alphadax Posted May 22, 2020 Author Posted May 22, 2020 Day #16 Daily reflection: Greetings. This will be short since I don't have access to computer today. Made good progress on my move out checklist. I have a plan to finish going through most of the stuff in the living room tomorrow. If I don't want to put my programming on the back burner though, I might need to move my deadline back. We'll see though. Tomorrow I will sell a good chunk of my nostalgic gaming gear. Wish me luck. Sleep (Goal: 8 hours, 11:00 pm-7:00 am) Perfect. I've felt very good in the morning the past couple of days. Hopefully this continues. Daily exercise (Goal: 30 min) Dumbbell exercises and pull-up bar again Things I am grateful for today (Goal: 5 things) Will report back tomorrow
alphadax Posted May 23, 2020 Author Posted May 23, 2020 Day #17 Daily reflection: Hello! Today was a pretty good day. I managed to get rid of a lot of stuff and made some decent money as well. Hopefully I didn't catch corona. I've also started making headway into the closet ahead of schedule, which is great. One of the things on my to-do list is to go through my wardrobe, but it's kind of difficult to buy clothes right now because most places don't want people trying stuff on. I guess I'll start by tossing stuff I know I won't wear and try to get stuff that I know will fit. Tomorrow I will spend a bit more time on programming, then work on cleaning some more. Sleep (Goal: 8 hours, 11:00 pm-7:00 am) Great! Daily exercise (Goal: 30 min) Same as yesterday. Weather permitting I'd like to get a walk in tomorrow to give my arms a break. Things I am grateful for today (Goal: 5 things) 1. Kindness of strangers 2. Good luck 3. Vegetables 4. My friends 5. Kindness of strangers It's funny thinking back on everything that happened today. I had one negative interaction in the morning that I noticed immediately. I thought about how strange it was that it affected my mood in such a big way. I resolved to try and stay positive and make a good impact on others for the rest of the day. Like magic, every interaction I had with another person for the rest of the day seemed more positive than usual. People just seemed much more friendly. I don't know. Just an interesting observation.
alphadax Posted May 24, 2020 Author Posted May 24, 2020 Day #18 Daily reflection: Today, there was many algorithms to be had. I finished up my implementation of the 8puzzle board class which seemed to be working, so that's good. The solver is a little bit trickier so it could take some time to work out. I think I have at least a skeleton worked out now, but I need to look more in detail at the implementation. Made a small bit of progress on move-out stuff. It's hard because i want to get rid of things, but everything is still kind of shut down. Did some skateboarding today which I haven't done in a while--works out pretty well for quarantine. Plan for tomorrow will be also somewhat laid back, but I'd like to spend at least a couple hours on coding and cleaning. Over and out. Sleep (Goal: 8 hours, 11:00 pm-7:00 am) *thumbs up emoji* Daily exercise (Goal: 30 min) Skateboarding!
alphadax Posted May 25, 2020 Author Posted May 25, 2020 Day #19 Daily reflection: Great day today. It was hot and sunny but I didn't mind, it's a good change of weather. Might have a slight sunburn. Walked to campus and had some graduation photos taken with my cousin. It was pretty fun. Also went skateboarding for a bit. Might try to get out to an actual skate park one of these days, getting a little tired of my small patch of sidewalk at the local park. I'm getting better at turning though. Still trying to Ollie. If the weather is good again tomorrow I'll probably go practice skating some more. Oh yeah I also got a passing score on my programming assignment for this week, so that's nice. Might take a second pass through tomorrow to clean it up. Sleep (Goal: 8 hours, 11:00 pm-7:00 am) *thumbs up emoji* Daily exercise (Goal: 30 min) Skateboarding, walking Today I am grateful for the weather, family, skateboarding, guitar, my hair
alphadax Posted May 26, 2020 Author Posted May 26, 2020 Day #20 Daily reflection: Chill day today. Got more into piano and guitar. Need to be a little more productive tomorrow with moving checklist. Sleep (Goal: 8 hours, 11:00 pm-7:00 am) Good Daily exercise (Goal: 30 min) Skateboarding
alphadax Posted May 27, 2020 Author Posted May 27, 2020 Day #21 Daily reflection: Hi, hope if you're reading this you had a great day. Mine was ok. I still wasn't very productive with moving stuff, but I at least got some algorithms lectures done. The weather's been so great lately that I just wanted couldn't get any work done. First I went for a walk and played on my drum pad outside, which I haven't done in a while. Made me reminisce about my highschool days. There's something very simple and right about just being outside playing music. Preferably with other people but you know how thing are right now. I also did some more guitar and piano, trying to learn Jolene by Dolly Parton on guitar and the Howl's Moving Castle theme on piano. It's funny because on guitar I feel like I know what I need to do but my fingers don't have the technique to do it, while on the piano I don't know what to do because I suck at reading music but my technique is pretty solid. Met a friend randomly at the park while I was skateboarding. I was happy to see him, but later I was kind of bummed because he didn't even tell me he was in town. I guess he's only in town for a couple days, and the virus has kind of crapped on everything, but it would have been nice if he had reached out. Anyway I felt way more comfortable on the board today than yesterday. Still working on trying to Ollie but I'm not too worried about it. I'm more in making my general skating more solid. And to do that I literally just need to skate more. It's pretty fun but also very tiring, so if I do my time efficiently I can only last 2-4 hours max before I need to head back inside anyway. Also evening showers are definitely becoming a thing, because boy do I stink afterwards... Today I "beat the snake" for the first time in a while if you know what I mean... Awkward to talk about on here, but I think it's an interesting topic. In some ways I'm guessing that it's kind of similar to gaming, where you get that rush of dopamine and endorphins. A quick Google search online generally shows that masturbating is healthy, but I wonder to what extent that's true? Perhaps the old mantra "everything in moderation" applies here. But how much is too much? In general, I feel like my mood is better when I haven't done it in a while, but I'm not sure that's a causal relationship. If we use masturbation to feel better or relieve stress, then when we aren't doing it that could just mean we aren't feeling anxious or stressed to begin with. So I'm going to be keeping a closer eye on my habits. I think it's probably not a good idea to make masturbation your "default" activity for stress, boredom, anxiety, etc. But at the same time, I do feel like relieving sexual tension is kind of a basic human need. What do you guys think? Let me know if you have any good sources for scientific research on this topic. Sleep (Goal: 8 hours, 11:00 pm-7:00 am) Good Daily exercise (Goal: 30 min) Skateboarding Today I am grateful for family, the sun, skateboarding, cold showers, and salads 2
GrainSiloEnthusiast Posted May 27, 2020 Posted May 27, 2020 Yes! Masturbation can definitely be healthy... as long as you don't end up becoming addicted to that too! Which is why places like r/nofap exist, because some people really do need to cold-turkey beating their meat. Definitely try to maintain moderation so you don't ruin it for yourself ahaha! I think up to once or twice a day is fine as long as you're not letting it impede your life otherwise. I tend to go days or weeks without doing it, but I used to be a total chronic fapper when I was a teen lol. I don't really have any sources that can't be found on Google, but I know I personally feel best when I relieve myself when I need to be relieved, and I don't over do it.
Arthur Posted May 27, 2020 Posted May 27, 2020 Personally, I am aiming to avoid masturbation as much as I can because I want to eventually get a good girlfriend. But if I want a good girlfriend i first need to fix my life, so I am channeling that crave into something constructive. I masturbated around twice a week for the last month and I will be lowering it to once a week for the next month. (before I was doing it around twice a day with porn) After orgasm I usually feel content and sleepy, opposite of how I should be feeling looking at my circumstances. Also, I don't watch pornography anymore so when I masturbate I think of girls from my life that I find attractive or had a sexual relationship with in the past. But then I ask myself - why am I not having sex with them? And the answer is - because I am still a mess and I need to fix my life first to help me cope with anxieties, etc. With some of them i don't even want to have sex with because they repel me on other levels. And then I ask myself - "So, you are ok with just imagining having sex with girls them rather than working towards having sex with them?" And this just does it for me - I am intellectually repelled by my previous masturbation habits.
alphadax Posted May 28, 2020 Author Posted May 28, 2020 Day #22 Daily reflection: Kind of a weird day today. Been obsessing over my hair because it looks terrible. I want to grow it out longer but I also need it to look professional. Right now I just look ridiculous. If I can just tame the sides in I think it will be ok. I did some research and I think my hair is just dry so I'm going to try conditioner. I got it trimmed recently but I don't think it helped at all. My goal is to get to shoulder length and eventually be able to put it in a bun or ponytail. But it's incredibly frustrating when your hair just looks like shit for months... Hopefully I can get it to a point that myself and my workplace will be happy with. Kind of feeling crappy today so tomorrow I'll start the day of right with a shower and some breakfast. Then I want to get some laundry in and go for a walk, and work on my programming. I have a bunch of house stuff to do as well in the afternoon, but I'll start with just getting groceries. Sleep (Goal: 8 hours, 11:00 pm-7:00 am) Good Daily exercise (Goal: 30 min) None 1
alphadax Posted May 29, 2020 Author Posted May 29, 2020 Day #23 Daily reflection: Laying out my plans for today in yesterday's journal helped a lot with my motivation. Showering helped me feel so much better, and I was able to fix my hair a bit. I got laundry done and did a couple errands along with groceries. I also looked up some recipes to try out because my cooking has gotten rather stale lately. I tried this pulled pork instant pot recipe and it turned out really well. I'm always looking for easy recipes that taste good, and this is definitely one of them. I've honestly only used my pressure cooker for rice and stews, so I didn't even know there was a saute setting. I'm also trying to make sure I always have a good stock and variety of fruits and vegetables. If I let it go too long before restocking groceries I can definitely tell me mood declines. Having a healthy balanced diet definitely improves my mood. I didn't write about this yesterday, but I found a really good guide for programming keyboard shortcuts. This seems extremely useful and I can't wait to implement some of these in my work. Tomorrow I want to schedule a car checkup at the dealer, continue cleaning and going through my clothes, and start packing up my out-of-season clothing. I also want to continue working on the programming assignment for this week, ideally getting it done by Monday. And I want to start reading Atomic Habits. And probably do some more skateboarding. 🙂 Sleep (Goal: 8 hours, 11:00 pm-7:00 am) Good Daily exercise (Goal: 30 min) Walk at the park Today i am grateful for pulled pork, showers, and family. 1
alphadax Posted May 30, 2020 Author Posted May 30, 2020 (edited) Day #24 Daily reflection: Was feeling tired last night so I had to come back and write this in the morning. I spent a good part of the morning (yesterday) trying to reduce eye strain with my PC. I feel like my eyes are always tired and I don't have the best vision, so I wanted to see how I could make it easier to spend time at the computer. I think I had some success there, my eyes are feeling much better today. What I did was I went to my display settings and increased the scaling from 100% to 125%. This makes everything look bigger, including the text, which makes it easier to read. I also decreased my monitor brightness, because I found it was much brighter than my surroundings. Then I wrote a letter to someone and worked on scheduling some misc. checkups and appointments. My roommate came over to get some of his things in the afternoon and we talked for a bit. In the evening I had planned to do some skateboarding, but the weather was looking kind of dodgy, so I tried to work on my programming. I wasn't feeling very motivated so I ended up just relaxing and watching anime for the majority of the evening. Later I realized I was actually feeling more tired than normal, so i went to bed early. I think I might have a fever. Hopefully I don't have the virus, but just to be safe I rescheduled the appointments I had for today. Sleep (Goal: 8 hours, 11:00 pm-7:00 am) Good Daily exercise (Goal: 30 min) Dumbbells Edited May 30, 2020 by apatton090
alphadax Posted May 31, 2020 Author Posted May 31, 2020 Day #25 Daily reflection: Don't think I'm actually sick, but I'm keeping an eye out for symptoms. Might have just been tired. A bit of a lazy day today, but I think that's OK. The main thing I did was read. I started a new book called "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. His arguments are simple and easy to follow. I think it will prove a valuable resource towards improving my interpersonal skills. My goal is to read 2 chapters per day so that i finish reading by June 22nd. I also caught up on some anime. That's about all for today. Sleep (Goal: 8 hours, 11:00 pm-7:00 am) Good Daily exercise (Goal: 30 min) Walk Today I am grateful for friends and family, sleep, food, couches, health and safety.
Fagus Posted May 31, 2020 Posted May 31, 2020 I've read a summary of Carnegie's book some time ago and foung it really insightful. People like it when you show interest in them and listen to them. But sometimes it is hard to hold yourself back and to show interest. About eye strain: On my Windows devices I use "night mode". Quote Your display emits blue light—the kind of light you see during the day—which can keep you up at night. To help you get to sleep, turn on the night light and your display will show warmer colors at night that are easier on your eyes I found this really helpful. But it does make me a bit sleepy. I hope you get well soon and that your fever disappears. 1
alphadax Posted June 1, 2020 Author Posted June 1, 2020 5 hours ago, Fagus said: I've read a summary of Carnegie's book some time ago and foung it really insightful. People like it when you show interest in them and listen to them. But sometimes it is hard to hold yourself back and to show interest. About eye strain: On my Windows devices I use "night mode". I found this really helpful. But it does make me a bit sleepy. I hope you get well soon and that your fever disappears. Yes, I've only tried his techniques a few times now but I was surprised at how difficult it was to hold back and not talk about myself. It made me realize how much we tend to focus in on ourselves, even when we don't realize. On my computer I am using the "flux" app which does a similar thing. I've found it quite useful. Day #26 Daily reflection Today was a good day. It's past my computer hours so I'll try to make this quick. I finished my online programming class today which I am proud of. I feel like my programming skills have improved somewhat. I now have a basic understanding of running time, algorithms, data structures, and good practices. I have improved my debugging skills significantly. I plan to continue on with Part 2 of the course, but at a slower pace. The most important concepts are in the first week of the course, so I will at least view those. I'm planning to spend at most 1.5 hours a day on it so I can focus on getting ready to move, among other things. Tomorrow the plan is to wake up, shower, eat breakfast, do some programming, then read / exercise (skate?), pay the bills (double check rent), update LinkedIn and resume, look into event ideas, and form a plan for the MOC through the end of June. Let's get to it! Sleep (Goal: 8 hours, 11:00 pm-7:00 am) Good, pushing back to 6:30am Daily exercise (Goal: 30 min) Walk Today I am grateful for (Goal: 5 things) The guy who waved back at me at the park The sunshine Grass Dale Carnegie and his book My friends
alphadax Posted June 2, 2020 Author Posted June 2, 2020 Day #27 Daily reflection Interesting day today. Lots of housekeeping such as laundry, social media upkeep and logistics. Also a lot of general laziness and lounging. Waking up earlier surprisingly had a huge effect on my stomach, definitely did not feel like eating breakfast. But I did shower and start the day with some programming. Got my reading done as well and a quick walk at the park. As far as the MOC is concerned, i still don't really know what to do. I think I'm going to take a look at the items I don't know what to do with, such as the TV and the bike, and make a decision on what to do with those. Also I want to start packing up some clothes. Sleep (Goal: 7.5-8.5 hours, 10:30 pm-6:30 am) Good, pushing back to 6:30am Daily exercise (Goal: 30 min) Walk
alphadax Posted June 3, 2020 Author Posted June 3, 2020 Day #28 Daily reflection Still feeling lazy. Don't know what's going on. My eyes always feel tired. Saw two deer today during my walk. Did a lot of reading as well. Tomorrow I have a dental check-up. I plan to stay off the computer tomorrow until I can come up with a reasonable plan for the MOC which I still have not done. Sleep (Goal: 7.5-8.5 hours, 10:30 pm-6:30 am) Good. Still feels weird. I'm going to try it until at least Monday to see if I can adjust. If not I will go back to 7am. Daily exercise (Goal: 30 min) Walk, Run, Skateboarding Today I am grateful for: the couple I met during my walk, the deer I saw during my walk, having food to eat, having water to drink, and my eyes--for helping me see the world around me, even if they are not perfect
alphadax Posted June 4, 2020 Author Posted June 4, 2020 Day #29 Daily reflection Finally a somewhat productive day! I had an appointment to get my teeth cleaned in the morning so I think that helped get the ball rolling. I tried applying some of the principles in the book I've been reading with the people I talked to today. It definitely takes a lot more concentration and effort than I'm used to. I'm used to just barely skirting by in my relationships and not really paying close attention to people. And I used to think I was a good listener! I feel like now I have a better idea of what being a good listener really means. Anyway, I had a great experience applying these techniques, and I will make sure to continue practicing them and perhaps start recording them in my journal. Tomorrow I hope to really kick-start some things with my moving-out checklist. I'm going to defer my programming to later in the day because I think this is more important. Sleep (Goal: 7.5-8.5 hours, 10:30 pm-6:30 am) Went back to 7am... I don't think my body can take waking up any earlier! Daily exercise (Goal: 30 min) Kind of messed up today. I'll try to get some intentional exercise in tomorrow. Today I am grateful for: my dentist, dale carnegie, my health and safety, my parents health and safety, my job
alphadax Posted June 5, 2020 Author Posted June 5, 2020 Day #30 Daily reflection Ehh. 30 days without gaming but I'm still stuck in the house most of the time and I just watch YouTube and anime all day. At least I got some programming done. Didn't really stick to my original plan for today. Tomorrow I will try to get some laundry done. I think I will work more on programming. Quarantine is driving me insane Sleep (Goal: 7.5-8.5 hours) Good Daily exercise (Goal: 30 min) Ehhhh 1
BooksandTrees Posted June 5, 2020 Posted June 5, 2020 1 hour ago, apatton090 said: Day #30 Daily reflection Ehh. 30 days without gaming but I'm still stuck in the house most of the time and I just watch YouTube and anime all day. At least I got some programming done. Didn't really stick to my original plan for today. Tomorrow I will try to get some laundry done. I think I will work more on programming. Quarantine is driving me insane Sleep (Goal: 7.5-8.5 hours) Good Daily exercise (Goal: 30 min) Ehhhh Congrats on day 30. 1
alphadax Posted June 6, 2020 Author Posted June 6, 2020 Day #31 Daily reflection Making some progress on move out checklist. Tired for now so will try to get a longer report in later this week. Sleep (Goal: 7.5-8.5 hours) Good Daily exercise (Goal: 30 min) Ehhhh kind of. I feel like tomorrow I should go skateboarding 1
alphadax Posted June 7, 2020 Author Posted June 7, 2020 Day #32 Daily reflection Sold a bunch of stuff today, making some progress on my checklist. Hanging out with friends tomorrow. Need to clean up some stuff before they get here. Sleep (Goal: 7.5-8.5 hours) Good Daily exercise (Goal: 30 min) Skateboarding 1
BooksandTrees Posted June 7, 2020 Posted June 7, 2020 On 6/5/2020 at 10:37 PM, apatton090 said: Daily exercise (Goal: 30 min) Ehhhh kind of. I feel like tomorrow I should go skateboarding 2 hours ago, apatton090 said: Daily exercise (Goal: 30 min) Skateboarding Glad to see you followed your goal. Not many people on here do that. 1
alphadax Posted June 8, 2020 Author Posted June 8, 2020 Day #33 Daily reflection Good day today. Got to hang out with friends and made a lot of progress cleaning the house. Sleep (Goal: 7.5-8.5 hours) Good Daily exercise (Goal: 30 min) Cleaning Today I am grateful for anime, this couch, friends, pizza, and glasses
alphadax Posted June 9, 2020 Author Posted June 9, 2020 Day #34 Monthly Reflection Today is June 8th, and my first journal was posted May 7th. I want to reflect on how far I have come since then. One of my goals was to get 7+ hours of sleep every day, and move my wake-up time back to 7:00am. I haven't been perfect every day, but I've kept at it, and now it's pretty easy for me to get to bed on time and wake up on time. I am starting to see how important it is to build simple habits like these. Daily exercise: again, not perfect. This one I feel has been harder for me than the sleep one. With sleep, even though it is a long-term change, I can directly see the benefits of getting enough sleep one night versus not getting enough sleep. For exercise, I feel like it's harder because I don't really have any solid goal. I know exercise is good for me, so that's why I want to do it, because I want to be healthy and feel good. But I can feel good other ways too, like by sitting around on the couch all day being lazy, or having a good meal. I don't think I will be successful long-term with this goal unless I make it more fun or more measurable. "Exercise" is too abstract -- it's hard to measure and can feel like a chore. I think what I really want is a social activity--like tennis, or ping pong, or basketball, or something like that. I've never really been good at sports though. I get tired and quit pretty easily. But I think if I can find a group of people to do it with, it becomes fun and I want to keep doing it. Gratitude: I started this journal with the intent of keeping a daily gratitude journal. I found it difficult to be sincere each day, so I tried every other day for a while. I want to try something different now. A new way of life, devoted to mastering the fundamental techniques and principles of human relations (according to Dale Carnegie.) "Be hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise." Those who find good in others will have others find good in them. Every day, I will try to find at least one thing to sincerely admire and praise. I will still include gratitude, but this also gives me a chance to appreciate the people I come into contact with on a daily basis, and strengthen my understanding of other people. I want to focus on admirable qualities and harness them to learn as much as possible and improve myself. In the spirit of this goal, I have expanded the bottom section of my daily reflection to be based on the Fundamental Techniques from Dale Carnegie's book. I will try to focus the first two points for at least 1 week. When I feel I have mastered them sufficiently, I will move on to the 3rd point, which is a bit more complicated. Accomplishments: I believe I have accomplished much in a short period of time, and I hope I can continue for the next month to reach even greater heights. I started this journal to help me quit gaming, but really I have been using it to become the person I want to be and start living the life I want to live. Thank you to everyone who has been reading my journal and supporting me through this time. It is inspiring to see the progress of so many others. Although we are no longer improving our gaming, I feel we are all using that time improving real life skills. I realize now how easy it is to become complacent and to allow our lives to run on autopilot. But I think life is too short for that. If you'll allow me to make a cringe-worthy analogy for a minute: it's no fun being a level 1 human forever. Sure it might be fun and cute at first when we're babies. At that time we were "perfect idiots," so to speak, with no concept of our potential. But as we grow older, we learn new things: we begin to walk, and speak, and learn our sense of selves. All of these things seem to happen at lightning speed, without much apparent conscious effort on our parts. But somewhere along the line, we have to start putting in the work. Our body starts to render more and more control to our conscious minds. We become in complete control of ourselves. The responsibility lies within ourselves to reach our full potential. So I feel it's unacceptable to sit at the spawn point, never leaving home. We must constantly seek to improve our abilities and learn new things. I think every life is valuable because of it's potential. We can all become something much greater than our current selves. I did not realize until recently how selfishly I have lived my life up until this point. I never really cared about other people (normal people, people I just met, strangers that is.) I always thought maybe there was something wrong with me. Maybe I really am just that selfish. But if I can use my selfishness for good, and seek to improve myself through helping others, then maybe that's a step in the right direction. It doesn't sound as noble that way, but who cares. I'm not talking about some insincere crap though. I genuinely want to be interested in other people. I'm not really sure, but it seems fun, so I'm going to give it a try. Daily Reflection Finally decided to pull the trigger and get my hair cut today. I had been growing it for about 8 months. The last two weeks I told myself, "if I still want a haircut by next Monday, I'll do it." I tried all sorts of things to get used to my longer hair, but I truly think it was just not meant to be. It's hard to maintain, takes too long to dry, sheds and gets everywhere, looks unprofessional, etc etc... So I got a cut that keeps some of the length on top, but makes the back and sides short. I think it looks great and I'm really happy with it so far. I ran a few errands after that and was feeling pretty worn out, so i pretty much took the rest of the day off. Yesterday I spent all day cleaning in preparation for people coming over, so I felt like I deserved a break. Tomorrow I have an eye checkup. I think if I'm up to it I will try to go to a skate park to make up for my lack of exercise today. In the morning / after lunch I'd like to do some music and reading since I've been neglecting those. Also need to remember new morning routine: Morning: brush teeth (after shower), Night: floss, brush, mouth wash Daily Sleep (Goal: 7.5-8.5 hours) Good Daily Exercise (Goal: 30 min) Nothing in particular--skate tomorrow Fundamental Techniques 1. Don't criticize, condemn or complain (about others.) Did I criticize, condemn, or complain today? (If yes, explain:) I don't think so. 2. Give honest and sincere appreciation. 2-1. Daily Admiration / Appreciation (Goal: 1 thing) I complimented my barber, Mike, on the great haircut he gave me. 2-2. Daily Gratitude (Goal: 1 thing) Great food and sunshine (80 feels pretty nice.) 3. Arouse in the other person an eager want. Be concerned with others before yourself Consider the other person’s wants and desires before your own Foster genuine interest and curiosity in other people (by seeking out their admirable and interesting qualities) Find aspects of other’s that you can learn from, and that are worthy of praise—and praise them! Focus on remembering and internalizing everything about others—remember their names, their strengths, and their wants Tie what you want to what they want, and don't forget to smile 1
alphadax Posted June 10, 2020 Author Posted June 10, 2020 Day #35 Daily Reflection Had my vision check-up today. Wasn't really what I hoped it would be, but it gave me some ideas for the future. Took most of the day to relax after that. Managed to get myself out for a walk at least. I also had one of my better piano sessions in a while. It was really fun to play. Reminds me of how I used to play. I felt pretty lonely today. Daily Sleep (Goal: 7.5-8.5 hours) Good Daily Exercise (Goal: 30 min) Walking Fundamental Techniques 1. Don't criticize, condemn or complain (to / about others.) Did I criticize, condemn, or complain today? (If yes, explain:) I don't think so, but I can do better. I need to remember people's names, and think of others before myself 2. Give honest and sincere appreciation. 2-1. Daily Admiration / Appreciation (Goal: 1 thing) I appreciate the people at the office who helped me quickly 2-2. Daily Gratitude (Goal: 1 thing) I am gratefut to have this time to relax 1
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