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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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My journal,

          I am really grateful to be able to write about my journey to quitting . Today is my fifth days of no playing world of warcraft even though my brother is playing right in front of me and I have access to my laptop because I know that there are more out there instead of using my mind power in playing game. I still have to improve my life. Improve my income skill. Looking back, I have wasted my hours of my lifetime playing game. I believe in myself that I can stop playing game for a long time and encourage other not to play game when I become an example of success. 
I am grateful to be able to read all of these different stories from GAMEQUITTER. I know I need more instructions for my life and my family life to be better.

Thank you,



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Hey welcome and have fun with this journal! 

40 minutes ago, Tha Aung said:

I know I need more instructions for my life and my family life to be better.

That is a great starting point for you. What do you think is missing?

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3 hours ago, Tha Aung said:

One thing that help me quit game is I understand about the value of my semen ( semen retention ) controlling sexual desire , transmuting it to other area like reading books.

The way of celibacy is an interesting one. I am doing it for sugar for instance. Haven't eaten stuff like chocolate etc. for a long time. I don't know anymore, how chocolate tastes. I think that sugar is bad. It is a demon. It kills people. It is worse than cigarettes and alcohol combined. It was controlling me. Guess what, with this mindset, it was easy for me to stay away from it. For you, it is the same thing with your semen. One strategy is the absence of a substance release, the other is the absence of a substance intake. Both boil down to the same idea: Absence. Absense is the ultimate way, to gain control over something. This control will make you free and gives you the abilitity to see, what else is out there. I found that I like to work, I like the gym and like studying. I like to draw sometimes. There are many more things to explore. This makes the way of celibacy quite remarkable.

However, we are both wrong in some way. Sugar does not kill you. Eating way too much of it makes you overweight and this can cause serious diseases. Feeling shame because of overeating makes depressive. Masturbation doesn't waste energy. Doing too much might cause a strange fixation on it, less self confidence and dependence on porn or some objectification of women and therefore losing quite some time doing it, thinking about it, feeling bad about it and THAN feeling less energetic. Neither  of the both are good or bad. Gaming is not bad either. But gaming so much that you neglect other areas of your life is bad. I know people, who play a couple of matches and than they do something else. Just like that. Truly fascinating. That is my ultimate goal. Check out my journal. Right now, I really think a lot about moderation. But I spent probably 15 months in celibacy with sugar. I am still doing that. So I understand your strategy to the fullest! This is, why I will not argue with you about the no fap stuff. I think that it is a pseudoscience and a huge placebo. But I want to rephrase your sperm/blood analogy so that you understand, why despite of my scientific concerns, I agree with your strategy: One drop of your semen is not equal to 40 drops of your own blood. There is not scientific evidence for that. But check this out: One drop of your semen is equal to 40 drops of your own blood TO YOU! So if your semen is that precious for you like the absence of sugar is for me than ride this bandwagon. Keep going, get self confidence of it. Become the ultimate master and see, what happens to you. 🙂 

3 hours ago, Tha Aung said:

when I play game, I do not care about anything else, I got mad easily, do not clean the house, do not sleep all night until morning, feel miserable about myself, low self esteem on my self. No want to have fun with other friends. Do not want to talk new people like before because I am actually talkative person. Want to make friends.

This is the path of happiness. Self fulfillment. Here are your goals to focus on. You wrote them down by yourself. One by one, you can adress them. 🙂

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Tha Aung said:

What you mean is absence is the ultimate way to gain control over something.

So let's thing about absense. How can you stay absent from something? You can force it: Count the number of days. Force yourself day by day. Try all sorts of things to fight the urge, like installing programs to block something or even destroy it. The other strategy is to change yourself!!!!

This, I think, is way more effective than the first strategy. You think about, who you would like to be. If continuing to play games should be a part of that. If it will be helpful in that sense. Understand that when games are not important anymore, you are not the same person. You have changed. A couchpotato will never go to the gym regularly. A gym rat will. A junk food lover will not eat vegetables. A healthy eater will. So instead of trying to go to the gym as a couchpotato, try to become a gymrat. After a while you see, that it does not control you anymore. That you don't need it anymore. You have become some different person, who is not relying on it anymore. As long as you are a gamer, you will always crave games. No matter what you do. No matter how many days you stay absent. You can count the days as long as you want. If you are still a gamer after 90 days, you will still crave them. But if you become someone else just one day later, you have beaten it. I don't buy in the premise that it needs a certain amount of time to overcome something. The only way, that games don't control you anymore, is by becoming a different person. Become a non gamer. Maybe become a gym rat. Maybe become a studious person. Become, who you like to be.

So, that  would be the "absense strategy". Let's not think about the term "absense" as something time based or geographical. Become absent from yourself. Have new goals, new thought patterns, new beliefs, new hobbies, new passions, new friends, maybe a new environment. All of it. This kind of universal absense is by far the best strategy to gain control over something. Nothing comes close. The next step will be moderation. I think however that absense it the fundament for that. I am just starting to understand this. But that is not important for this journal for now. Just tell us the story, how you changed into someone else. One year from now, look back and see, who this other person was and be proud. Don't bother about relapses or something. It is all fine. 🙂

Edited by Alexanderle
21 hours ago, Erik2.0 said:

Hey, welcome to the forums. 


On 5/4/2020 at 12:46 PM, Alexanderle said:

So let's thing about absense. How can you stay absent from something? You can force it: Count the number of days. Force yourself day by day. Try all sorts of things to fight the urge, like installing programs to block something or even destroy it. The other strategy is to change yourself!!!!

This, I think, is way more effective than the first strategy. You think about, who you would like to be. If continuing to play games should be a part of that. If it will be helpful in that sense. Understand that when games are not important anymore, you are not the same person. You have changed. A couchpotato will never go to the gym regularly. A gym rat will. A junk food lover will not eat vegetables. A healthy eater will. So instead of trying to go to the gym as a couchpotato, try to become a gymrat. After a while you see, that it does not control you anymore. That you don't need it anymore. You have become some different person, who is not relying on it anymore. As long as you are a gamer, you will always crave games. No matter what you do. No matter how many days you stay absent. You can count the days as long as you want. If you are still a gamer after 90 days, you will still crave them. But if you become someone else just one day later, you have beaten it. I don't buy in the premise that it needs a certain amount of time to overcome something. The only way, that games don't control you anymore, is by becoming a different person. Become a non gamer. Maybe become a gym rat. Maybe become a studious person. Become, who you like to be.

So, that  would be the "absense strategy". Let's not think about the term "absense" as something time based or geographical. Become absent from yourself. Have new goals, new thought patterns, new beliefs, new hobbies, new passions, new friends, maybe a new environment. All of it. This kind of universal absense is by far the best strategy to gain control over something. Nothing comes close. The next step will be moderation. I think however that absense it the fundament for that. I am just starting to understand this. But that is not important for this journal for now. Just tell us the story, how you changed into someone else. One year from now, look back and see, who this other person was and be proud. Don't bother about relapses or something. It is all fine. 🙂

Thank you, thank you,
     Wow , this is amazing. I do not know what to say now, I am amazed how this was explained about self-Identity strategy. Then, most importantly, out of what you are recommending, and I agree with you,  I have to find a new identity to be reborn as a new person right?. I have read about it and listened to it from podcast. Did not really pay close attention to put it into action.
I do not really want any addiction with electronic attraction. What is the best way not to be engaged with social media?

Thank you so much,


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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Tha Aung said:

I have to find a new identity to be reborn as a new person right?

I am not sure, if this is not only a discussion of terminology. If you mean that your old identity has to die then sure, it has to be reborn. But I think our old identity will not cease to exist. In some way, it is still us. It formed us and made us to who we are today.

1 hour ago, Tha Aung said:

What is the best way not to be engaged with social media?

Let's ask the other way around: In what do you want to engage? You can use this journal to tell us and share with us, how that will go for you.

Edited by Alexanderle

"Dying" (metaphorically) was a big fear I had when I quit drinking. I was afraid of what the new me would look like... the person who didn't spend 9 hours a day at his computer downing beer after beer, making lewd, childish jokes to fellow internet trolls, and sexually harassing every woman he met. I don't really know why I was afraid of losing that persona then... maybe I didn't see what a tumor I was while I was still in it.

But I'm happy to report, since you seem to be concerned about your own change, that the best things about me didn't change at all. I have the same interests, same taste in food and art, and same sense of humor I've always had. I'm just less childish and angry. I know alcohol and gaming aren't the same things but they do keep us in the same childish mentality. Embrace your evolution. 🙂

On 5/3/2020 at 11:57 PM, Tha Aung said:

Hello Journal, Thank you Alexanderie,
    Today is the second day of being on this journal,

I admit that gaming is a disorder for our mind like drug addict because when I play game, I do not care about anything else, I got mad easily, do not clean the house, do not sleep all night until morning, feel miserable about myself, low self esteem on my self. No want to have fun with other friends. Do not want to talk new people like before because I am actually talkative person. Want to make friends. Like Cam said, it is not import to know many people, making friend is making deep connection through heart. But playing game is not going to give you that power to engage heart to heart. Thank you Cam for showing up all along.
One thing that help me quit game is I understand about the value of my semen ( semen retention ) controlling sexual desire , transmuting it to other area like reading books.
(For men - Just for information, one drop of your semen is equal to 40 drops of oursown bloods, that is so true , check it out on youtube, why celibate?
Gaming and porn kind of close. So first, learn about the value of being a man. Do not waste our precious semen,
My advice to myself is do not waste a semen for no matter what. I am on the ultimate path for 7 months already.(a benefit of not having a girlfriend lol ,now don't have to please no-one wasting my energy 🙂)
I do not know why I am disclosing this information but I believe it is important to build our will power from that beginning. 
I was asking my coworker about being celibate for a month, he said that man, it is gonna be very harddd.
I hope you can do it too if you are a single , a game addict, try to control that urge as well. No porn for a year.
I feel very good about myself after finding the value of our semen.
I believe in myself that I can keep myself from gaming for three months straight.
I don't know this is good info or not.
Good Night brothers and sisters,


Hello Journal,

    Today is great day . I am grateful to be alive. I am blessed. Thank you Cam for doing this happened. I feel like I need to get better instead of being on the social media like tiktok..mann, so much information, I think I need to build my critical thinking skill up. I hope all my brothers and sisters in this forum be safe and healthy.Be strong.

Good Day,

17 hours ago, Alexanderle said:

I am not sure, if this is not only a discussion of terminology. If you mean that your old identity has to die then sure, it has to be reborn. But I think our old identity will not cease to exist. In some way, it is still us. It formed us and made us to who we are today.

Let's ask the other way around: In what do you want to engage? You can use this journal to tell us and share with us, how that will go for you.

That is a good question to ask myself.How do I want to be engaged in this forum? and What do I want to share ? I want to engage in personal development. Focusing on building those  habits to have a life of freedom, reading, running, building the bussiness, having strong will, instead of chasing women, chase money to be free from financial freedom. Like Discipline equals freedom. Simple. Not simple to apply it in real life.
What is the purpose of journal anyway? To find within right? I understand one thing that I have all the answers I need in me . That is how I am feeling it.

Do  you think journal helps you from game addictions?
Thank you brother<


  • Like 1
16 hours ago, ceponatia said:

"Dying" (metaphorically) was a big fear I had when I quit drinking. I was afraid of what the new me would look like... the person who didn't spend 9 hours a day at his computer downing beer after beer, making lewd, childish jokes to fellow internet trolls, and sexually harassing every woman he met. I don't really know why I was afraid of losing that persona then... maybe I didn't see what a tumor I was while I was still in it.

But I'm happy to report, since you seem to be concerned about your own change, that the best things about me didn't change at all. I have the same interests, same taste in food and art, and same sense of humor I've always had. I'm just less childish and angry. I know alcohol and gaming aren't the same things but they do keep us in the same childish mentality. Embrace your evolution. 🙂

Thank you,, I have to embrace my evolution yeasshhh!!:)


1 hour ago, Tha Aung said:

What is the purpose of journal anyway? To find within right? I understand one thing that I have all the answers I need in me . That is how I am feeling it.

Do  you think journal helps you from game addictions?

Well, if we have a problem of any kind, talking about it or better, writing it down can bring clarity. And then also getting the feeling that other people are listening and maybe getting their point of view can also be a good thing, right? I cannot answer, if journaling on gamequitters will be the solution for you, but me it helped tremendously, even though gaming itself is not a problem for anymore since november 2019. So it is up to you. 🙂 

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Just quit using social media altogether. That's what I did. Now I'm addicted to gamequitters forum. Just kidding. I keep it to one session a day on this site and think it's pretty healthy. I seriously don't use any social media. It makes life seem a lot smaller and more manageable for me. There isn't this looming network of people who can peer into my life. I'm anonymous on here and only a few people reply to my posts.

On 5/7/2020 at 7:02 PM, Erik2.0 said:

Just quit using social media altogether. That's what I did. Now I'm addicted to gamequitters forum. Just kidding. I keep it to one session a day on this site and think it's pretty healthy. I seriously don't use any social media. It makes life seem a lot smaller and more manageable for me. There isn't this looming network of people who can peer into my life. I'm anonymous on here and only a few people reply to my posts.

This is absolute great advice. I totally agree with you.. I am going to do that ,No facebook, No instagram, no tiktok:), No SNAPCHAT, for 3 months straight.
 I am glad to know there is someone doing the same thing like I am about to do.
I know What I want NOW,

That is Freedom. Ofcourse, there are many types of freedoms.
I got it from Jocko Willink ( Discipline equals Freedoms), I am running every morning. It has been five days straight and I will do that for three months and as long as possible, I will make it a lifetime habit again.I believe whoever can do that for three months or one years , (sleeping at 9 pm and wake up at 4 am and Go Runnnnnn for 5 miles) Yeassshhhhhh.. Life will change.

Thank you Erik,
Best of luck to those who are quitting games.

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