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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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Howdy fellas

Here is my third attempt at the 90 day detox.

I realise that the most important factor for this to work is consistency, rather than quality.

In other words, its better to have a shitty entry to ensure you get one in every day rather than miss two days because you couldnt think of something clever or informative into your journal. I suppose it misses the point of the journal in the first place.

Had work today so not a big issue. Been youtubin' rather than playing games but going to aim for audiobooks as an alternative to reading because of how tired I get.

Lets hope the third time is the charm!

Cheers all

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Hey guys

Thanks for the welcome back and great advice!

Day 1#

So here we go again... Its starting off heavy because I dont have that time filler anymore. Which is a good thing i know but now I have to find an alternative.

So I had alot of errands today which was good, but I am going to try and focus on some constructive skills, namely increasing my productivity for my upcoming job.

Also have to start making my arrangements for my move to Sydney, so theres certainly plenty to do.

I can do this. I really can.

Heres to a successful detox.

Cheers fellas


It's scary how easy it is to just default to mindless web browsing if you're not intentional about time after quitting. It seems like you've got plenty of things to get busy with though. GLHF on the detox!


Hey guys

Day #2

I am moving from Perth to Sydney, so its certainly a long haul for me...

Bought some bits and bobs from the local shopping centre today so I kept myself busy with the family.

Keeping strong thus far, I havent started doing audio books yet but i've figured out the issue.

I need to set up an activity before hand when im not tired so i can invest as little effort as possible in starting the activity before bed. So Im going to set everything up tomorrow in preparation so I can avoid just lazing around in bed.

Do you guys reckon its worth starting an exercise regime when im moving in a month? Should I just wait until I move?

Anyway, heres to a good second day!

Cheers all


You can always start small and basic with exercise before you move just to establish the habit. You can walk outside or do something in your home, something easily ansferable to Sydney. Once you're moved, you can think about a gym if you like.


Where are you moving from to Sydney? Is it a long haul? At least the move will keep you busy.

It's like moving from LA to NY!

Depends what kind of exercise  you're wanting to do @Zeeko! The majority of routines it doesn't matter where you are or what equipment you have access to. If you need some light weights you could use items around the house or buy single entries into those anytime fitness franchises. Exercise is great when you get into the routine, not just for your body but really helps clear your mind, which will help during the detox.

Posted (edited)

Hey guys

Day #4

A good solid day :)

I got some good headway into a book im reading on productivity in preparation for my job. Organisation is among my weakest areas so I am pumping that up as best I can before starting work. It makes a great alternative to gaming as I have something to work on all the time.

Preparing stuff beforehand to work on at night was a great idea, certainly makes starting much easier and doable. The task or activity itself must take minimal creativity and more among repetitive skill building because im too tired to do anything creative. Thats my accomplishment for the day.

Keeping myself busy with skill building and small tasks throughout the day are keeping me sufficiently distracted from games, as I know boredom are a one way ticket to relapse. Also, I am taking some walks with my father in the arvo to get some modest exercise. I need something that gets the heart beating though. Thinking of some casual day-to-day membership at my local gym until I move.

In response to the alienation where I live, I invited a mate over tomorrow to spend the day with, so that should be good fun.

Going well overall, thanks for all the support thus far!


Edited by Zeeko

You really should hit the gym. Anytime I skip a workout due to circumstances being 'not ideal' (like your impending move), I end  up regreting it. 


Hey guys

Day #4

Unfortunately my friend didnt end up coming because he was hungover from a party from the night before xD

That kinda threw my day out of whack and I found myself bored and not really wanting to do anything. And thats when the urge to play games set in as a time filler. It was a pretty strong urge but I forced myself to knuckle down and work on some other things to pass it by.

So, fortunately im still going well.

A piece of advice i'd give to anyone now is that if you feel like your brain refuses to work on anything. You just find one thing, and say you're going to spend 5 minutes on it. Thats the key, trick yourself into thinking you wont be long and just keep it in short bursts and your brain will slowly turn around and let you keep going.

Anyway, was a close call today but stiil still going well.

I've decided from you guys to start gy ming after my doctors appointment on Wednesday, so will stick to my walks until then.

Cheers all


You did great, Zeeko, resisting a strong urge and trying new things! Have fun at the gym. I swear by it now.

Cheers man :)


Hey guys

Days #4-5

I missed yesterday because I spent the evening with my mate who missed the day before. It was great fun catching up.

Today was a relaxing day with bits of pieces on the side.

Mostly relaxation because it was my mother's birthday.

I suddenly realised today though, how many hours have I lost with games, the opportunity cost is very depressing...

Going strong, and going to hospital tomorrow for an endoscopy so no worries about games tomorrow!

Thanks guys



Hey guys

Days 6 - 8

God I dont know why i've been missing days but i refuse to call it quits this time.

I havent played any games and been focusing on my work, but I know if I stop this, that will be a gateway for stopping other things as well.

Making a promise now I will do consistent entries for atleast the next 5 days.

Cheers all


Hey guys

Days 6 - 8

God I dont know why i've been missing days but i refuse to call it quits this time.

I havent played any games and been focusing on my work, but I know if I stop this, that will be a gateway for stopping other things as well.

Making a promise now I will do consistent entries for atleast the next 5 days.

Cheers all

Yep, going into my 2nd year at a 4 year college, having that mindset is always the key to motivation.


Howdy guys

Okay! Day #9

Today I met up with a friend I hadn't seen for 4 years. he was my first friend at school and it was a blast catching up with him.

He's the biggest hermit and when he tried to find me in the city he got lost and took 45 minutes to find eachother!

I went to work today as well in writing up a chater for this book the clinic is working on about drones. Riveting stuff but honestly had enough and cant wait to move on.

Thankfully I have this upcoming weekend to have some time for myself and also continue that book on productivity. Also planned to see a girl friend of mine on Sunday, looking forward to seeing her... biggest joke really shes so great and yet only met her recently and its NOW as im moving to Sydney. Life is full of shit sometimes.

Keeping off the games and sticking to my promise. Main reasons are that im filling my time with other things and taking that extra effort to socialise.

Next step - GYMING

Thanks all, lots of love.

P.S took Mettermrck's advice and now got a reminder for make these entries every day, w00t!


Hey, Zeeko, great work hanging out with friends and staying away from the gaming. That is a good progress! I'm glad you find the reminders helpful. For me, my daily checklists and reminders are an anchor for me to evaluate how I did each day. My emotions don't factor into it...did I meet my goals, did I get stuff done? ?


Howdy guys

Okay! Day #9

Today I met up with a friend I hadn't seen for 4 years. he was my first friend at school and it was a blast catching up with him.

He's the biggest hermit and when he tried to find me in the city he got lost and took 45 minutes to find eachother!

I went to work today as well in writing up a chater for this book the clinic is working on about drones. Riveting stuff but honestly had enough and cant wait to move on.

Thankfully I have this upcoming weekend to have some time for myself and also continue that book on productivity. Also planned to see a girl friend of mine on Sunday, looking forward to seeing her... biggest joke really shes so great and yet only met her recently and its NOW as im moving to Sydney. Life is full of shit sometimes.

Keeping off the games and sticking to my promise. Main reasons are that im filling my time with other things and taking that extra effort to socialise.

Next step - GYMING

Thanks all, lots of love.

P.S took Mettermrck's advice and now got a reminder for make these entries every day, w00t!

There you go, Zeeko, keep it up!


Sup guys

Day #10

Really hard one today, havent been feeling all that well so I decided to take it easy today.

God, the time passing is hard though. For a good while i felt like i had no good way of passing the time. So the urge to play games was at its worst.

Felt like "hey a couple of wouldnt hurt" when indeed it would. The inconvenience of having to install everything saved me I think.

But I manage to get through it, barely. Certainly came on edge to a relapse.

Rationale of the day: If you have a task you feel you *have* to do but you dont *want* to do, try and just do something you *want* to do. Because the more you try and force yourself to do something you hate, the more your mind will cry for the games that day. And, it takes will power which you may not have available on that day.

Theres my 2 cents

Cheers guys

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