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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Reno F

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Everything posted by Reno F

  1. Welcome Aleksander! Looking forward to seeing your progress!
  2. Welcome to the forum, Mom. I'm yet to understand what you feel as I have no children, but I might understand a bit about his feelings. Have you tried to reach @Cam Adair? He is the best in what he does.
  3. Welcome aboard, brother! Congratulations on your achievements! You were challenged and your answer to it made all the difference!
  4. Reno F

    Army of one

    Good job with the project! Bunny pictures, please!
  5. It helps me to think I'm part of a bigger scheme, I call it Nature (which is true, of course, but I mean it ina spiritual level). It had helped me during harder times to think like that, but I'm afraid I can't put it in words right now. Perhaps meditation provides a similar soothing experience, as it helps you connect with the present. I feel empowered in the most humble way possible (does this even make any sense?) when I think that "I am nature". As I said, hard to put it into words. You will find your spirituality, just remember it is a personal thing.
  6. Thanks for your post. I shall make your plan mine too! Man in the Mirror is such a great theme! My favorite from Michael is I want you back!
  7. If feels good to wake up early. 7 is not early enough, but it is earlier than 7:30, so I'm progressing. I also went outside for a walk (not run) which was refreshing. The sun rays at this time of the day are priceless. After getting ready to work, I started the most important task of the day, which was writing. I had very good writing sessions the other day, but today I picked up a topic that I wasn't comfortable with and the words didn't flow as I wanted them to flow. I realized that I lacked knowledge and spent sometime checking the info I wanted to write. I got a bit frustrated, but kept going for long enough. I guess this is all part of the writer's job. My weight froze around 60kg which was my goal for the detox. I'm glad I could met it, now I'm trying to figure out how to advance to the next level. New target is 66kg. It seems the heavier you get the more you have to eat to keep your new condition. I feel like a complete amateur on this subject. Means room for improvement. Today was also one of the days I cook for my wife, and I tried a new dish. I can never get bolognese sauce right. I wonder if it is the meat I'm using that is not appropriated. Everytime it seems something is missing. It is probably the third time straight that I'm saying I've skipped one of my dailies. Today was guitar AND Japanese. I stopped managing my time a few days ago, and this is likely to be a consequence of that. I spent too much researching for the writing piece. Back to start on time management.
  8. Quick report: Got up at 7, sharp.Didn't run today. Doing it tomorrow morning, fist thing.Studied Japanese, not as much as planned. Still have a few hours left.Wrote for some time, random thoughts and a bit of planning. Need to increase its time and keep it long every day.Watched Cam's new video today, but then I got caught for about one hour (maybe more?) watching videos. There should be a way to close that stupid side bar with related videos on the website. Gotta keep looking for a second part-time job while I work on my own stuff. End of post. Thanks for reading.
  9. I'm having trouble to keep reading my affirmations on a regular basis. How many have you got?
  10. Thank you all! I was wondering if I should open a new topic for my post detox log. After all, here ends a story and starts a new one. I'm staying firm without games, but I still haven't thought about anything else to pursue as a challenge like the detox. For today I'm continuing here. It's been a while since I have gotten up before seven. That will change tomorrow.It's also been a while since I went running. That will change tomorrow (I'm not sure about this one, but I'll say I'll do it)I have been slacking with Japanese. I'm reviewing Kanji and calling it a day. That will change tomorrow.I precticed writing for 6 days straight. This was actually what kept me from studying Japanese for longer. I'm enjoying it.Guitar improvisation practice is getting better. I think I've got through a funnel and now it will take a while until I reach a new plateau.Need a new book. Next one will be about writing too, as I just finished reading "The War of Art". What a great book!I made my story with games public yesterday (wrote a text and shared on social networks) and it seems some people could relate to it. Digital compulsion is still under the radar of most people. As much as I dislike to do "tomorrow I start" kind of promisses, these ones had to be done. That means I'll have to come back here to report the day. Have a great day, folks! You are awesome!
  11. Welcome back, mate! One thing that Cam says often and that I 100% agree is that motivation comes with action and not otherwise. Do something and the motivation will come. If you're having trouble starting something, try breaking it down in to easier, simpler tasks. For instance, if you want to go running, you can break it down to 'put on your running shoes' and 'walk to the park'.
  12. It is impressive how games sometimes hit you in the face with reality, like that advertising. One member of the community was playing a game called "Vain Glory" before the detox.
  13. welcome back, mate! I joined about 3 months ago, nice to meet you! maybe you need a different book, what do you think?
  14. congrats on resisting! you've got the power!
  15. Reno F

    Army of one

    thoughts are better than cravings
  16. I'll remember to take a bottle of soda with me when I'm out for a day in the park Jokes aside, I gotta go out more often. I spend too much time in front of the computer. Even if its productive time, sometimes it becomes counter-productive.
  17. I totally understand what you guys are saying. I've said it myself many times. Some people are happy with "so little", while others have "so much" and can't be happy. Not everyone was born to be Michael Jackson, or as you said, Steve Jobs. But if you keep comparing yourself to others, you will find yourself frustrated more often than you think. More than that, you will never feel happy or fulfilled. I can't help but remember what Simone Biles said when she was compared to Michael Phelps: "I'm not the next Usain Bolt or Michael Phelps. I'm the first Simone Biles."
  18. Ok, now it is my turn! i can't believe I was reading this 3 months ago and now I'm eligible to write my own testimonial! Some random thoughts: The first three weeks felt like three months. Three months without gaming seemed to be three years.There were cravings. There were nightmares. There were bad days. They pass. You stay.The way I saw the entertaintment industry changed completely. I don't blame them if people fall in to vicious cycles. I got to know where I was standing and were I'd like to go.I understood the difference between feeling happy and being happy.Community is important. I read about it for the first time in Napoleon's Hill Think and Grow Rich. Here I experienced it and understood its importance.To be accountable is important. When you put your face out there and say something, you will do everything in your power to keep your word.Things get a bit scary when you stop looking at games and start looking at what's ahead of you. For me it happened that way because I'm changing careers and starting something from scratch again. Feels like I've just graduated from HS, except I'm 30 f***ing 4 years old.Right now playing games doesn't seem a big deal to me. I think I'm able to play them. But I don't want to. Not until I'm happy enough with what's going on in my life. When that happens, I might play something IF I feel like playing something. I also can't finish this without sending a big thanks to everyone who's been in this journey with me, especially to Cam, because, well you know why. I want to be part of other people's victories as you all have been part of mine. So, I'm staying around. Thanks! I'm looking forward to the next post on this thread!
  19. Day 92 I started it on July 15th, and today is Oct 15th, so it is has passed exactly three months. But when I counted the days in, today happened to be the 92nd! I am detoxed! Reinstalling Steam in 3... 2... nah! Did you believe it? Ok, I should wrap up the period in a dedicated post. I'll come back when I have done it. But basically, I'm super happy to have been able to do it, happier than I thought I would be. I finished a project I started. Now I need a new one. I might still have some bad habits I'd like to get rid off, but they aren't as harmful as gaming once was. So I will start something to create a new, good habit. I've been doing this since the beginning of this detox, so I should set up something really challenging this time. Thank you all, for being part of this journey! This is our victory! More are to come! Edit: I added some thoughts in here
  20. Guys, I'm reading this awesome book called "The War on Art". If you haven't read it, do so and you might find some answers on it!
  21. I spent one month without solely entertaintaining activities! It is doable!
  22. If you were Steve Jobs, you would have wished you were Piotr
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