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NEW VIDEO: The Dark Side of Gaming (Documentary)


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  1. Welcome - I played with my friends this sunday but I found it so boring and asked them if they would play a board game instead.
  2. Welcome - I know how you feel about not having time for other hobbies while gaming. I started to draw again after I quit.
  3. Welcome - you will not regret your decision to quit gaming.
  4. Welcome! Feel free to PM me if you need support in your journey.
  5. Thanks for the update Joe - really glad that you've found your passion. You're a great inspiration.
  6. Welcome Phaedrus! Nice to have you onboard and I'm looking forward to follow your journey in playing less games (I think it's nice to have people that want to moderate their gaming and people (like myself) that are going cold turkey).
  7. Day 37 (07-03-2017): It's time to get back on track. I haven't relapsed but I still find myself watch a lot of gaming-related stuff - I've to take some more digital-free days because it improves my mood. I haven't managed to get rid of my PC - I make silly excuses like: "I've to clean the keyboard and mouse", "I've to clean the dust" (it's important to clean the PC before I sell it but I just keep to postpone it), "It's stupid to sell it because I will lose a lot of money" and so on. I started to meditate again and want it to be a daily routine (I'll do it after work instead of in the morning). Beside I relapsed on my NoFap-streak I'm in a good mood. I've been really tired today - no energy at all. I don't know if it's related to my detox. 3 things I'm grateful for: 1. There wasn't much to do at work so I got home earlier than expected. 2. I've been very productive today - I managed to read and did some housekeeping. And I haven't watched more than 1 hour TV today (I saw something productive). 3. I now know which education I'm going to attend this summer.
  8. I haven't been very active with my daily journal lately but I've been having some tough days mentally. I won't count the days anymore (I don't think that counting the days works for me). I haven't relapsed but I've been very close to a relapse and I think I need to search for some professional help for some other issues I'm having trouble with.
  9. Thanks keri. I hope as well that I will stop who I am right now and I become a better person alltough it will be very hard but mayby a life changing expierience for me . I wish I took this decision at your age - you should be very proud about yourself.
  10. Welcome to the community and thanks for sharing your story. My dad was also having some problems with alcohol when I was growing up and I became a compulsive eater (I gained 20-25 kg in a half year) because it was easier than to talk about my feelings and that I had to be the adult when I only was 14-15 years old. Compulsive eating and videogames are not a great match.
  11. This was also a huge problem for me and I got my accounts deleted (which was a hard thing to do but it was necessary for me). When I'm getting an urge to play I say to myself: "Do you really want to go back to the depressed, anxious and unhappy person? Fine - then play! If you want to be happy and want the reality to be like your favorite game - then don't escape reality and say goodbye to videogames". I see a lot suggest meditation which is a great tool to clear your mind - I've been using the app Calm which is guided meditation. Okay, so would you advise that I uninstall all the games + The gaming platforms like Steam, Origin etc. ? Yes - I got my Steam and Origin-account deleted.
  12. Welcome to the community! This was also a huge problem for me and I got my accounts deleted (which was a hard thing to do but it was necessary for me). When I'm getting an urge to play I say to myself: "Do you really want to go back to the depressed, anxious and unhappy person? Fine - then play! If you want to be happy and want the reality to be like your favorite game - then don't escape reality and say goodbye to videogames". I see a lot suggest meditation which is a great tool to clear your mind - I've been using the app Calm which is guided meditation.
  13. I think it's because people don't like to be reminded about that they might have an addiction too.
  14. Welcome! This was also the reason why I quit gaming. I didn't play that much but the only thing I could think of was gaming.
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