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  1. Anyone know how to properly use the "@__" tags by the way lol
  2. Day 90 (April 11, 2016) GOAL! Finally touched down to the last day of my detox! Just a little caveat before beginning my one last journal entry: I apologize for being delaying on this last one since touching down onto my home country via a 12-hour flight, needless to say, it was rather exhausting and trying to get used to my old time zone with a huge time difference took awhile. I've got to say it, although it wasn't the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, it wasn't the easiest either - having to abandon that one hobby that has been my go-to activity on tough times in which I went through stress, boredom and depression. That one hobby that helped me made almost all my friends that I have today and brought my cousins and brothers closer than ever. Having to go through these 90 days to rewire my brain would have been a very lonely and dark road if it wasn't for the Game Quitters community. As stated in a passage from the book "Rewire" by Richard O'Connor, where in Chapter 12 titled "Relapse Prevention" he suggests us to: "Join a group of people with a similar problem, if at all possible... Feeling that we're isolate is both a motive for self-destructive behavior and a reason why we think we can get away with it." That being said I would like to thank sincerely @WorkInProgress @SpiNips @Dannigan @Merdoc_Rowboat @Somebodyelse @wookieshark88 @DaBest @AlexTheGrape @kortheo @Laney @SegaCity and everyone else who have checked up on my progress with simple things such as a 'like,' given me practical advice and encouragement throughout my detox journey. Obviously, without you @Cam Adair my life may have been no different or even worse off than it was 90 days ago, so from the bottom of my heart, thank you very much for literally changing my life for the better. I got back in shape both physically and mentally: got back to playing basketball again, made new friends, developed plenty of healthy habits such as reading and meditation to name a few (my parents were shocked when I carried half a luggage full of self-developement books instead of any gaming related products). "You want to know what I like more than video games? KNAWLEDGE!!"
  3. Day 89 (April 10, 2016) Finally made it back home safe! Parents were impressed with the amount of books I have brought back with me, and to be honest so was I. If I went back in time telling myself that I would have been interested in reading awhile back I would have gone to get myself checked out by the doctor. Despite talking about games with my brothers, I also notice that I don't get triggers anymore, which is nice. Now with plenty of time in my hands, I should start looking for some work tomorrow to start building a career for myself!
  4. Day 88 (April 9, 2016) Finally finished the last exam of this semester, one of the many important things to keep in mind for me is always to manage my time no matter what the circumstances. For I have completely laid back today (not skipping the daily exercises, however) and spent the rest of the day relaxing at home. Lucky or not, I was able to chill on my last day in Canada here with my friends, watching them playing through Life Is Strange. Despite the compelling gameplay, I was more focused on socializing with my pals, enjoying pizza and drinks at the comfort of my home. Guess I have fully developed some 'immunity' against any triggers so far, only focusing on the game of real life.
  5. Day 87 (April 8, 2016) Visited the library today again, and every time I do so I can feel my productivity skyrocket. Could just be that I have been watching too much junk with my housemates here on YouTube and with them around it is always hard to concentrate. In the library, however, you can find groups and individuals who are hardworking, and that is very motivating. Although to be fair every and then you can walk past some of them browsing Facebook and watching YouTube vlogs, but at the very least they are doing so quietly and are aware of the etiquettes there. Walking to the library also provides me the necessary steps to complete my daily steps goal, together with the extra flowing momentum I get, studying/working in the library is definitely a habit that I can get used to.
  6. Day 86 (April 7, 2016) One more exam to go! As complicated as it seems the challenge comes from knowing how close I am to the end, but yet so far. This is also what gets me every time, mis-weighing one day's worth of time to put in those extra minutes of revision could mean the difference between a 1.00 to 2.00 point increase in GPA. Despite the countless Pomodoro's and workouts, I have been putting in daily, however, following the Leangains intermittent fasting method is still something I seem to be struggling with.
  7. Thanks Cam, I friggin love this guy and his TED talk. If only I had heard it earlier back in my high school days and was willing to listen!
  8. Day 85 (April 6, 2016) Had a terrible start to a new day. Woke up late and had burgers and fries for "brunch". Not only feeling awful from wasting time on social media last night but also breaking both my diet and my fasting plan altogether. I thought to myself: "Oh whatever, I'll just enjoy the 'cheat day' today and start a new when the clock strikes 12:00 am!" Then it came to me that this was the same old mentality that I have been carrying since high school. This perfectionist logical fallacy of mine to think that I must do everything perfect in one day or I fail could just be the robber of my successes in life. Despite the many poor choices that I neglected to control in the morning, I managed to overcome my perfectionist self through the knowledge and wisdom I accumulated throughout these last 80 past days or so. Just goes to show again how efficient this journey has been doing for me so far. "You need to change the small actions that you are taking in your day to day life to change your future." - The basic premise from the book "The Compound Effect" by Darren Hardy. Even the great Aristotle says "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." Just because I had a bad morning, it doesn't mean the rest of my day have to be so either. Slowly, I began to make my bed (in the afternoon) and meditate - checking off tasks one by one rebuilding that momentum...
  9. Day 84 (April 5, 2016) Felt very productive again today, barely wasting any time on Netflix or YouTube - I feel a great motivation to study, something that has almost never happened before once in my high school life. The grind is tedious, but with all the changes I have been doing in my life so far I can feel the confidence in myself knowing all this hard work will pay off eventually...
  10. Wish I had your resolve man. Any tips on acquainting yourself with high-level people without looking awkward?
  11. Day 83 (April 4, 2016) Got out of the house today right after showering (from a workout) to finish up my steps goal, got some real studying in the library today despite all the drinking and partying these days. The trick really is to surround yourself with hardworking people and they will somehow rub off on you. Reminded me of when I watched the Game Quitters video on "5 Things I Wish I Did Differently at 18 Years Old", loved the quote on how you are the average of the five-person you hang out with.
  12. On a side note, it really helps to have you and other community members regularly checking on my day to day progress. I feel an increased sense of importance and your responses serve as an important reminder to me every day I log on! I will be sure to do the same over the summer when I am finished off with my exams and my detox!
  13. Day 82 (April 3, 2016) Finally achieved a "gold circle" in my UA Record app today and it feels amazingly good. I have basically met my health goals for the day in all four 'pillars' of my health: sleep (8 hours), activity (walked 7k steps), nutrition (following my intermittent fasting diet), and fitness (basketball for an hour). Just like checking off another day in the Coach.me app, this really helps to keep me motivated to stay healthy by utilizing the daily win principle from Respawn!
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