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The feeling that you're never doing enough


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I'm sure lots of us have this problem. That's probably what led us to gaming in the first place... it felt like we were getting something done all day. I'm in college and I feel like no amount of studying or extracurricular work is enough... reinforced by the fact that I can't remember anything I've studied. Anyone have some tips for overcoming this? Maybe I'm really not doing enough?

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What about a schedule? I think they can be incredibly useful. Not a strict one, where you define every hour of your day, but at list of things to do. And then you can check 1. how much of it you get done. If it is 50 percent at first that is a great start, so you can slowly build it up. Like progressive overload in the gym. The next day aim for 51 percent or whatever. And 2. you can see, how much accomplishment you get out of it. If you feel that it is not enough, aim for more. With this you make it measurable.

but for me personally. I just know that I did enough, when this weird feeling in my stomack vanishes. Tough to explain. I was always more spontaneous in that regard. With positive and negative consequences. xD

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My main focus is the A+ exam right now. I have read most of the A+ Exam Guide and "passed" all of the practice tests at the end of the chapters, but now I am in a college course which is teaching the same material and I'm having to go back and look stuff up. Not a good thing when the actual exam comes up! But if I'm being honest with myself I can improve a lot. I need to write things down more when I read and go over my notes frequently. Memorization isn't my forte, but it's not impossible.

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On 3/9/2020 at 2:24 PM, ceponatia said:

I'm sure lots of us have this problem.

I know people like that. It's a really difficult physical condition.

I would rate this as perfectionism (not knowing your condition, I am not a psychologist).
It sounds like you have the fear not to fullfill your own goal.
Learning is more difficult with fear.

Propably your also doing your learning routines wrong.
Maybe you are just to exaustet, find a different book about your topic (like if your an engineering student read something about history like Leonardo da Vinci) or some Scientific Roman.
Read a book about learning to learn. https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=how+to+learn+learning&ia=videos

Thats one of the problems people face today. They "want to make start-finish runs" at once.
Mostly becouse our school systems suck nowadays. People are rewarded if the understand stuff by memory, not by understanding the principle behind something.

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In real life , knowing where you stand in terms of progress is hard.In games it was easier cause there was always a quest and a reward, or a certain level , or a ranking system  to validate your growth and progress.In college and uni it's much harder to get the same feeling of accomplishement or achievement because the fruits of your labour come harder and sometimes months later.

Also this feeling of having achieved nothing , is not neccesarily a bad thing, it may be an indicator that you are focusing on the wrong things.Perhaps you coud start some new activities , explore yourself and expand your comfort zone  by meeting new people and trying new things.Sometimes we live our lives following others people advice and a "plan for success" that doesnt fullfill us at the end of the day, and maybe we just need to discover what we really want to do in our lives with the time we are given.

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On 3/9/2020 at 2:24 PM, ceponatia said:

I'm sure lots of us have this problem.

I know what you are talking about. When I study for exams I always feel like I could do more and more and more. A similar situation occurs when you have become really good at something. Then, for one thing you learn five new ideas come to your mind. And this happens all the time. In the study environment, this notion is simply more subtle.

Of course, you can never do something perfect and in the case of an exam you can never be prepared for every eventuality, cause that's what life is like. I am currently learning to accept this feeling. Now, I am focusing on working more effectively which basically comes down to getting myself into a realistic scenario if I have the opportunity and building my intuition.

Find your own ways and get the balance right.

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