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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Hey I'm new to this game quitters


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I've been a pc gamer my entire life, started with runescape when I was 6 and expanded through pretty much every game I know. Playing around 7-8 hours a day and failing pretty much every subject at college I suddenly realised that I couldn't carry on like this, further I realised that I wasn't actually enjoying the games. They had just become as necessary as breathing. I would come home and turn my pc on and play hours of csgo and league and come offline in the early hours of the morning angry and unhappy, I hated it but I couldn't stop. I haven't always been like this only the past year or so but it happened before I realised. A week ago I realised that I hf a problem and googled how to quit video games. Cam came up and I watched all his videos and since then I haven't played a single game. I'm now 4 days into my detox and still going strong but I'm having a few troubles with boredom. I know cam has made a lot of videos on this topic but I just can't shift it, I don't know what hobbies I could take up as I don't have the money or resources as it's all been invested into gaming.

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Welcome to the forum! Great to have you with us. Congrats on 4 days so far, that's awesome. For boredom, take it one hour at a time. There are a ton of hobbies you can choose, but don't worry too much about how much you enjoy them - that will pass. Tons of FREE hobbies, don't settle for mediocrity. :)

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Welcome and congratulations. Some things you coudl start right away wiht jsut a Computer would be programming and reading. Maybe use "the flinch" as a starting point it is free, short and interestin. Writing ehre in a Journal can help too because you'll get immediate Feedback and help with your Problems. Bodyweight Training is also a great Hobby which doesn't Need much(or any) Money to do. Here is a nice Routine with a lot of exercises explained: https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/wiki/kb/recommended_routine

Another more relaxing activcitity is to lsiten to Podcasts for example the Tim Ferris Show. Check out his interview wiht http://podbay.fm/show/863897795/e/1422871868?autostart=1

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You've joined a great and supportive community here. The first few days are rough (you and I are pretty much quitting at the same time FYI). My second day was spent in bed but it will get better. Reading inspiring books and journaling has helped me a lot so far. 

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Just a bit of a catch up of how the detox is going. :D

I'm now 51 days into my detox and i cant even describe how much my life has changed. I no longer feel such compulsion towards gaming, previously there wouldn't be a minute go by without me thinking about gaming but now i can focus more on my school work and other hobbies. My school grades have gone up significantly which has improved my relationship with my parents, I have gained many new friends just from talking to new people which used to scare me a lot (I'm assuming game induced anxiety because i see no other reason for it going away) and finally decided to improve at my favourite sport - rock climbing. I used to hate going climbing and i only went once a week to please my parents enough that they would let me play video games but when i quit video games i it became ten times more fun. I used to hate it because it parted me from my time playing video games not because i didn't enjoy the sport. So, when i quit video games i re-found my love for climbing! I now go 4 times a week and i train at the gym for it another 2 times a week. I have joined the North-West UK climbing team which represent the North-West at national tournaments and i am going to audition for the UK national team next Saturday!! I feel like I've really found my calling in life and it all started when i quit video games.

I want to thank everyone who has helped me on my journey and while i know my detox isn't over yet, I no longer have need of a detox. I'm quitting for life. :D 


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