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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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Posted (edited)


  • No Gaming
  • No Twitch
  • No Youtube (Except educational/Music video's)
  • No HLTV
  • No Twitter
  • No Porn
  • No Fap

Week 1:


Running: 25,6 KM

Pull-ups: 250

Sit-ups: 1000

Push-ups: 1000


Day 1: 5K - Medium (10.5/11)

Day 2: 2,7K - Fast Short (13.5/14)

Day 3: 7,5K - Long Slow (9.5/10)

Day 4: 2,7K - Fast Short (13.5/14)

Day 5: 5K - Medium (10.5/11)

Day 6: 2,7K - Fast Short(13.5/14)

Day 7: /


Strength Reps


Day 1: 85 Push/Sit ; 60Pull

Day 2: 250 Push/Sit ; 25Pull

Day 3: 85 Push/Sit ; 60Pull

Day 4: 250 Push/Sit ; 25Pull

Day 5: 85 Push/Sit ; 60Pull

Day 6: 250 Push/Sit ; 25Pull

Day 7: /

These are my daily objectives. I'm training for military bootcamp (Dutch Marines) and I wanted to journal it to see how my progress wil go and if I run into problems I can maybe find out why etc. 
Feel free to respond/follow along!
- Velzen
Edited by Robin

Day 1

  • No Gaming
  • No Twitch
  • No Youtube (Except educational/Music video's)
  • No HLTV
  • No Twitter
  • No Porn
  • No Fap


- 85 Push-ups ; 85 Sit-ups ; 22 Pull-ups (Missed 38)

- 60 KM Bike ride 22-23 KM/H

- 5.08 KM Run 11.0 KM/H

* Today was one of the most active days in a long time. My legs are super painfull and it was hard to complete the run.

A year a go or so I was also addicted to video games, but Cam and these forums helped me a lot. I don't struggle with gaming anymore since I just really don't like it anymore. The reason why I came back to these forums is to have a sort of system to keep myself disciplined and maybe help others along the way.

* Someone who really inspired me in life is David Goggins. And I will work hard and follow his lessons to better myself.


Wow those are some impressive physical achievements!

Haha thanks, but they are actually my objectives for the week. 

They are a bit high, but that's what I want. I believe that I can only get better trough pain and suffering. To make myself and my mind the strongest I can ever be.
So I will finish every day with the greatest effort even if that mean going through a lot of pain and suffering ahah.

Thank you for posting something in my journey.


Ok, I'm sorry for offering HIIT workouts...welcome to the forums

Haha HIIT workouts are what I have to really focus on for sure. That's why I will do some interval training today.

Thanks for posting something man!



Nice! The discipline from the military is an awesome tool for people like us.

It all starts in the mind for sure haha.

Thanks for posting something man!

Posted (edited)

Day 2

  • No Gaming
  • No Twitch
  • No Youtube (Except educational/Music video's)
  • No HLTV
  • No Twitter
  • No Porn
  • No Fap


Push-ups: 250

Sit-ups: 250

Pull-ups: 25

Bike: 21 KM ; 20.5 KM/H

- Interval training:

1: 410M ; 15.4 KM/H

2: 310M ; 18.3 KM/H

3: 270M ; 15.8 KM/H

4: 230M ; 15.9 KM/H

5: 290M ; 15.1 KM/H

6: 220M ; 15.4 KM/H

7: 290M ; 15.8 KM/H

* 2:30M rest between average

* 2020M total ; 15.9 KM/H

Goal: 2800M total ; 15.0 KM/H (In 7x400)

* Wasted time in the evening.

* I hate interval training.


Edited by Robin
Posted (edited)

Day 3

  • No Gaming

  • No Twitch

  • No Youtube (Except educational/Music video's)

  • No HLTV

  • No Twitter

  • No Porn

  • No Fap




Push-ups: 85


Sit-ups: 85


Pull-ups: 39


Bike: 21 KM ; 20 KM/H



- 2.52 KM 1min rest

- 3.07 KM 3min rest

- 3.56 KM 1min rest

- 3.98 KM ; 10.4 KM/H

* At this point I felt the worst pain in my legs ever. I simply couldn't make myself run any longer. 

I decided to walk back to my bike, but as I was walking back someone started talking to me and we had a short conversation.

After that I drank some water and I felt a lot better. I think this was a runners high and it made all the pain go away for some time.

I wonder if I can get into a runners high during the run itself instead of after a break.

- 6.52 KM ; 10.5 KM/H



* Legs feel super tired. I think the biking combined with running is really taxing on the legs.

* Gonna take an off day tomorrow and follow the 3 days on 1 day off system in order to maximize performance and progress.

Edited by Robin

What do you think would be a better use of your time in the evenings? What would you like to get done?

At this point I really don't know. I'm just waiting to go into the military, but my running is still a bit lacking. 

So right now I don't really mind watching some dumb and funny stuff after training since that will be a lot less in the future you know.

I just mark it on here so that I can see where my time goes :)


You are a beast, Robin, how much do you weigh bro?

Hey thanks man.

I weigh around 73 KG. I'd say im decently ripped (abs visible) so my bodyfat % is somewhat around 13% I guess.

Age: 17 

Height: 1,80M


You are a beast, Robin, how much do you weigh bro?

Hey thanks man.

I weigh around 73 KG. I'd say im decently ripped (abs visible) so my bodyfat % is somewhat around 13% I guess.

Age: 17 

Height: 1,80M

Darn man, is that all muscle? Do you use protein?

Posted (edited)

You are a beast, Robin, how much do you weigh bro?

Hey thanks man.

I weigh around 73 KG. I'd say im decently ripped (abs visible) so my bodyfat % is somewhat around 13% I guess.

Age: 17 

Height: 1,80M

Darn man, is that all muscle? Do you use protein?

Haha yea I guess. I used to play soccer after that did dancing for 7 years and now training for the army so I've always been pretty active.

I eat a lot of protein for sure:

- Quark, Chicken, Tuna, Eggs, Cheese etc.

Mostly around 120+ grams of protein per day just from food sources.

* Here is a picture of my transformation through the years if interested. http://imgur.com/a/JLyrK

Edited by Robin

You are a beast, Robin, how much do you weigh bro?

Hey thanks man.

I weigh around 73 KG. I'd say im decently ripped (abs visible) so my bodyfat % is somewhat around 13% I guess.

Age: 17 

Height: 1,80M

Darn man, is that all muscle? Do you use protein?

Haha yea I guess. I used to play soccer after that did dancing for 7 years and now training for the army so I've always been pretty active.

I eat a lot of protein for sure:

- Quark, Chicken, Tuna, Eggs, Cheese etc.

Mostly around 120+ grams of protein per day just from food sources.

* Here is a picture of my transformation through the years if interested. http://imgur.com/a/JLyrK

I wouldn't fight you, XD. When are you thinking about joining the army?



You are a beast, Robin, how much do you weigh bro?

Hey thanks man.

I weigh around 73 KG. I'd say im decently ripped (abs visible) so my bodyfat % is somewhat around 13% I guess.

Age: 17 

Height: 1,80M

Darn man, is that all muscle? Do you use protein?

Haha yea I guess. I used to play soccer after that did dancing for 7 years and now training for the army so I've always been pretty active.

I eat a lot of protein for sure:

- Quark, Chicken, Tuna, Eggs, Cheese etc.

Mostly around 120+ grams of protein per day just from food sources.

* Here is a picture of my transformation through the years if interested. http://imgur.com/a/JLyrK

I wouldn't fight you, XD. When are you thinking about joining the army?


Haha 1 month max. I'm going to force myself to run faster. The only thing that is holding me back right now is the 2700M in 12Minutes. My endurance is okay right now, but endurance and speed a bit less ^^


You are a beast, Robin, how much do you weigh bro?

Hey thanks man.

I weigh around 73 KG. I'd say im decently ripped (abs visible) so my bodyfat % is somewhat around 13% I guess.

Age: 17 

Height: 1,80M

Darn man, is that all muscle? Do you use protein?

Haha yea I guess. I used to play soccer after that did dancing for 7 years and now training for the army so I've always been pretty active.

I eat a lot of protein for sure:

- Quark, Chicken, Tuna, Eggs, Cheese etc.

Mostly around 120+ grams of protein per day just from food sources.

* Here is a picture of my transformation through the years if interested. http://imgur.com/a/JLyrK

I wouldn't fight you, XD. When are you thinking about joining the army?


Haha 1 month max. I'm going to force myself to run faster. The only thing that is holding me back right now is the 2700M in 12Minutes. My endurance is okay right now, but endurance and speed a bit less ^^

Good word, the army looks for physically fit people for PT just got to prove you have brains


You are a beast, Robin, how much do you weigh bro?

Hey thanks man.

I weigh around 73 KG. I'd say im decently ripped (abs visible) so my bodyfat % is somewhat around 13% I guess.

Age: 17 

Height: 1,80M

Darn man, is that all muscle? Do you use protein?

Haha yea I guess. I used to play soccer after that did dancing for 7 years and now training for the army so I've always been pretty active.

I eat a lot of protein for sure:

- Quark, Chicken, Tuna, Eggs, Cheese etc.

Mostly around 120+ grams of protein per day just from food sources.

* Here is a picture of my transformation through the years if interested. http://imgur.com/a/JLyrK

I wouldn't fight you, XD. When are you thinking about joining the army?


Haha 1 month max. I'm going to force myself to run faster. The only thing that is holding me back right now is the 2700M in 12Minutes. My endurance is okay right now, but endurance and speed a bit less ^^

Good word, the army looks for physically fit people for PT just got to prove you have brains

Ye I'm looking to join The Corps Marines from the Netherlands. They make a lot of commercials since they're in need of people now. I just need to stop being a pussy and run faster haha. 

Posted (edited)

You are a beast, Robin, how much do you weigh bro?

Hey thanks man.

I weigh around 73 KG. I'd say im decently ripped (abs visible) so my bodyfat % is somewhat around 13% I guess.

Age: 17 

Height: 1,80M

Darn man, is that all muscle? Do you use protein?

Haha yea I guess. I used to play soccer after that did dancing for 7 years and now training for the army so I've always been pretty active.

I eat a lot of protein for sure:

- Quark, Chicken, Tuna, Eggs, Cheese etc.

Mostly around 120+ grams of protein per day just from food sources.

* Here is a picture of my transformation through the years if interested. http://imgur.com/a/JLyrK

I wouldn't fight you, XD. When are you thinking about joining the army?


Haha 1 month max. I'm going to force myself to run faster. The only thing that is holding me back right now is the 2700M in 12Minutes. My endurance is okay right now, but endurance and speed a bit less ^^

Good word, the army looks for physically fit people for PT just got to prove you have brains

Ye I'm looking to join The Corps Marines from the Netherlands. They make a lot of commercials since they're in need of people now. I just need to stop being a pussy and run faster haha. 

Wellup, grab you bawbag and run Blaskowicz

Castle Wolfenstein

What is their miltary like?

Edited by BigPete247

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