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Mindfully engaging with technology - "Things I will do every day to stay healthy"

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Sun 11.24

  • No mobile games - 214 days
  • No compulsive social media use: 52 days
  • No compulsive research: 52 days
  • No passive screentime before bed, first thing in the mornings, or during work: 55 days

So that sharp pain in my back has moved to my legs, and I'm feeling chilly and have sniffles... and have a fever.

In other words, I'm sick from whatever my kids had last week. Always seems to go around last to me.

I've not been feeling well all day today, have mostly helped with my kids and slept, and I haven't done much in terms of my commitments due to not feeling well (which is as good of a reason as it gets). I have been reading fiction too, between sleep. And did get some quick fresh air bringing my dogs out, also fit in reading xhildrens books in French to my kids.

I'm gonna leave it at this for tonight. If I still feel like this tomorrow, I'm gonna take a sick day at work. Hoping to sweat it out while i sleep though.

Talk more tomorrow.

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Mon 11.25

  • No mobile games: 215 days
  • No compulsive media use: 53 days
  • No compulsive research: 53 days
  • No passive screen time before bed, first thing in the morning, or at work: 56 days

I'm still not feeling the greatest today, but I took medicine to do as much work as I could.

Before work I didn't go to the gym today because I still felt like crap. I took care of the baby instead while my wife went to the gym.

I also washed our sheets because they were an absolute sweaty mess from last night. I think I'm not sick anymore based on that, but the post feeling after being sick still lingers. If that makes sense.

Work was alright mostly, I was able to fulfill my on-call items (urgent things that need attention) and follow up on some documents. It helped that it was a slow day today because I'm waiting on access requests.

I also listened to podcasts while working (it helps me with staying focused), which turns out my screen time app tracks, so I'm expecting it'll be pretty mad at me tomorrow with its notification 🙃 now I know

That's it for today, I'll make an effort to get back to my commitments tomorrow.

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Posted (edited)

Tue 11.26 (part 1)

  • No mobile games: 216 days
  • No compulsive social media use: 54 days
  • No compulsive research: 54 days
  • No passive screen time before bed, first thing in the morning, or at work: 57 days

I feel rejuvenated after my morning workout. Being sick is not fun.

Sleep - I slept pretty well last night, 10pm - 6:30am. Even with both kids joining in bed.

Mediation - I did some this morning upon waking up, logged on to Headspace and went through the "morning lift" (as they call it). It starts with deep breaths, then it follows with a "wake-up" video with an inspirational message. Today it was taking deep breaths and meditating for a minute while traveling, and paying attention to the sounds; that apparently helps to remember the place in a lot more detail (I'll give it a try at some point). Finally it concludes with a guided meditation on the same topic. I'll make this part of my morning wake-up routine.

Practice French - I did a little bit in Duolingo this morning as well, since I woke up before everyone in the house. IF my kids are still sleeping after meditation is done, I'll get to this. But otherwise I'll just keep doing some between breaks and after work.


  • Cereal for breakfast (halfway there to finishing it as I type)
  • lunch is tbd, probably leftovers
  • for dinner it will be at my parents tonight

Brush teeth + floss - oops, I forgot to brush upon waking up. I'll get to that after I finish my breakfast, and do both tonight. I'm also gonna make sure I brush my dogs teeth regularly too, once a day; noting this because my dogs went to the vet and they could benefit from that. I've made a recurring event on my calendar to do that every afternoon.

Talk to my partner - we talked about the above so far, the dogs having their vet appointments. I let her know about the recurring event on my calendar to serve as a reminder. We also talked about tomorrow; I took a day off so my wife can get IVF. The path to a 4th kid 😄

Exercise - I went for a 35min incline walk at the gym this morning, I felt like sweating. Maybe it's psychological but I just thought it would help me sweat out whatever I was sick with. Don't know if that makes sense.

Kids - I brought my baby to the apartments gym with me and he fell asleep in the stroller, which was fine. He's currently crawling near me around my desk, while my wife does chores. I'll check in on him every few minutes between work, I set him up with several of his toys.

Read a book - As I'm going to my parents tonight, I probably won't have a lot of time to do 7 Habits stuff. So I'll focus on that goal of reading 6 books by the end of this year. I'm about 1/5th of the way through with Ernest Hemmingways short stories, and about 50% done with Don Quixote (this latter one being very long).

Next year, which is upon us, I'll be focusing on doing 24 books by the end of the year. That's why I went with just 6 this year as the year is almost over.

Journal - so glad to be feeling better

I'll post again tonight, and will be revisiting my commitments from before getting sick. To refresh my memory:


7 habits


*Find some time to brainstorm goals again, and review the mission statement.

I can do this later today

Edited by D_Cozy

Tue 11.26 (part 2)

Dinner was made by my brother, who is a chef at a kitchen (his chosen career path). He made smoked salmon with mashed potatoes on the side. It was quite good. I helped him with getting the table set and food organized. We got back home in time to give my kids baths and get them to bed. It was after that when I felt off, then took my temp... and low grade fever.

... well so much for rejuvenation. Maybe that was a temporary boost from the workout this morning. I am hoping this is nipped in the butt tonight again, otherwise I won't be able to go to the appointment tomorrow (hospital will not let me).

Let's get on with my commitment.

Review my mission statement is part of it. Let's paste that in here:

    My mission is to be a confident, honest, supportive, patient, loving, forgiving and positive individual. I will strive to hold a balanced lifestyle in everything I do, for a balanced lifestyle is the key to a variety of knowledge, and knowledge is the key to growth. I will drive a positive impact based on my values with everything I do, for that is the best way I know to make a positive difference. I will keep an open mind, seeking to understand before being understood; this will be my first action in dialogue with my wife, my colleagues, my friends, my family, my neighbors, and strangers which I meet.

Made some tiny edits to it, but it is mostly the same.

Some of my brainstorming for long term goals:

* Get a house -> promotions at work (or additional income) can help with this
* Learning French
* Writing a creative project -> such as a novel or short stories
* Travel to Japan
* Learning to bake desserts
* Strive to become an expert in my position / field -> think of small goals to get me there
* Fitness goal of staying healthy
* Increase volunteer commitments

I like the brainstormed goals that I put down. They've helped me with putting things into perspective for what I really want to accomplish.

Oh yeah and reading challenge for next year: increase from 24 -> 25 books! Because it will be 2025. (my wife's idea)

Commitments for tomorrow
* Appointment for tomorrow
* Hang some festive lights on the balcony
* Clean entrance closet

... I'm realizing now that one of the issues I've had keeping true to my commitments is that I've only been discussing them with my wife. She was actually involved this time in brainstorming some for me. So that now feels like something I can accomplish. 

Good night everyone!

On 11/26/2024 at 5:26 PM, D_Cozy said:

Talk to my partner - we talked about the above so far, the dogs having their vet appointments. I let her know about the recurring event on my calendar to serve as a reminder. We also talked about tomorrow; I took a day off so my wife can get IVF. The path to a 4th kid 😄

I have next to zero idea what parenthood (or being a father) entails, but I've always been optimistic about getting to it. I think it's worth the admiration. And I consider it an important part of life too. I just don't think only having free hands with my career and hobbies (as my health gradually declines) is all there is to life. I hope to be a father once too. I hope it goes well for you and your wife! 😄 

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Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, Amphibian220 said:

Solid results, this means that the plan is working. I will avoid screen time in the mornings, at night and lunch time and see if I do better.

What has been helping me is the routines on my phone settings. I have one for waking up, one for work, and one for nighttime. It will disable the apps I tell it to during those times, so only necessary and positive stuff like calls / texts, alarm clock, music, the Kindle reading app, or the Headspace meditation app are left. No email, no news, not even the web browser or search engine can be accessed while these modes are on.

10 hours ago, Ikar said:

I have next to zero idea what parenthood (or being a father) entails, but I've always been optimistic about getting to it. I think it's worth the admiration. And I consider it an important part of life too. I just don't think only having free hands with my career and hobbies (as my health gradually declines) is all there is to life. I hope to be a father once too. I hope it goes well for you and your wife! 😄 

❤️ thank you for the best wishes. It's chaotic and sometimes stressful. It's also worth seeing the kids smile and get happy as they grow up and learn. The key thing we've found to work well for us is keeping our kids busy with a variety of activities; which in turn also keeps us busy.

Whenever you and your partner are ready to make that jump, I'm happy to answer any questions you may have.

Wed 11.27

Daily Goals

  • No mobile games: 217 days
  • No compulsive social media use: 55 days
  • No compulsive research: 55 days
  • No passive screen time before bed, first thing in the morning, or at work: 58 days

Still not feeling 100% today, I've been taking advil and day medicine (non-drowsy). I'm going to take some night medicine (drowsy one) after journaling. Then meditate and then read and probably fall asleep soon.

I am enjoying doing this again though. I've shifted from Notepad -> OneNote on my computer for personal journaling. I like it way more, as I can also share my rough notes and brainstorming with my wife by just sending her a link.

I did try with this forum too, but she said that scrolling through it to find something was a bit difficult. Fair enough. So OneNote has solved that issue by the fact that it puts entries in "pages" on the side bar. From now on, that's how I'm going to approach journaling; start with OneNote and then share here on this forum.

Sharing with her has been great, because we can actually set up commitments together when I do share. It also encourages it as an activity for our own growth too, and I feel like it lets her inside of my mind too (what I'm thinking of and what I'm working towards). She can see visible progress, that is my hope.

Things I want to do every day to stay healthy

Sleep - I slept pretty well overall, fell asleep after reading a chapter of Don Quixote (yeah I know I said I'd do Hemmingway, but I changed my mind). Woke up at 6:30am naturally before my alarm.

Mediation - I did the Morning again with Headspace, this has been working fairly well for me upon waking up. The topic was about dealing with mixed emotions; how sometimes it's possible to feel both happiness and sadness, or excitement and anger. Rather than focusing on which one we want to feel more, we can observe both emotions and let them be simultaneously.

I'll do another meditation before going to bed.

Practice French - Practiced after meditating this morning.


  • Take-out breakfast after kids were at school
  • Leftover refried beans for lunch
  • Chicken pot pie for dinner

Hygiene - already done with brushing teeth, flossing, showering, and washing my face. Oh but I did forget to do the dogs… I'll make a reminder for myself to do that in the morning after they eat their breakfast; I am not gonna wake them up now and risk them getting agitated and barking, which would wake up my kids… that's not worth it. This means I'll brush my dogs teeth twice tomorrow, once in the morning and once at night.

Talk to my partner - bit of an argument at night, but what is good is that we're communicating about it and apologizing. Other than that it was a positive day with the appointment, we will have to wait a bit longer to know whether this was successful. I am optimistic!

Exercise - We were told to not have any scents on us for the appointment, apparently it can really affect the chance of success, so no exercise at the gym as a result; we could not even put deodorant, soap or shampoo.

It was a busy chore day afterwards though, I spent about 4h putting adhesive light strips in the balcony. Well, actually it was more like 1h taking the old lights off and testing them to see why they didn't work anymore (I couldn't figure it out so I just threw them out), then 2h cleaning the railing so that the adhesive part for the new lights would stick (it was very dirty due to the constant construction around us), and another 1h to actually stick the light strips and zip-tie them securely.

I count that as my exercise, my legs and arms certainly feel that way.

Kids - the baby ate well, but the older two were being fussy and not eating chicken pot pie for dinner, so I was a bit strict with them and got them in the bath while my wife went out after dinner to help her mom with something. I got all of them bathed and in pajamas. Putting the kids to sleep, I took the middle one and the baby, used the rocking chair with one on each of my laps and read a short story about animals. The baby fell asleep, transferred him to his crib. The middle one then came with me to his room and his bed, and he took his time falling asleep. In the end it got done. My wife took the oldest.

Read a book - I'll read more Don Quixote tonight, I want that to be my big book to finish this year.

Journal - Grateful for a good appointment and the clinic, I'm optimistic it worked well.


  • Appointment for tomorrow
  • Hang some festive lights on the balcony
  • Clean entrance closet
    • My wife took this one instead of me, she did it while I was out on the balcony. Teamwork!
  • Create a template page on OneNote for easy copy + paste

Commitments for tomorrow

  • Brush my dogs teeth early
  • Brainstorm my long-term goals with my manager

For the latter, I think it will actually be a good idea to talk to her. She always brings up great ideas regarding 7 Habits (she has read the book before). I'll ask her for her advice and show her what I've brainstormed, what I wrote previously, and some things I could do to improve the process (specially the deadlines part). I can tell in fact that I struggle the most with defining deadlines, so that's something that I want to be conscious about improving on.

Edited by D_Cozy
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Posted (edited)

Thu 11.28

  • No mobile games: 218 days
  • No compulsive social media use: 56 days
  • No compulsive research: 56 days
  • No passive screen time before bed: 59 days

Full disclosure. This morning before going to work, I logged onto Reddit for the first time in 56+ days for only 10 min; I wrote up a fairly small post on the r/stopgaming sub basically saying that I identify as addicted to social media, thanking that community for their indirect motivation for me (which is true; I wouldn't have seeked help would it not have been for that sub). I can empathize with struggling to quit compulsive tech use. And I also wrote my intention to never use that platform again.

To show that I'm committed to that, I've set up StayFree to block the entire website, then I asked my wife to set up a PIN on StayFree settings updates. I told her not to tell me what it is. This will ensure I will never cheat with my website limits ever; and if I do have to modify them for any reason, I have to talk with her first.

So yeah, that's what happened this morning, and that's how I'm taking accountability to never go in a rabbit hole ever again. As I keep learning more about myself, I'll keep updating the list of apps and websites that I block / set time limits for.

Volunteering today went well, set up a DNS server and container registry to deploy our website to.

On the annoying side, I'm still feeling sick.

Things I want to do every day to stay healthy

Sleep - Not the greatest, baby woke up a bunch at night. I stayed up till 12am with the baby, then my wife took most of the night. He ate a lot more solid foods today though, so we are hoping he'll be sleeping better tonight.

Mediation - It's possible with practice to reflect on the past, prepare for the future, and also be present; be consciously aware of the current moment while preventing drifting off. That was the topic of todays meditation ❤️

Practice French - In the morning, only did a bit today.


  • toast and banana for breakfast
  • leftover chicken from a few nights ago for lunch
  • breaded chicken stuffed with broccoli for dinner

Hygiene - already done with shower earlier. Still need to brush my teeth and floss.

Talk to my partner - I've enjoyed spending time with her at night, even if it's just for an hour it's still fun. We get to cuddle in the living room couch while chatting or watching something together, it's nice social time after the kids go to bed. Also talked about the commitments.

Exercise - Not today, because I am still feeling sick. I rested this morning. I did go get a massage and she recommended that I stay hydrated. I'll go work out tomorrow morning, I want to do weights again.

Kids - the baby ate even more solid food than yesterday, and the older ones ate quite well too (well, half their dinner). Helped setup baths for them and helped with feeding the baby, although my wife did most of the bedtime routine tonight.

Read a book - Lol I didn't do Don Quixote and instead read a romantasy called "The Natural Society" (I know, I keep changing my mind about what I want to read). So in this Naturalist Society book, there's a few people who are so connected with nature that they can harness their energy with magic. I like how well the rules are defined. The romance aspect... isn't really for me but I'm trying to expand my horizons. I'll keep giving it a chance.

I have another busy weekend coming up, so I'll discuss with my partner when the best time for me to refocus on 7 Habits will be good. I want to really sit down and start writing those longterm goals.

Journal - Grateful for a good work meeting with my manager.


  • Brush my dogs teeth early
  • Brainstorm longterm goals with my manager
    • It was a good discussion today, I'm energized. I am also glad that I took away how I inspired my manager to start 2025 by thinking about a team mission statement (I am seeing the effects of my influence expand).
    • I also have good feedback and looking ahead goals, long-term work goals, which are written in a private journal

Commitments for tomorrow

  • Send back a form to my manager
    • I was working on it today but it's a laborious one, I'll make sure to get it done tomorrow
  • Create my work items for the next week (planning)
  • Have dinner at my brother-in-laws (his invite)
  • Discuss some time to get 7 Habits long-term goals fleshed out with my wife

I'll be happy with getting these done.

Edited by D_Cozy
adding one last comitment
Posted (edited)


Daily Goals

  • No mobile games: 219 days
  • No compulsive social media use: 57 days
  • No compulsive research: 57 days
  • No passive screen time before bed, first thing in the morning, or at work: 60 days

I'm pretty tired. Went to my brother in laws after work, and spent the majority of the time there helping him fix his girlfriends PC. I did not finish; I did fix their drivers, but I noted that their Windows OS is installed in a really small storage device. It cannot download anymore updates due to that. So that's gonna be fun to move…

But well, honestly I like helping with computer stuff. I am good at it.

Things I want to do every day to stay healthy

Sleep - to bed at 11:10pm, woke up at 6:30am. Good sleep.

Mediation - this morning about actively choosing stillness (taking a pause)

Practice French - late in the day while I was waiting for a driver to install


  • Yogurt with cashews for breakfast
  • Boiled eggs for lunch
  • Pizza for dinner

Brush teeth + floss - will do both after finishing the entry

Talk to my partner - pretty much about all of the computer stuff, and also about the plan for tomorrow.

Exercise - Went to the gym with my wife to do weights.

Kids - All of the kids had fun at their uncles, the middle kid in particular being quite active. He actually helped us find an ethernet cord while we were there haha.

Read a book - I'm gonna read some fiction after posting

Journal - entry is here!


  • Send back a form to my manager
    • Not done because I got pulled into something else at work that was more important.
  • Create my work items for the next week (planning)
    • This got halfway done due to the important thing.

These will be continued for Monday.

  • Have dinner at my brother-in-laws (his invite)
  • Discuss some time to get 7 Habits long-term goals fleshed out with my wife
    • This weekend is looking really busy, as I'm going to help my brother move tomorrow and helping my brother in law again on Sunday. Maybe next weekend is what we're thinking.

I know it all sounds really busy but we will be relaxing on Saturday night and Sunday morning. Saturday night we're going to a Christmas event in the park. For Sunday, I've got a playground trip planned for the older ones (the baby can come pending how cold it is), then followed by a movie at the theater. The baby will be babysat by grandparents on Sunday.

Commitments for tomorrow

Survive the move lol

Gnight everyone!

Edited by D_Cozy
remove onenote image attachments
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Sat 11.30

Daily Goals

  • No mobile games: 220 days
  • No compulsive social media use: 58 days
  • No compulsive research: 58 days
  • No passive screen time before bed, first thing in the morning, or at work: 61 days

Things I want to do every day to stay healthy

Sleep - to bed at 11:30pm, woke up at 7am. Good sleep.

Mediation - I will do this before going to bed, after this entry. I got ready to go meet my sister at my parents place; the plan was for me to get dropped off and pick her up with my mom's van, then go help my brother move. But…

Practice French - I practiced French while I was waiting for my sister through Duolingo. She woke up late and was still in the shower. So I sat down and had coffee, practiced French. Also talked with my mom for a bit afterwards

Exercise - I mean… not literally at the gym, but the majority of my day was spent lifting furniture. My arms and legs certainly feel it.

My brother and his fiancé did not hire movers, nor did they even have a trailer or moving truck ready. The biggest vehicle available was a pickup truck from a mutual friend of theirs, and this friend had to leave at 11:30am anyways so she could go do her work shift today. Another mutual friends of my brother's fiancé joined us at their new apartment to help set up furniture. Between myself, my brother and my sister, we did 3 round trips back and forth with my mom's van moving things to their new place.

… and we still didn't finish! When I left to go back home and help my wife with the kids and dinner, they still had 3 large items at their old place, still needing to do at least TWO roundtrips to get them (they had a dresser, a couch and a box spring mattress). Now luckily, I think the other friend who stayed said she could get them a bigger vehicle to do it in one trip. So that's the last I heard after I left; I sent a text to my brother asking him how it all went after I left, but didn't get an update as of writing.

On the way back, I ended up dropping off my sister at my parents, she also had an essay to do for school. She was helpful bringing stuff downstairs and to the moving elevator, but she was also easily distracted at times and I had to snap her back to the task at hand.

Overall it wasn't very well planned, not that it was my responsibility though. I was there to help and I did my best. All things considered it's amazing we got 90% of their stuff out without a moving truck before the evening.


  • Toast with peanut butter and jam for breakfast
  • Take-out KFC chicken for lunch (paid for by my brother)
  • When I came back home, my wife had mini-pizzas ready for dinner. Also had a hot chocolate at the park

Brush teeth + floss - done

Talk to my partner - I talked to her about my day helping my brother move and how much of a mess that was, and she talked to me about her day with her parents and the kids. We all spent time together at the park, there was a free Christmas event with a hot chocolate truck and lights set up, and even a little mini-train that gave families a drive through the park. Lots of fun.

Kids - My wife was with them for the majority of the day, but I did get that park time together. Train ride at the park was very fun. Got them to bed and I read them stories, also put the baby down for sleep.

Read a book - I read some more of the Naturalist Society, it's picking up a bit but still feeling like, I dunno, I'm not the intended audience for it. But well, why should that stop me? And I am intrigued by the abnormal elements, at least.

Journal - I am glad to have helped my brother and invested in showing that I care for them; I did volunteer myself first, they never asked me to help. I think that's why they bought us all who helped lunch, which was kind of them and I accepted.

That said, if they ever need to move again, I'm gonna make sure they have a truck rented before I offer to help.


Survive the move

Well I don't feel any tense or sore muscles from it. I think going back to the gym regularly has helped with this. I did notice my brother, who admitted he hasn't been working out, was struggling a lot more with carrying the heavy furniture with me.

Commitments for tomorrow

  • Movie with my kids & wife
    • Tire out my kids before the movie so they are chill at the theater (playground is what I'm thinking)
  • Help my brother-in-law with his girlfriends computer
    • Reminder for myself to bring my laptop and an 8gb USB, so I can more easily download drivers and transfer them
  • Get some laundry done

I'm tired. Going to bed after a meditation


Sun 12.1

Happy beginning of December! Hope everyone is doing well.

Gonna keep it short with commitments only today. It is late.

I've had quite the busy day with kids (went to the theater), helping my brother-in-laws girlfriend with her computer, and then after getting the kids to bed, talking to one of our best friends whose been going through a divorce. Thatwas a long conversation; we just got off the phone 20min ago.

For those 20min I was spending time with my wife, and we just talked about our friend in private (she was part of the convo too) and the commitments from yesterday and for tomorrow.

Which reminds me, there's laundry I need to put in the dryer. Thank goodness for journaling to remind me of that.

I believe that covers all of my prior commitments.

commitment tomorrow

Make chicken parmesan for dinner.

My wife has been asking me to do this. I will do it tomorrow for dinner.

I am going to leave my entry at this for today, as it is almost 11:30pm.

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Daily Goals

  • No mobile games: 222 days
  • No compulsive social media use: 60 days
  • No compulsive research: 60 days
  • No passive screen time before bed, first thing in the morning, or at work: 62 days

Things I want to do every day to stay healthy

Sleep - glad I wrote up a quick blurb yesterday because I slept great. 11:30pm to 7am.

Mediation - before finishing this off; it was in letting go of expectation to allow the mind to be free and truly observe. I think there's a lesson for me there to keep applying it.

Practice French - with my kids in the afternoon


  • Made omelets for everyone at breakfast, only one kid was interested in trying them though (they baby)
  • My wife made min-pizzas for everyone for lunch
  • The chicken parmesan recipe for dinner

Hygiene - Everything except brush teeth for the night, which I'll do after this entry.

Talk to my partner - talked about the week ahead.

Exercise - … I slacked on this again, my kids were at home today due to a snowstorm which cancelled buses. I will go to work out tomorrow

Kids - I opened up a free advent calendar I found in the buildings lobby which had Lego (someone just put it there with a sticky note saying it was free). Built the 1st and 2nd days with my older kids. I put the baby to bed tonight.

Read a book - This morning I read more of Naturalist society

Journal - I should give myself some slack to do those quick entries like yesterday, that worked well for me.


  • Make the chicken parm

Done, it was delicious, and a bit of leftovers for me tomorrow. Technically baking as my wife keeps reminding me.

Commitments for tomorrow

  • Help with laundry
  • Plan other long term commitments for the month of December

There's a bunch of other things I want to get done, such as summarize my screen time for Nov and get some of my personal goals sorted out. I'll make some time to detail them in a schedule for myself tomorrow.

  • Like 1


Daily Goals

  • No mobile games: 223 days
  • No compulsive social media use: 61 days
  • No compulsive research: 61 days
  • No passive screen time before bed, first thing in the morning, or at work: 63 days

Things I want to do every day to stay healthy

Sleep - 11pm - 6:40am

Mediation - first thing upon waking up

Practice French - A bit of practice just before this entry


Boiled eggs for breakfast after workout

Sandwich for lunch

Pasta for dinner

Hygiene - Still have to do my brush teeth and floss

Talk to my partner - we talked about our mutual friend

Exercise - I worked up a sweat doing aerobics on the TV

Kids - Gave the kids baths, played with them and read them stories before bed

Read a book - Read more of Naturalist society dropping the kids off at school. Yeah buses still get cancelled, which made the morning busy. I was purposefully late to work as a result cuz I wanted to exercise. But I got reading done too. And I did make up my time later in the day after supper.

Journal - this seemed to have worked well today.



  • Help with laundry

I helped by folding laundry and putting some away (mostly the kids).

  • Plan other longterm commitments

I've got to resubmit round 2 of a form to give back to my manager tomorrow, so that's something which I scheduled in terms of work. As for the rest of things... well December is looking busy. I am going to a birthday party with my middle kid on the Saturday + helping build a gingerbread house as a family. And then on Sunday I'm helping my brother in law again.

Of the two other important things, I still want to continue with the long term goals. First and foremost that should be priority #1. I'll see if tomorrow morning I can get some time to work on them. It may be nice to go with that hand-in-hand with the feedback form that my manager wanted.

As for the screentime, I'll have to revisit.

Commitments for tomorrow

  • Do the dishes in the morning

This'll be quick. I spent a lot of time talking with my wife about our mutual friend… we listened to him a few days ago, lent him an ear and some advice when he asked for it.

  • Hand back in the reviewed form

Per above.

  • Work really hard at the project

Things are finally moving along now that I got an access request approved (finalized that today). Tomorrow is gonna be busy.

  • Revisit the screentime from Nov
  • Catch up with a mutual friend of ours tomorrow

We haven't talked to a close friend of ours for ages. She's been in a couple of rough relationships, and she has found a new partner over the past 5 months or so. My wife knows her from elementary school, although we're not super close, we do get along and it'll be nice to catch up. That'll be tomorrow after work.

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Wednesday 12.4

Quick post today cuz it's late.

I got both of my morning things done. Handed in that form my manager needed back with my feedback, and additionally worked on the dishes before work. At night wife and I caught up with that friend.

For my screen time summary, I'll make that more of a priority tomorrow. Work was pretty busy as I finally got unblocked and made some mad progress on it. Got a logic loop working on a new system I've not used before. Learning lots.

Commitments tomorrow:

Continue working on the project.

Keep up with screen time summary if possible.

Help my wife plan for a vacation trip (tickets have been purchased!)

We will be out of the country some point after the holidays, and I'm thinking I'll be using that time to just breathe and read, and be with my family. I'm looking forward to the holidays.


Posted (edited)

Thu 12.5

Daily Goals

  • No mobile games: 225 days
  • No compulsive social media use: 63 days
  • No compulsive research: 63 days
  • No passive screen time before bed, first thing in the morning, or at work: 65 days

Today was a bit of a weird day, in the middle of a snowstorm and schools got closed today. My kids stayed home, and I took a half day.

Things I want to do every day to stay healthy

Sleep - Slept pretty well from 11pm - 6:40am

Mediation - I've been slacking on meditation, which is not a good thing. I really need to commit to doing this in the morning or during my work breaks. Instead I've been focusing on just lying down and decompressing my thoughts. In a way it's a form of meditation… I guess, now that I'm writing about it. Maybe I need to be kinder to myself, even if I don't do a guided meditation.

Practice French - I did one lesson today in the morning. I'll see if I go with more after journaling.

Read a book - I'd rather read though before bed. Which is something I haven't done yet today. As I mostly focused on…

Exercise - I took a half day in the morning, so I stayed home with the kids entertaining them due to the snow day. Part of this involved doing exercises with the TV, they both jumped in and tried following along. I got my exercise in while entertaining them.

Kids - see above


  • Boiled eggs for breakfast
  • Leftover chicken for lunch
  • Beef burgers for dinner

Hygiene - I had a shower after working out, will brush after publishing this.

Partner - brought up the trip thing but it was busy with the kids to talk about it. We did say that we'll talk about it tomorrow

Journal - I need to focus more on doing this to decompress too tbh. Today was a weird and short day due to the snow storm though, keeping the kids home.

I will say though that a good win today was not getting overwhelmed due to the snowstorm. That was helpful to take a half day in the morning. I dunno if I will do that tomorrow (it's still snowing hard out there) but knowing this is an option and that my manager will understand is good.


  • Continue working on work project

I'll be working on this throughout this week and next. Today I still made progress and I'm glad that I

  • If possible, continue with the screen time

Yeah no this did not happen with kids home in the morning. I'm not even sure if I'll continue it tomorrow or this weekend. How important is it that I do this relative to my other stuff? Well honestly not as much as getting back on track with the 7 Habits and the above. So maybe this is something to drop.

  • Holiday trip plans

With the kids home it was not something easy to find time to discuss. Tomorrow will be better.

Commitments for tomorrow

Continue working on work project

Get back on track with meditation and reading

7 Habits long term goals (maybe)

Edited by D_Cozy

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