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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by WorkInProgress

  1. I liked it. It is a important lesson to get. I agree with the youtube comment about the music. Not sure if it actually improves the videos. If i had the choice I would turn down the volume a bit or cut it all together. No need for my brain to have more input while you talk because your talk is interesting enough. Love the slides to emphasize special passages though.
  2. Hey, I am sorry to hear hat you have a hard time. studying can be hard( I am procrastinating it by writing here). I think it is important to realize what is important to you and structure your day around it. If you feel like you need to study start there. Get habbits going wich support your studies(clean desk every morning, identify the msot important study task, go to sleep early so you can keep the things you study in your brain). A thing wich helps a bit is to split the task in to little goals. You say you want to catch up. First goal could be to identify what topics you need to unterstand to be back in line. Then you could study for the single topics and makes a plan for it. Some other good points are made in this article. Just start with one thing and do it for a week every day. Make things a habit then you won't get overwhelmed by your improvement and make it last. I will try this recipe today and tell you how it went. Hope i helped a bit. We are in this together!
  3. Day 57 Yesterday I started a new mindfullness practice and was shocked by the results. A few weeks ago I read about a study of obese people who tried to loose weight. One group had to write a fooddiary one day a week. Another group shouldn't do it and both were set on a diet. The group with the journal had better results in a short period and the sucess would be longer lasting too. I think it comes all down to mindfullness. If you just list what you do this is pure self-honesty, and this is a point wich is hard for me. I tried to make daily plans and todo-lists and I was never able to complete them. This time I would try it from a different angle and just list all the things i do for one day. If it helped obese people this thing could help me to. Here are my results( I wrote them all in a textfile): 5:00 - 6:00 wife | news | cats 6:00 - 6:40 gamequitters | markmanson.net 6:40 - 6:50 shave | brush teeth 6:50 - 7:05 meditate 7:05 - 7:45 clean kitchen | laundry 7:45 - 8:25 BW-training | shower 8:25 - 8:45 gamequitters + burnout artikel 8:45 - 9:00 youtube: public piano clip 9:00 - 9:25 make brunch and eat it 9:25 - 9:50 clean kitchen again 9:50 - 10:40 work 10:40 - 10:52 piano practice 10:52 - 11:05 laundry 11:05 - 11:35 read comics 11:35 - 12:00 "power" nap 12:00 - 12:10 study 12:10 - 12:50 youtube: Athlean-X 12:50 - 13:00 Porn 13:00 - 13:25 eat | read on markmanson.net 13:25 - 13:45 youtube: awesome people clips 13:45 - 14:15 piano training 14:15 - 14:45 studying 14:45 - 16:00 research boardgames | google Deathpoolfacts 16:00 - 16:30 gamequitters | laundry 16:30 - 21:00 vaccinate cats at the doctor | cook | play a cardgame with my wife Why am i shocked of the results? I have an exam in 9days and the prioritys i wish to have in my daily plan are something like this: studies including appointements for an internship > social life > house work > work > freetime But i studied only for one hour yesterday. That isn't even close to my desired effort. I did some good stuff and I obviously implemented some good habbits. It wasn't a terrible day but my prioritys are way off. If I am able to do studying instead of the red points it would have been an awesome day. Another thing I realized is a energy low around 11 a'clock. I will try to fix it with sport at this time instead of morning sport. I will continue this experiment but this will be the only time i post my results because it takes a lot of space and is kind of private. II think it will help me to get more quality out of my days. What are your thoughts about this? Gratitude - water - good ideas - reflection - arriving spring
  4. I don't consider me an expert on this and i would recommend Markmanson too. He has some great free ressources too(markmanson.net). Personally I think it comes down to just beinghonest and signal girls that you are interested. And with signal i mean say it it you feel like she is beautiful and interesting. Everyone wants to hear that people are interested and if you are ok with respecting her response however it is this isn't even needy. I talked with a few girls about this and read some stuff about this and all concludes to the point that the best thing you can do is take action. You have to make a fool out of yourself for a few times, you will get some rejections wich will hurt but all in all most girls are impressed if you are brave enough to say such things like. Hey I find you interesting and would like to get to know you better. Will you go grab a coffee with me? Doing is here more important then thinking. Ofcourse you have to be confident enough to be fine with every reaction you get.
  5. Awesoem that you had a good start in your new Job. Keep going you rock!
  6. Don't worry about bragging. Here is the place for it. We are happy if you get something good done!
  7. Here is an article about postponing(http://markmanson.net/procrastination). Maybe it helps you a bit to break the circle, greetings Mario
  8. You could try parkour or something like skydiving.
  9. @cam thank you, your kind words are appreciated as always Day 56 Gratitude - freedom - democracy - making fun of bad films with my wife
  10. @mark the doctor says it is neurodermitis but i am not so sure... However the urea salve works against this it just gets worse for some time then i put some salve on it and it dissapears. If i don't do that my skin at some parts of my hands is getting very dry and easy to wound. Dehiydration is not the case though because I drink around 2-3liters of water every day.
  11. Day 55 Time to take stock It is the 55th day of my detox and time to take stock. What goals did i set? What have I achieved in these 55 days? I achieved only 10% of my goals . I realized often it just isn't that important to get good english grammar or good handwriting. I had to stop computergames. At this point I have a clear reward of it. Things where I neither have a passion for nor a reward are hard for me to achieve. And if I am honest I don't feel bad about not achieving them. I keep them somewhere back in my mind and maybe I come back to these goals maybe not. These are like 50% of my failed goals Other things are important for me and I didn't do enough but improved. I didn't study as much as would be needed and as much as i could. My daily and weekly plan is still not working out as i want to. I haven't made a cleaning schedule and therefore can't stick to it. But i clean the appartement more often in general and do some things I don't have to in addition to this. I had some good talks with my friends and my family but not often enough for my liking. I found no other great hobbies then reading classics. Darts and juggling just got boring aslonf as i did them all for myself. I still need to find a more active hobby and something more social. Right now I am thinking about playing piano again and starting some kickboxing(kind of social). Another thing i want to do is to create my own boardgame. These are things I'm working on right now. I think I didn't hit all my goals here because it is hard to change a lot in a short time. I needed some time to clarify what is really important for me. Some ideas need to grow in my mind before i take action. Some goals need longer to reach but every step towards them is helpfull allready and brings you a little closer to the desired status quo. What did I accomplish? I worked a lot on my realtionsship with my wife, I did start an exercising habbit wich I go through with most of the time, I started reading and thinking about stuff again. I feel that I do a good job at my sidejob and not just surviving the day. I completed three exams and feel confident that the grades are good. I didn't game for 55days! Gratitude - I am on a path i like - writing - confidence - knowing what to do next
  12. Congratulations, I hope everything goes well! Seems like you picked a good time to get rid of gaming
  13. @Dannigan Nice that you find some stuff helpfull. I am definitly feeling right better now and one of the main reasons fo this is my journal and people responding too it. This is the first time that i write down my thoughts somewhere. I wouldn't do it only for myself. I would rationalize the thought of journalling away. But the fact that other people read it and find things helpfull keeps me rolling and that really helps me to clarify my thoughts. Thanks for your respond!.Here is article about procrastination for you wich i found very helpfull. Day 54 Yesterday was an energy low and didnt got anything done. I didn't exerise because my hands are very dry and got some wounds because of it. I highly suspect that is the reason for my missing energy. I will go back to jogging everyday until this is properly healed. Gratitude - got to bed very early and feel energized - my sidejob is gooing well - this forum -time to figure out my personal stuff this would be hard if i worked for 40hours/week
  14. @cam Yeah I did start and momentum is kicking in. It just makes me uncomfortable to advertise myself and i have to be creative because my actual abilitys are a little limited due to my investion into gaming over the last few years. But I have some things to say and luckily it doesn't matter if I put the same work experiences in every appointment . I think i get used to do it. It is just this initial needed force to get rolling where I struggled(yeah past tense!). Day 53 I did it. three awesome appointements are out. Took me around seven hours but I hope now things gets easier. Today I haven't that much time for it due to work and i should start studying again. But ok one thing after another. My goal is to write one appointement this morning get my work stuff done and study for 1-2 hours. It feels like juggling with all my expectations and obligations. That is ok though as long as I do make progress and I am definitly doing that. I am very close of the point where I feel like I have my everyday life under control and can start to go for new challenges. Gratitude - love - prefrontal cortex - having fun beeing smartass - my sidejob - comfy pyjamapants
  15. It is ok to be selfish for some time. But see it as a chance to improve on your social skills. At the end of the day family and friends are the most important factors for your own happiness. Improving your relationships is always worth your time. Awesome progress by the way. I am excited where it all goes! I am thinking about starting to play piano again. How did you get back into it? Are you just playing old pieces again? greetings Mario
  16. You' are spreading infectous thoughts Gett well soon!
  17. Hi Dan, thank you for sharing your story. This will be a turning point for you. You seem to be very reflected about your decision and this self awareness is one of the hardest and most important steps for change. Be honest with yourself and work everyday a bit more on the things you want to achieve and I am sure you have a whole new life in no time! Emotions stirring up in the first two weeks is normal because you give something up, what meant a lot for you for a long time. Youre action plan seems awesome! If you want some infomaterial about dating and socialising I would recommend you Mark Manson, he has some great articles about this stuff and is a fun read too. Greetings Mario
  18. Nice that you share your experiences.
  19. Day 52 @cam most propably you would hate my coffee taste then I found every coffee sort i tried so far ok - good. My wife is more snobby about it but i strongly suspect that my tasting nerves are just a little unsensitive. This is actually a good thing if you live in the city. You can eat and drink crap if you have to and you don't are that disgusted if someone or somethink stinks. I like to think that I am just the next evolutionary step adpapting to city life I have to send applications for my Internship wich should start at the start of may for some time now. Yesterday I got my first decline and decided that I have to sent a few more then the lousy two i allready sent out. But sadly I could convince myself that finding interesting internships is more important than actually applying to them. Atleast now I have the internships(9) ready and have just to write my appointements. This is the goal of today: Write atleast 3 appointements. I often procrastinate by doing other stuff like cleaning or reading(!bragalert! War and Peace by Tolstoi). My main problem is that as soon as I think about starting negative emotions like fear of failure, stress comes up. I start thinking why they don't need me, how many other students will write appointements and how bad I am at writing appointements. That I don't fully fullfill the qualifications that they want, what happens if i can't find an internship in time(I would have to study even longer because i need to finish this internship before i can start my masterthesis) and how my wife would get angry because I promised here that I am finally finishing my master next spring. Of course this is all bullshit and based on fear. If I do my best at writing my applications and I don't get an internship,i atleast gave it a fair try and could be proud of myself. On the other hand the conclusion of not writing or writing only a few appointments is, that I feel relieved for the moment but will not get an internship for sure. Just wanted to clear my thoughts with that post and it kind of worked. I will fokus at least 3 hours on this aspect before I do anything else. I will tell you tomorow how it went(public shaming for the win!) Next part of my action plan is to start at 9 a clock whatever happens or whatever I think at that moment and go for atleast 30min. Gratitude - reflection - quark - not beeing too sensitive with taste and smell - wisdom about willpower
  20. @cam awesome talk, bought her book about willpower now. I felt like: Shut up and take my money!
  21. Sorry for flooding you with information (like always: feel free to ignore it), but here is an awesome article about procrastination by one of my favorite writers on the internet: http://markmanson.net/procrastination
  22. This is a pretty comman effect don't worry too much about it. These phases come fast and dissappear fast. If you manage to do stuff without energy you can make it go away faster though. One thing I learned at the last month is that action leads to motivation. Just do anything active despite what your brain says. It doesn't ahve to be the optimized most effective task of the year. Just do something wich is simple and needs some effort. And check always if you drink and eat enough. I get often tired and realize afterwards I just didn't drink all day. greetings Mario
  23. Good to hear of someone who made it. This is always motivating. Had the same idea about summarizing my non-fiction reads but was too lazy and didn't do it the last two books. Well you motivated me so I will start it again. Thanks man and good luck with your further plans.
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