated by me, while i do nothing but improve my own habbits. Really awesome side effect. Had a dream this morning about a warcraft 3 game and my favourite wc3 streamer spoke to me and wanted to add me to his buddies. Felt a urge to install it and play again as i woke up(did not do it ofcourse). Was really strange. Especially because I had no urges to game since two weeks. Well this time is the past. I don't feel sorry but a little nostalgic. Im gratefull for: - motivation spreading by beeing a good example - beeing excited about my studys! - journalling - beeing able to share my experiences with ggamequitting with new people - all these awesome new journals wich distract me in such a good way - good habbits - having a urge to go joggin now -beeing alive - feeling awesome( just writing this stuff down seems to produce a lot of endorphines this morning) ok cya guys i am out running through the beautiful countryside in front of my village(and this time i sent my entry!).
  11. @Hitaro thanks for your comment! yeah it is a work in progress I think this checklist i put out here is wasting too much space. I replace it by a textfile and just report on the habbit of checking my checklist until it is a habbit(mbe 2weeks or so) Day27(didn't send it out yesterday ) Checklist: check Yesterday was much ebtter. did some studying worked and in the evening as i was tired i cleaned two rooms. Today i have more time then i will see how hard i can tackle the studies but teh good thing is: Short time motivation is kicking in. Next tuesday it is examday and now i get motivation of the pressure( only 4 studying days to go!). Im gratefull for: - feeling awesome at running this morning - studying pressure - beeing able to show interest in new members of the forum - the slight edge - beautiful snow covered landscape outside my windows.
  12. I ahve the same hope. I think so far my english is not better then before. But i feel less ashamed to write and speak in english. I count this as an improvement
  13. Hey nice to ahve you two joining us here. Im sure this will improve your lifequality drastically. i'm very excited to watch your process. Grettings and best wishes. Mario
  14. Hey Larry, I'm reading the Book "Failing Forward" at the moment. It's written by a pastor and is pretty insightfull on the suspect of the fear of failure. Maybe the points wich annoy me( because i'm not into god at all) could make it even more worthwhile for you. 11days is a nice accomplishment. Keep going!
  15. Day 26 Was abit better. Did some studying and go some other stuff done too. Today i have to work for 6hours but i will continue this upward curve. Will study on the train to work and afterwards. Realised this mourning that i am way to slow with my routine. Did my morning routine in half of the time because I have to go to work early and feel fresher today. Health: run: check Relationships: Call or visit one of my family/friends everyday and have a good talk.:no plan one activity every weekend with my wife: no( rly got to do this! today i will brainstorm for it) Personal Development: read every morning for 30 min, listen to podcasts: check meditate for 10min every day: check find the most uncomfortable organisationtask and start doing it: ( did it but will delet it here because i try now jsut to do them if they come in) Career: work 1hour every day my internship proposals: yep daily 4 hour studying session every day: around two hours Im gratefull for: - beeing on an upward curve again. - bad sleep can't stop me - fast jogginng worked otu fine today - baked beans and toast for breakfast
  16. If i read your whole comment it seems to me as if you would really love to go to a dramatic arts school. If you really want to go there and only your inabilites are holding you off, then I would definitly decide for it or you'll rue it later. I mean it is basically the choice between the safe route and the route you want to take but where you fear to fail. If you should fail you have still time to find a new path. It is a big choice but it is like life: just a big experiment. Either way it goes you will grow at it and have one experience more. Better to try the risky stuff and fail, then to go save and never grow as a person. atleast that is my opinion and btw. there are no wrong choices. There are only mistakes and you can learn from. There is no perfect plan. Living is a fail and error game, if you want to be sucessfull you need to fail, learn from it and try again.
  17. Day 26 Kind of the same shit like yesterday. Found it more improtant to learn 10-Finger typing then to study for my damn exam... Yeah good old mindstructures hitting back. I thought about reasons for my mistakes and foudn two explainations.First I lost my slight-edge-philosophy for some time. Reduced it in my head on a the habbits, wich are a very important part of it. But if I don't have the goal and the will to improve at every moment, I do random shit instead of the really important stuff. Secondly short info videos in youtube are hitting my instanious reward system in my head, got to stop taht even if i don't get in danger to watch gaming videos. Even if I failed again yesterday the good thing it it's not to late. No extreme goals today, I fokus on just doing my stuff. Feeling annoyed by my setback. Health: run: did a long walk for regeneration instead, because my right knee and my left achilles tenodn started to heart the day before. Relationships: Call or visit one of my family/friends everyday and have a good talk.: yes plan one activity every weekend with my wife: no Personal Development: read every morning for 30 min, listen to podcasts: check meditate for 10min every day: check find the most uncomfortable organisationtask and start doing it: no Career: work 1hour every day my internship proposals: nope daily 4 hour studying session every day: no Im gratefull for: - playing the game of life - new day, new luck - Elektro Swing making me dance on my bench while i write this(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gzFhcagGYQ). - beeing able to be a help for my wife's attempt to quit smoking -
  18. Hi Osei, the main thing is keeping it up. Don't feel obliged to write something with a big meaning behind it. For me the journal is two things. First of all i check my status quo. What goals do i have? What did I do yesterday? Why didn't i do some things i wanted to do?. Secondly i use it as a place for my gratidude journal wich is a very rewarding habbit for me to increase my general level of contentment. If something else meaningfull comes to mind while writing it is fine, but if not it is still worthwhile because it leads my mind on the right track.
  19. Day 25 Good Morning. I failed beeing productive last day. I started well in the day with an awesome run at dawn and a meditation on a field, watching the sun go up. At home i got some organisational stuff done wich was blocking my head for some time now. But afterwards i just didn't do anything productive . I watched youtube and realized how i can get rid of the gamer recommendations (just delete your saved history). Cleared my search history in my browser too. But couldn't get myself in to studying. I don't know if i just don't feel the urgency because im allrdy pretty prepared, or if I'm jsut back in my old mindset. I try today to envision myself as the excellent student I want to become to visualize my goal. And well today i start with studying because it is the thing wich is definitly most important right now. Health: run: check Relationships: Call or visit one of my family/friends everyday and have a good talk.: no plan one activity every weekend with my wife: no Personal Development: read every morning for 30 min, listen to podcasts: check meditate for 10min every day: check(felt really peacefull meditating outside watchign the sun) find the most uncomfortable organisationtask and start doing it:check(did more then one) Career: work 1hour every day my internship proposals: nope daily 4 hour studying session every day: no Im gratefull for: - clean youtube - new day, new luck - my laptop - people reading this and replying to my random journaling
  20. nice tedtalk about addiction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PY9DcIMGxMs what is your opinion about it?
  21. @Ironfly thank you! Let me know how it worked for you, if you go through with it. It helped me to get my fokus on the more important things,. Day 24 Well had kind of a family sunday. Keeping a bores 6-year old busy is no walk in the park ;D In the afternoon i still get some studying done even if i feeled pretty tired before. I just willed my self into it and well I studied for 1,5hours withotu a problem. Guess i wasn't that tired i was postponing... I ahve some private family issues right now, but thanks to my better self-esteem i think i can handle them and actually don't feel overwhelmed by them wich is a big improvement fo me. Today is a No-Excuse-Monday(yeah i made this name up). Tired? No excuse! I can do it tomorrow? No excuse! I jsut need to relay a bit? no excuse! Today i will improve,study harcore My motivation is through the roof and the pressure is on. Health: run: check Relationships: Call or visit one of my family/friends everyday and have a good talk.: had some private problems and "forgot" plan one activity every weekend with my wife: well we had her little nephew over night. guess that counts as activity Personal Development: read every morning for 30 min, listen to podcasts: check meditate for 10min every day:check find the most uncomfortable organisationtask and start doing it: nope Career: work 1hour every day my internship proposals: nope daily 4 hour studying session every day: no Im gratefull for: - self motivation out of taking action - journaling - beeing game free over 3 weeks! - for beeing so lucky in my past - my friends - being in walking distance of the local supermarket
  22. guess there will be no GQ-Meet-up in Germany for some time. Well good that you guys had fun and your chiropractor appointments are going well. keep going(even if it kind of creeps me out that a secretary rabdomly hugs patients)!
  23. Day 23 @cam thx for the motivation and the kind words means a lot. I slept not enough adn was pretty tired all day. Still visited my father and cleared some things up about his financial support of my studies. Had a good talk too. Did run 5km in 29min in the morning. Was a little tough but fun too. Now I do two regeneration runs(slow and short) and mbe do soem sprints at tuesday. Wanted to study while my wife got her nephew to our place. But instead of learning two hours. I selpt one hour on the couch. Did go back to studying and making the appartment rdy right aftwerwards. I think the main lesson to me it's to ensure more sleep for myself. Health: run: check(allrdy ran 5km how i realized after I measuredmy running track over an internet tool) Relationships: Call or visit one of my family/friends everyday and have a good talk.: check plan one activity every weekend with my wife: well we had her little neephew over night. guess that counts as activity Personal Development: read every morning for 30 min, listen to podcasts: check and check meditate for 10min every day:check find the most uncomfortable organisationtask and start doing it: check Career: work 1hour every day my internship proposals: nope daily 4 hour studying session every day: no Im gratefull for: - beeing good with kids - my perservance at jogging - 5km is easy - my progress
  24. Day 22 I didn't do much of my planned day work but i got to ikea and thanks to my wife I got to study for 2,5 hours wich was ok as a minimum. Had an awesome talk where my wife told me that it motivates her how i changed my attidude and that she will try quit smoking again. I could talk with her a lot about self-development stuff i read in the last days and it was a very intense and nice experience for both of us. I really feel like we get on a new level in our relationship I cut a few things from my checklist wich aren't priority right now. I will get there but will need some time i guess. I will add them back gradually and cut these i allrdy made a habbit. Health: run 30min: check Relationships: Call or visit one of my family/friends everyday and have a good talk.: check plan one activity every weekend with my wife: nope Personal Development: read every morning for 30 min, listen to podcasts: check and check meditate for 10min every day:check find the most uncomfortable organisationtask and start doing it: check Career: Career: work 1hour every day my internship proposals: nope daily 4 hour studying session every day: no (atleast a minum of 2,5 hours) Im gratefull for: - the wonderful relationship with my wife - willing myself into studying in the afternoon - getting nice feedback from friends, familiy and my wife - motivating other people to do better(crazy but freakin awesome!) - cam and all others whith helpfull comments - the slight edge - training of my reptil brain - beeing alive - beeing healthy - massive amount of little birds in my garden
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