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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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Hi all, so here is the start of my daily Journal! I introduced myself yesterday and today I've made some time to start this Journal.

I will be doing this 90 day detox and with it I'm also trying to lose fat and live a healthier lifestyle. So far I'm on day 5 and haven't touched or played one game. My previous record was 2 weeks as i mentioned in my introduction post.

So far I'm starting to feel the effects of not gaming, I'm bored and restless where as before I would hop on my computer and play a game or two. So i'm keeping my self occupied with watching a bit of Netflix, YouTube and work.

Tomorrow (Monday) I will be starting my exercise regime so that should keep me busy as well as me working too. I'm so used to having my hand in the good old WSAD position, bit like muscle memory I just want to keep my hands busy (that's where writing and such comes into play.

My thinking is this. If I can complete this 90 day detox, then I can accomplish anything. Should be fun :)

Until tomorrow folks, chat soon. :)

 P.S: I will do my hardest to keep writing here everyday. (considering I work from home it shouldn't be too hard!)

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Good stuff. Filling the empty time is hard (I did the same Netflix routine as you're doing when I first started), but pretty soon you'll start to want to do other things, to see what you've been missing out on doing.

Hang in there! We're all behind you.

Posted (edited)

Ah here it is. Excellent!

Ola Magnell - När jag dör]


Great job starting your journal. Excited to follow. :)


Good stuff. Filling the empty time is hard (I did the same Netflix routine as you're doing when I first started), but pretty soon you'll start to want to do other things, to see what you've been missing out on doing.

Hang in there! We're all behind you.

Thanks guys ^^ and yeah I agree Escapist...there's only so much TV one can watch everyday before getting bored lol.

Day 6

It's day 6 and I'm feeling pretty good at the moment. I managed to find a spare mouse so I can now do some proper work such as video editing and stuff. My plan today is to do the following:

  • Uninstall all my PC games.
  • Do a minimum of 4 hours work. (this includes research and learning new stuff)
  • Publish a new article/blog on my website.
  • Stick to my healthy lifestyle change.
  • Update my Game Quitters Journal.

These are the sort of goals I would normally write in my normal journal, doing this has allowed me to do so much in regards to my online endeavors. There's no harm in logging it here too :)

I must admit though, not playing any games has let me ponder life and what I want a bit more. So good going so far, I'll catch you all tomorrow! :)


Edited by Falky
Striking off the goals as I complete them.
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Day 7

Yesterday went pretty well in regards to not gaming, I didn't touch one game and managed to stick to my healthy lifestyle. All though I came up short on my actual business goals.

Today may be more of a emotional test for me, I woke up feeling pretty good but my fiance has managed to make me feel agitated and angry. It's times like this I would pop onto my computer and play games.

Anyways I'm going to write this entry then put some music on do what I was meant to do yesterday in regards to writing my article. My mind has been so unfocused lately I'm not sure what I'm doing and not sure what direction I want to go with my business, I spent all day yesterday just learning about Advertisement and other stuff.

Today's Goals are:

  • Figure out what I should focus on.
  • Write my article
  • Keep up with my healthy lifestyle.

What's your website? Link us up! 

Thanks for asking Cam, here it is :) http://falkysolutions.com/

It's all about self-improvement and tech help.

Catch you all soon.




When you are feeling agitated or angry how can you shift those to emotions you want to feel?

I normally write, suppose I can try to channel it into fitness now too. I just need to create a different mindset after years of gaming and lashing out.


Day 8

Yesterday in regards to gaming was fine...emotionally was a different story though. I felt so down and lethargic, I had no energy to do anything. I didn't manage to get anything done apart from watch Netflix. I'm just hoping these feelings shift and I start to gain more energy.

Today will comprise of me just reading through people's journals and finding ways to combat what I'm feeling.

Catch you guys and girls soon.


Yesterday in regards to gaming was fine...emotionally was a different story though. I felt so down and lethargic, I had no energy to do anything. I didn't manage to get anything done apart from watch Netflix. I'm just hoping these feelings shift and I start to gain more energy.

This is a pretty comman effect don't worry too much about it. These phases come fast and dissappear fast. If you manage to do stuff without energy you can make it  go away faster though. One thing I learned  at the last month is that action leads to motivation. Just do anything active despite what your brain says. It doesn't ahve to be the optimized most effective task of the year. Just do something wich is simple and needs some effort. And check always if you drink and eat enough. I get often tired and realize afterwards I just didn't drink all day.

greetings Mario


Yesterday in regards to gaming was fine...emotionally was a different story though. I felt so down and lethargic, I had no energy to do anything. I didn't manage to get anything done apart from watch Netflix. I'm just hoping these feelings shift and I start to gain more energy.

This is a pretty comman effect don't worry too much about it. These phases come fast and dissappear fast. If you manage to do stuff without energy you can make it  go away faster though. One thing I learned  at the last month is that action leads to motivation. Just do anything active despite what your brain says. It doesn't ahve to be the optimized most effective task of the year. Just do something wich is simple and needs some effort. And check always if you drink and eat enough. I get often tired and realize afterwards I just didn't drink all day.

greetings Mario

Yeah since writing that, I've put on some music and wrote out a plan for the rest of the week and currently I'm learning ways to increase energy and mood without gaming. Thanks for the tips :)


Day 9 - Two Little Birdies Sit By My Door Step

So it's day 9 and I'm feeling a lot better than I have been feeling recently. Yesterday was pretty much a day of learning (which I like). The majority of the day was spent watching Tony Robbins' videos and Cam's.

At the end of the day I ended up with a whole document on what I need to do to shift my mindset. Even though I did spend the whole day on the sofa...lol. On the plus side though, I didn't go on my main computer which meant no gaming.

Also yesterday I spent quite a while on this forum just browsing people's journals and seeing how their journal turned out and what they did. Things like writing down what i'm grateful for, use a program called Trello for goal and task setting and that I'm not going to get anywhere if I don't help myself.

I'm currently relaxing listening to the Vice City Fever radio station, writing my thoughts down here and was just watching the Red Robbins out of my window tweet and fly about.

I recently moved out of my parents house so it's been a completely fresh start for me and in my old house I never had this sort of view of birds. It's amazing and I'm looking forward to the summer so I can do some gardening and make the garden a birdie haven. Then I can hopefully get some cool pictures to share with you all :).

Anyway I'm going off on a tangent...today I managed to get up at straight away when my alarm went off. Then I went on my bike for 10 minutes and did some morning affirmations and breathing exercises. I also did a bit of house work too.

My plans for the rest of the day is do some book work and finally write the article I've been meaning to write! Also If Cam is OK with it, I'll link it here because it's pretty relevant to what I'm going through ^^.

Annnnd I'm back from more tidying up lol, just put away my games...those are just my hard copies not even including my steam, origin and uplay games lol.

That's it for today, below will be my goals and what i'm grateful for.

I'm Grateful For:

  • I'm grateful for my loving Fiancé.
  • I'm grateful for waking up another day.
  • I'm grateful for having bird singing outside.
  • I'm grateful for this forum and everyone here. :)

Today's Goals:

  • Write In my Journal.
  • Do The House Work.
  • Write My Article.
  • Do Some Book Publishing Work.

Until next time folks, take care. :)




Posted (edited)

Day 10 - Feeling Productive!

I've reached Day 10 and I feel pretty good now, which is awesome. I just finished shooting my VLog and I'm feeling pretty productive. :D I still haven't touched a game and I'm surprised how I haven't had any cravings. I've had the occasional two here or there but not to the point where I'm ripping my hair out lol.

Before I used to have the cravings so for instance I watch a war film...after this film I would play a war game like Battlefield or Settlers. I just say no to myself and no more cravings arise which is pretty cool.

In regards to yesterday I managed to smash all of my goals I set and it was a pretty good day. Below is a link to my article that I wrote :)


I will be doing more gaming articles down the line, since I'm doing this 90 day detox I thought It would be relevant lol.

Today so far I've exercised and done my daily affirmations, shot my video and nearly finished this Journal. Oh and I did a bit of maintenance on my Bonsai Tree, that's another hobby of mine.

Picture of it is below. :)

What I'm Grateful For:

  • I'm grateful for Burger King (lol)
  • I'm grateful for Sugar Free Energy Drink
  • I'm grateful for the sun beaming down on me whilst working.

Goals For Today:

  • Shoot, edit and upload Video.
  • Write in this journal.
  • Work on my next book.

Until next time folks, take care. :)


Edited by Falky
Forgot the picture lol.
Posted (edited)

Hope to see your garden projects one day.  Also good on you for focusing on goals and being grateful.  I see lots of people journaling about gratefulness.  I will do the same too because it seems to lift ones mood! 

Edited by Dannigan

Day 11 - A Big Surprise!

It's day 11 and im feeling pretty good, I managed to do my video uploaded which you can see below.


In regards to yesterday, I didn't manage to get any book work done though...because I kind of had some big news dropped on me half-way through the day. My fiancée told me she was 2 weeks pregnant and that I'm going to be a dad! :D

At this early stage this will be the only pace I share this information. Then around 12 weeks I will probably do a video and blog on it, but I'm so excited and just wanted at-least one place to express my emotions haha.

My gaming cravings have been non-existent and I'm now finding it surprisingly easy. I've found the main tactic is just keeping yourself busy and motivated to do other things. Your brain then has no time to say "I want to play games".

I'm Grateful For:

  • I'm grateful for Whiskey.
  • I'm grateful for MacDonalds.
  • I'm grateful for My Fiancée.

Today's Goals:

  • Do some work research.
  • Relax and have some alone time.

Tomorrow will be more work than today, I just wanted today for a bit of relaxing.

Thanks for linking the video in your post :)

No problem, I always source quality and credible content on my site. :) 

Hope to see your garden projects one day.  Also good on you for focusing on goals and being grateful.  I see lots of people journaling about gratefulness.  I will do the same too because it seems to lift ones mood! 

Thanks Dannigan you sure will! And yeah I suggest you watch the power hour by Tony Robbins (well listen) It's around an hour long but so enlightening.


Congratulations, I hope everything goes well!

Seems like you picked a good time to get rid of gaming ;)

Thanks buddy and yeah haha!


Day 12 - Damn Facebook Games!

Blimey these days are going quick! With the recent news of me becoming dad towards the end of year, I've had larger things to think about besides gaming which has been good.

Yesterday instead of gaming I found myself working without actually realizing, which was weirdly awesome :D . So I managed to do work which wasn't exactly planned.

Today's agenda will comprise of going round my mum and dad's for Sunday Dinner and relaxing, perhaps a whiskey later on when I get back and I don't think i'll even switch on my main computer today.

In regards to game cravings...there has been many the odd few when browsing Facebook with the Ads and such. I've just been closing them down and such. So eventually I wont have any ads pop ups or invitations.

What I'm Grateful For:

  • Sunny Day.
  • Waking Up.
  • Family.

Today's Agenda:

  • Have Sunday dinner round my parents.
  • Relax & try not to work!

Until next time folks, take care. :) 

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