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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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  1. So yeah. Very long time since Ive written on this forum - 60 days.. Life happened and a bachelor needed finishing and stuff. Jobs had to be applied to. Stress, Stress, Stress. Finished it all with the grade B in my bachelor. Very great I think. But no more education for me. Now I am finally here with a bachelors degree, a full-time job and still no games played. So grateful. Days without games: 107 Grateful for (3 things)? That I am finally done with my education that I have a job already My girlfriend for getting me through What went well since last post? I finished my bachelors. I got a full-time job. I have not played. What will I do differently? Try to write more now that my life isn't so stressful anymore. What is my current long term goal? 5 months on my wedding day! more than 3 months in now 😄
  2. My days right now... Busy busy busy. Really looking forward to the end of this semester when I am done with school. I am so very tired of going to school now. I've spent almost 7 years in the University, another 4 in College and another 12 in other forms of school. So I've pretty much spent my entire life in the school... Now I just want to pass all subjects and get on with my life! Days without games: 47 ! Grateful for (3 things)? - Soon done with school - my friends - my girlfriend What went well since last post? - I have not gamed - I have worked a fair bit on my school projects What will I do differently? Procrastinate less by writing my objectives into my calendar What is my current long term goal? 5 month badge! already 3/10 of the way
  3. That would probably be an idea yeah. But it wasn't on social media or reddit that I found the news actually. it was just a standard newspaper which makes it even harder ... Nevertheless, reddit is a source yes. But blocking the subreddits works wonders for me actually. The days just rush past right now to no end. I don't really remember what I was doing all of the days since I last wrote. It has just been a mix of eating, homework, school, assignments, more eating and sleep. And then the occasional "hygge" session with my girlfriend. I really feel like this will continue from now on until like the end of january when the exam period are finished. I've begun looking for a job to start on immediately after school. Could be a huge boost to my economy if I could start right away. Would be so awesome. Just gotta focus on one day at the time, staying on my long-term goal and then attend the weekly GA sessions on sunday. Even when I'm tired and don't really want to go. Days without games: 33 Grateful for (3 things)? - A month without gaming - Almost being done with school - Having some hobbies that I like What went well since last post? Havent gamed Have a wonderful time with my girlfriend What will I do differently? What is my current long term goal? 5 months badge at wedding!
  4. So these past like 14 days I've been so extremely busy. Had a gigantic assignment from school which I ended up spending close to 100 hours on, all in the span of 8 days... So I've been extremely stressed and haven't had the energy to journal at all. All I could think or dream about was that assignment. Thankfully I finished it friday afternoon... Yesterday we held 1 year anniversary for our relationship, me and my girlfriend. Was a super great day which I had planned and she loved it. I also read the news about the new Diablo IV coming out, and I had a talk with my girlfriend about me thinking about it. It was actually great talking with her and explaining what I did to me. So I just gotta be extra careful the next couple of days. Still extremely tired from this assignment marathon and it's usually when I'm real tired that I get the relapse signs flowing. But nope, no relapse for me. 5 months badge instead! Days without games: 27 Grateful for (3 things)? - Finally being finished with my gigantic assignment for schoo - My family - Christmas decorations What went well since last post? - I didn't play - I talked with my girlfriend about when I was tempted for something unlike what I've ever done What will I do differently? Not take huge breaks from journaling What is my current long term goal? 5 months badge on wedding day!
  5. Thursday was a busy day with lots of work on the Bachelors I'm working on these months. We reached a huge milestone which means that we can move forward to second part now. Had a GREAT time with my girlfriend in the evening. Very cozy and happy evening. Friday was just school upon school upon school which ended with me coming home, to a girlfriend wanting to do something, so we ended up playing board games at a café with "brother in law" because my sister wasn't home. We played from 20-01 so that was a long night, but fun. Saturday went with drilling over 30 holes in the apartment for new shelves that needed to be set up, and a few new lamps as well. Took the entire day. Ended the day with joining a party for a couple of friends moving in together. Was really fun yet again. Today, sunday, went with cleaning the entire freaking apartment, took like 4 hours - 2 people. So much stuff just laying around from the saturday drilling. But now its finally clean and it looks good and there is no more crap on the floor. Great succes. Days without games: 13 Grateful for (3 things)? - Having a great bunch of people around me - A clean apartment - Being able to borrow a ladder near me when I need it instead of having to store it in my apartment What went well since last post? The only times I've had to restrain myself from gaming was friday afternoon, when a friend of mine asked if I wanted to play some random multiplayer game, where I really just wanted the time to go, but I did not accept the invitation. What will I do differently? What is my current long term goal? 5 months badge on our wedding day Work it everyday, just a bit.
  6. Jesus christ, I did not know that happened, since I'm using an extension for black theme. Thanks for the headsup is it black=?
  7. Have you tried with the barriers that cam talks about? Like for example, installing Cold Turkey to block applications and websites, or Stay Focused on the phone to block access to Google Play Store for example, and then have someone else put a password on the blockers. For me personally, I think that this is a huge help, because 1. I don't have to decide whether I want to game or not, because I can't unless I try really hard, 2. Usually I have had relapses in the past because I've failed my resolve just ever so slightly, and if I just had a little barrier more, then I probably wouldn't have relapsed at that time. It's more like making it harder, so you have more "time" to make a good decision instead of just falling into the games again. Anyways, that really works for me. Your idea of leaving the computer probably is quite a good strategy aswell and I really like that you think about it this way. On the resolve and willpower part however, just a little barrier can go a long way. ?
  8. Sounds like you have a blast quitting video games ? I had a thought: Do you have any strategies set in place for when you do get urges to play again?
  9. Good on you for starting a new journal ? I've been where you are as well, just being ultra hyper productive, which in the end is exhausting when starting motivation quiets down a little. So to you: Good luck to you with the slow and steady. That's atleast my strategy for now as well.
  10. Oh boy are you getting busy. it's so nice to see you take off like a rocket on this journey ? Just be sure to be able to cut down on some activities when it gets a little harder to not game, when your motivation has quieted down a little. Maybe it won't happen for you, I don't know. But for me it has happened a few times, where I overloaded on activities in the start and then sort of lost track and motivation with all the new stuff I had to do. Starting with a few things at a time and working those into my schedule fully and then continue with other things, has been the only way that I've been able to add a lot of new stuff. But then again, you are not me, and I'm not you. So continue onwards with this rocket speed and you're on the Moon by the time you reach 90 days! ?
  11. @liam thanks for your kind words. I do think that most of us could learn from some Chinese proverb ? Jokes aside, I think working a positive philosophy as you mentioned is very important to keep moving. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ These last few days have been great. Monday went with tons of studying and then had a great evening with my girlfriend, where we had full focus on each other. Tuesday went with school and then an 8 hour session of DnD in the evening, great fun. And finally today, wednesday, I went to a christmas sale with my girlfriend and mother in law, which was super duper nice and we had great fun. Also we found decorations for our wedding! Which was not even christmas decorations.. I can really feel that my girlfriend is much more happy now that I actually give her attention while we are spending time together, rather than before where we spent time together, but my attention were at the games. Also I am really looking forward to going to the GA meeting again. I kinda miss being in that place with all the wonderful people and all the wonderful support. It's really great to have a place where you can let go once a week, and people just listen to you. Days without games: 9 Grateful for (3 things)? - GA meetings - My girlfriend - Christmas! A little early, yes yes, I know, but still! What went well since last post? Haven't gamed at all Went to school where there were a few people gaming - in school... - and I did not really think about gaming. Well... that's not true. I kinda wanted to game, but with all my restrictions set up, which makes it ultra hard, and most importantly with my goal of setting a 5 month streak on my wedding day, my thoughts quieted down after a little while. What will I do differently? What is my current long term goal? 5 month streak at my wedding day on 14th march 2020! will work with my addiction minimum 5 minutes per day, every day!
  12. I think you could get some value out of checking out some of Cam's videos, like for example: Or: That way you can get some pointers on whether or not you're cheating or not from Cam himself, and a way to stop if you're interested ? Anyways. Good seeing you here
  13. So these couple of days has been kinda busy with birthdays and me still trying to turn my sleeping rythm from holiday and not enough sleep cause games, and coffee at the wrong hours (8pm for example). But I went to the GA (Gamblers Anonymous) meeting today and I had a blast. It was really great going down there and getting to talk with some people some of who shares the same problems with me, and some who have other problems than me but just talking about it. I met a guy that I started the addiction treatment with and he's been doing great, having been free of gambling for over a YEAR - holy shit, I've never done that. My longest is like 7 months. So proud of him. Anyways, I've promised my girlfriend I will attend these meeting every week on sunday, and so I will. It is really a great opportunity to talk with someone IRL. It is however only once a week, so I will keep my journal as well and mix it together. I think this will work best for me. My newly gained increase in free time not spent on games has meant that I've actually done some of the work I've been thinking about doing for quite some time now - and not been endlessly tired and unable to do it. So all in all I am feeling great. My girlfriend has also been able to relax more now that I'm not running around in the shadows, lying to her and all. But: I NEED TO WORK IT EVERY DAY. EITHER I'M MOVING FORWARD, OR I'M SLIDING BACKWARDS. Days without games: 6 Grateful for (3 things)? That I still am with my girlfriend That I am doing okay in school That I have a family that supports me through my hardships What went well since last post? I went to the GA meeting, told my story, and it felt REALLY great going there again and opening up. What will I do differently? Start writing things I am grateful for What is my current long term goal? Showing my 5 month badge to my girlfriend on our wedding day Work min 5 minutes on my addiction each day
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