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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Cam Adair

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Everything posted by Cam Adair

  1. ?It's hard to know exactly but the general rule of thumb is that depending on the extent of your gaming, 90 days is a good amount of time for your brain and body to detox back to normal dopamine sensitivity levels, and in doing so it will have a positive affect on your ability to enjoy "normal" (non-gaming) activities and you should see a boost to your willpower as well, amongst other positive changes (more energy, stability in your emotions, etc..) For some it will take more than 90, some it will take less. But 90 is a good gauge to focus on. But you are correct that within this time period you shouldn't be hard on yourself. And really ever, because being hard on yourself creates discouragement, guilt and shame and lowers your self-esteem, which in turn decreases motivation and the negative spiral ensues. So instead what I've found is understanding the difference between "being hard on myself" and holding myself accountable is important (listen to this podcast for more on that) and also to celebrate the small wins (acknowledge and recognize yourself when you are doing the right things, no matter how small, because this is what will build self-esteem, create positive emotions and associations and boost motivation), creating a positive feedback loop (watch this video for more on that).
  2. That's awesome! Way to go man, super proud of you. And the best part is... this is only the beginning. Imagine as you continue your new approach to life over the next year, two years, three years how much of a continued improvement it will be. And all you have to do is continue the small actions that are contributing to your success right now.
  3. Great to talk to you my man!
  4. Hey Alex! Great to see your journal up here. Although you can't control what you did before and the "success" or lack thereof you had, your results were a direct result of your actions, so if you change your actions (with your newfound knowledge and community to support you), your results can also change. It's important to not compare ourselves now to "versions" of ourselves in the past... because things have changed in some ways too! Instead, focus on what you know will provide results over time: the right (small) actions taken day after day, your habits. I'd recommend reading The Power of Habit as soon as you can. It will help a lot.
  5. Woohoo! Another journal to read.
  6. Hey! Welcome to the forum. Happy to have you join us! I love NYC. I was just there! I think the letter idea sounds great. I definitely encourage you to do it if it feels right to you. I know Joe (wookieshark) has some experience sharing his addiction with his partner after she didn't really know about it so maybe he will be able to share some insight for you on taking that step too.
  7. If you keep reading these kind of books, your life will continue to change forever. Never underestimate the power of reading one book that has the power to change your life each month. Loving your progress. Proud of you man.
  8. Hey Zala! On this forum you'll fit right in being 30. There are more of the 30+ crowd struggling with this gaming issue than you probably think. (Did you know the average gamer is 35 years old?) Part of why you experience the fatigue when you aren't gaming is because of the depletion of dopamine you're experiencing from overgaming. You can watch some of the science about that here. The 90 day detox will be great for you to commit to, which will give you enough time for your brain to recover and then you will notice a + in your energy levels I bet! Also when it comes to feelings of guilt/shame/disappointment, I always recommend reading the work by Bren
  9. This will be a great read for you: Everything you wanted to know about procrastination but were too lazy to figure out
  10. Yes! Participating is really important. The way you do something is the way you do everything. If you lurk online you lurk in your life too.
  11. Glad you had a good time at camp!
  12. Hey man! We've got your back. Regardless of how easy or how hard it is, we are here.
  13. Can't wait to celebrate when you hit that goal with your weight!
  14. ?Remember that the point of meditation is to be peaceful in this chaos. It's not about being able to able to do meditation well or not, it's about regardless of how it goes, easy, hard, whatever, that you are there in it and continue anyways. That's why meditation is one of the best ways to improve your life - it teaches you how to be in that same state outside of meditation, when in all honesty, life is chaotic and out of your control in many ways, so all you can control is how you show up, and a great place to start is to be at peace with whatever is happening in the moment, even chaos.
  15. ?Check out if Davids Tea ships to your area. So good.
  16. ?Woohoo! Way to go man! We're really proud of you. Make sure you go share your 90 day insights in this thread.
  17. Hey Tom! Thanks for joining us here! I love the Netherlands and hope to visit again sometime soon again! It sounds like you and Joe (wookieshark) have much in common, being a father. I'd love to see a picture of your 90 day calendar. Think that would make a good inspiring post for people to see! Let me know if you have any questions. We've got your back. Looking forward to reading more of your journey.
  18. Happy you enjoyed the video! The onion metaphor is certainly accurate. Maybe I'll do another video on that soon. As you learn more your purpose evolves, etc etc.
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