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  1. I am one of those guys who appreciates discovering all of his country, but I do want to visit some other countries too. I would love to go to Florence and Rome - Italy and Vienna - Austria. I tend to appreciate culture and sightseeing. I could go and study for 6 months in another country, but I would probably have to choose one of the two - study or experience the country. At this moment, I would prefer the study. Definitely considering taking a Summer Internship in London. As a Portuguese, I recommend you to visit Lisbon. It's been gaining a reputation of being an hidden gem in Europe, because people tend to go to Madrid, Barcelona, Paris... and never take Lisbon into consideration. We have such a great gastronomy! I say this, because when I traveled to other countries I found that they lacked diversity in their meals. The people around here are very friendly to tourists (even more in Porto). Oh and it's very cheap while compared to other cities (because the minimum wage is 530€ atm).
  2. My bad, I meant sensing instead of observing. But it lead to the same conclusion. Normally, intuitive individuals tend to learn and motivate by themselves. While sensing learn from others. You said that you don't like to be influenced by others, so I assumed that you were intuitive! As a sensor, I tend to have a more open mind. I try stuff to see if they work and I initially "trust" on what I hear. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't (downside). We have to be more careful on what we trust, or we will believe on everything we see (downside). A sensor would probably believe on what the coach is saying and get motivated by him. This is what I would do, probably.
  3. Hey Travis! Glad to see you're still around! Always happy to read that someone is improving their productivity! Evernote is simply amazing! Interesting, The Secret Weapon was more or less what I've been doing, but I didn't learn it from there! If you want to give a boost to productivity, I totally recommend the Dayboard chrome extension. It asks you for 5 tasks to be done through the day when you first open the chrome web browser. I've been loving it. Regarding what happened in the workout, I guess you're more intuitive than observing, which is okay. In such cases, I guess it's only a matter of time until you build up some trust to the coach.
  4. Hey Matt! Great idea on writing out what you learned during each day! Tips for CV/Interviews? Set up a LinkedIn account if you haven't one already, read about it and pimp it out. It's really useful to make you more known, if you do it well. Maybe set up a cool personal web page! For Interviews, I guess it just comes with practice. If you go to job conferences and talk to people who already work, you'll get used to it and you'll be much more relaxed in interviews. But from what I've seen, the first thing Human Resource looks in a CV is the last professional experience (which you might have none, they will look to your university then) and then they will look into your hobbies. HRs give tremendous importance to hobbies. Be proactive! I'd argue that the most happy students are the most connected ones, but I can see your point of view
  5. hey SpiNips! Glad to see you're still kicking I know I'm late, but Happy Birthday! Yeah, the chocolate idea might work out! Be sure to try with other kind of rewards too! Having a planning routine works wonders! One tool that I've been using lately is Dayboard. It's a chrome extension that asks you for 5 goals for the day. I'm loving that tool, to be honest, you should try it out! Listening is a really important skill! Most people are constantly waiting for their time to speak, without listening to what others are saying. And it's very easy! Dale Carnegie spoke highly of it.
  6. Hello folks! Damn, there's been a while since I last came here! Glad to see the forum a lot active! I just saw the most recent video, the interview with Richard Kuo, and I remembered to come here and post something for you guys First of all, I don't really know if I made the entire 90 day challenge, but I was probably very close. Yes, I started to play again, BUT, just like Richard, in moderation. Basicaly, I've been so much occupied that I only play video games when I actually don't have anything else to do, which is like once (2 hours playthrough) every 3 or 4 days, more or less. And I gained the ability to control the time I play. Something I've been developing since the last few years. I still think that I should be doing some other thing besides gaming, but it's like a reward for the ton of work I've been doing. Only after the work is done - delayed gratification. What have I been doing? I did ALOT. I am now one of the top students in Telecommunications Engineering ( I was before in the lower 50%), one of the most active mentors (freshmen and foreign students) with regular meetings, collaborating on an inovative project with a company, launched and maintained a blog about productivity and self-growth with a new post every week (with a 5 posts buffer), read atleast 1 hour everyday and probably I am going to be one of the first university's ambassadors. Got an exclusive interview with the CTO of the only music streaming service in portugal for a project, got a mentor (the professor I spoke about in the previous posts), did the most part of other projects alone ( too much work for the other colleagues it seemed) and was trusted by a professor to receive and take note of students' self-evaluation of a project. What is the most important thing to get rid of gaming? Read! Read a lot. I'm so much amazed as I changed so much since I first started to read. I mostly read non-fiction, but I am now reading non fiction through the day and fiction before bed. I think that if you read, you will have a much bigger awareness of everything you do. Read books, blogs, articles, watch TED videos, etc... Also, I advise to focus a lot on self-growth. Yes, read self-help books. But good ones, like the ones Cam recommended such as The Power of Habit. Amazing book, just finished reading it. Made so much sense. Yes, self-help might sound cheesy, but you must know that you can change A LOT. And that there's a lot out there that you don't know. Stay busy and stick with it. Once you have the habit going, you won't have the time for gaming. I will try to read your threads soon, I promise!
  7. Hey Zala! I know that you're going through! As a guy living with 3 gamers, I felt the peer pressure to go back to gaming. All the suggestions they say to you is to make you back to where you were. They don't mean any harm, it's just to recover the balance (can't find a better word atm). Watching movies for me it's way better than gaming. Atleast in the beginning. It's not as addicting! And if you start to watch some documentaries instead, even better I will state again that you should get into new things just to get your mind off of gaming. I really like Cam's suggestion of going out of home early. Try to go for a minute walk and add another minute each day. Hang on in there. We're here for you! There are some periods that you really have doubts about what you're doing and it's very important not to think about it. You are in the best path you can be right now.
  8. Sorry for not posting here, but I've been really into building my blog, watching videos, mentoring, planning a project with a company and studying. I basically stopped doing anything which isn't useful for me and for people around me. No TV, no facebook, no games, nothing. I'm glad to see you guys around here I didn't give up on my journal! But I've been doing it in my physical one. It's much easier for me to write there, I tend to stay away from the PC as long as I can, lately. I've been feeling very happy, grateful, much more aware of things, optimist and full of energy! The blog is one of my main focuses now. I even wrote a small ebook (in portuguese) based on a book I've read to give it for free for people who will subscribe to it. I found something in writting. I'm not very good at it, but I've been enjoying it! And I can see that developing this skill is important and it's been fun! I will check you guys out next time I'll come here! Keep on the good path folks! It's the best thing you can do for yourselves.
  9. ?Thank you, Joe! He goes really deep indeed. And just think that this wasn't even meant for other people to read, only to himself... ?Hello Tom, great to have you here! I'm glad you liked them! I study engineering, but I like philosophy a lot and also some other areas Seneca is one of my next philosophy reads! I don't know buddhism that much, but it's very interesting if it has some common knowledge!
  10. Hey folks! I just finished reading "Meditations" and I've got to say that this is one of these books that you have to read every 6 months. The first time you read it will be hard, because you will have to reflect upon each entry. i guess the next times I'll read it again it will be faster. Just to make me aware of its knowledge. The book has teached me a lot about mastering my emotions and how and why to cease the day. I'd say it's life changing if you really look into it. Totally recommend it to everyone. What I've learned: Not to let anger, pain and envy take control of me;That most of my worries and pain are only there, because of my judgements;(Not learned, but really understood) That life is very brief and that we must live it with a set of values;And more.Here are the quotes that I found more important to me: - "You should take no action unwillingly, selfishly, uncritically, or with conflicting motives... Let the god that is within you be the champion of the being you are..." - "When circumstances force you to some sort of distress, quickly return to yourself. Do not stay out of rhythm for longer than you must: You will master the harmony the more by constantly going back to it." - "This should be your practice throughout all your life: When things have such a plausible appearance, show them naked, see their shoddiness, strip away their boastful account of themselves." - "If someone can prove me wrong and show me my mistake in any thought or action, I shall gladly change. I seek the truth, which never harmed anyone: the harm is to persist in one's self-deception and ignorance." - "Imagine you were now dead, or had not lived before this moment. Now view the rest of your life as a bonus, and live it as nature directs." - "When you have done good and another has benefited, why do you still look, as fools do, for a third thing besides - credit for good works, or a return?" - "In every contingency keep in your mind's eye those who had the same experience before, and reacted with vexation, disbelief, or complaint. So where are they now? Nowhere. Well then, do you want to act like them? Why not leave the moods and shifts of others to the shifting and the shifted, and for youself concentrate wholly on how to make use of these contigencies? You will then use them well, and they will be raw material in your hands. Only take care, and seek your own best good in all that you do. Remember these two things: the action is important, the context indifferent." - "Perfection of character is this: to live each day as if it were your last, without frenzy, without apathy, without pretence." - "Everything has come into being for a purpose - a horse, say, a vine. Does this surprise you? Even the sun will say, 'I came into being for a purpose': likewise the other gods. For what purpose, then, were you created? For your pleasure? Just see whether this idea can be entertained."-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 9 of Meditation and Day 10 of the Funniness exercise: Wow, this meditation was hard! Really focused on my breathing this time. Drifted a lot, but I managed to return to myself and focus on my breathing. The funniness exercise was hard. I drifted quite a bit in the end of each exercise... My mind is fighting me D: Gratefulness (10th day) I'm grateful for: 51. The insights that Marcus Aurelius shared; 52. Having more books to read; 53. Having a lot to do; 54. Starting to master my emotions; 55. Weekend!
  11. Did a post but when I posted it, a friend turned off the router and I lost the post. I can't write it all again, don't have time But I have it in my head. Sorry for not posting in your threads, but I've been too busy... Which is nice in some way. Day 8 of Meditation and Day 9 of the Funniness exercise: Gratefulness (10th day) I'm grateful for: 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
  12. ?Yeah, this is very true! Mainly if you're in something with a few students. You can create a good connection with them Thank you for the information, Chris! ?So true! If you do something that you don't love, you should do something different right away. There is always a way to do something different while trying to find another passion. Well, engineering isn't something that I love BUT it's something that I can do whatever I'm in a bad spot. And it is also a good thing to be, because you can go to very different paths with it
  13. Nothing special today. i had a coffee meetup with my mentored freshmen and a friend of mine. 3 out of 4 showed up, i guess the other one didn't show up, because of the course's dinner that happened yesterday (heard he was a party animal, that explains it ). Me and my friend said several tips to them and also gave them some motivation about what they are able to do once they finish the course, etc... Day 7 of Meditation and Day 8 of the Funniness exercise: Ahhh the meditation felt really well! I just felt much more grounded after doing it. Returned to look for funniness! Found some today and got some laughs. Gratefulness (9th day) I'm grateful for: 41. Free WordPress Themes; 42. Having interested freshmen to be mentored; 43. Having so much free time today; 44. Reading properly again! 45. Feeling so much grounded.
  14. Thank you! I did really feel accomplished! Now my group has to do even better in the final project and presentation (in December). But this presentation was also important (20% of the final grade), and to be honest it was more just to score points with the professor. I wanted to show him that we worked hard and that we are good. Took notes about some minor weak points he stated and they won't happen again in the last presentation in December.
  15. Just watched the video. You showed the point in a very simple an non complicated way, which was very nice! I only understood that the games kind of hack you by giving you purpose, instead of you going through your own path and choosing your own purposes (the latter is ofc harder). A guy can pass his whole life playing videogames thinking that he was accomplishing things, but in the end he will probably say that he didn't really accomplish anything in his life after all. The idea of myself saying this sincerely TERRIFIES me. I don't want to be that guy and I don't wish it on anyone... Since I stopped gaming I had this purpose that I loved to learn. I don't ever want to stop learning at any point in my life. And it has indeed kept me focused in it, instead of doing other stuff. I'm starting to get another sense of purpose, but I still have to learn more stuff to do it yet. I heard that finding your life purpose is like going through the layers of an onion. When you think you found a life purpose you are in a certain layer. After you will probably find that you were wrong and that there is another one that you think it is your Life Purpose, and you are in the layer under the previous one. If you do this, you will be closer to your true life purpose, the core of the onion. But this path is almost lifelong. But as you said, that's why we have to have life purposes in a timeframe (within a week, month, year), so that it's easier to go through the onion. I'm glad that you are going to write a book! I believe that you're going to do a great one! Great video as always
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