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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Reno F

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Everything posted by Reno F

  1. Slow Pace After drafting the outline of the book, I've started doing research for it. I'm going to have to read some stuff before I begin to write anything worth, but that's fine. While I read, I must also start to think of a timeframe to have the very first draft of the whole book available. Some variables are going to influence this decision, such as the time I'm putting on it everyday, and the priority of it on my current affairs. Besides that, the rest of the day was filled with guitar practice, reading and listening to classical music. Gratitude practice: - Warner Brothers, MGM, and Walter Lanz, for their cartoons soundtrack, the best of classical music. - Kitchen Paper, very handy to wipe the grease and dirt out of the guitar strings. - "Plastic" Gloves, for protecting my hands when I do the dishes.
  2. Wrestling, like the olympic game or wrestling like WWE, Shawn Michaels, Hulk Hogan, etc?
  3. If you give it time, it goes away. patience
  4. I can't juggle, because I don't have the balls to do it. get it? haha
  5. Which Harry's movie did you watch? I remember sleeping in the first two movies, so I kind of gave up. D:
  6. Welcome in! What will you place in your new shelf?
  7. Thanks! Added to the list! Thanks, Cam. The vision is still blured, I believe I will see it better with some steps forward! ----------------------- Visitors at home My wife's mother is visiting us for three days and that change my routine a bit. Today I woke up early as usual, but didn't go for that early walk because my guest was still sleeping and I didn't want to disturb her. So I just read in bed. But there are also good points: I feel less tempted to browse crap on the internet while she is around. The other day I wrote for a virtual Medium magazine, but it might turn out that our interests are a bit different. They want exclusivity, and I can't stop writing for my blog now, neither have time to write to two different sources. I'm also doing a lot of random writing, which is good for practice, but not good in terms of results, as I can't use those texts basically anywhere. Perhaps it is time to start to think about writing a book. I'm reading Triggers, by Joseph Sugarman (the one about sales, not habits). Nice book, makes me want to apply the content right away, but I'm not selling anything. I might combine my write practice with the sales content and start to write copy for the sake of putting to use some of the things I'm reading. I think there is also space for improvement with my time usage/management. Some activities seems to be better done without the pomodoro approach (creative ones, for ex) Next week there is another interview follow up for the job I applied recently. Now for that gratitude practice: - Kindle, for carrying my books and sparing my eyes from bright screens. - Washing machines, for doing the hard work for me. - Bicycles, for making me save money, do exercise and help the planet at the same time. PS: It turns out that I can't edit the first post. My previous journal is here.
  8. Perhaps you don't know it, but I have already (proudly) successfully completed my 3-month detox on October the 15th, 2016. You can check my ups and downs in the journal I wrote during the period here <insert link>. Now it is time for the next step, towards a new goal which I finally have drafted in the last weeks. But first of all, I'd like to tell a little bit about my recent history with games. If you followed through my detox or read through it on the link forementioned, you will notice that I avoided naming the games I was moving from. It was very hard to not talk about them, even mentioning its names. Many times I had written about them but erased before posting, and this was for the specific reason that I TRULY wanted to move on from them. I was forcing myself to have other things to write about, and I would advise you to try this approach. However, I'm allowing myself to write about them here this time only, hoping that my experience could do some good to someone else. --------Game Talk Ahead------------ Yes, I played League of Legends. I was a mediocre player. I didn't want to rank up (stopped playing ranked one year before I stopped playing League. My top rank was Silver 4). But I had a blast playing normals. I could play many characters effectively. I played evething except for top lane. I also played a lot of dominion. Normals was awesome and everyone was having fun (except for those who were having a break from ranked and were still stressed out from their last match). I tried to stop playing it once, and I was somewhat successfull for 2 or 3 weeks. The only reason I went back playing it was because I was spending the time I used to spend gaming on the internet, browsing mindlessly. So I thought "to waste time like this, I might as well play league". And that's what I did. To be completely honest, I couldn't quit League of Legends. But I lost interest in the game when I discovered a mobile game called Heroes Charge. This game was interesting for a while, long enough to forget about League of Legends, and I'm really grateful for that. This game is also the only game that I ever spent money ingame, about 5 bucks. After 6 months wasted on it I realized that: 1 - The game is Pay to Win; 2 - When playing it, you spend 90% of your time grinding. And let's be clear here: to grind is not to play. That's the reason I was never in to MMORPG, like Diablo or WoW. 3 - The developers kept "balancing" the game, which lead to more grind to adjust your strategy. After realizing that, it was easy to quit it. Aroudn that time, I had read Cam's most popular article on the internet, for the second time, if I'm not wrong. But I wasn't commited to stop. Maybe I was looking for a quick fix, who knows. After Heroes Charge, I reinstalled Steam. I played several games, most games being indie retro ones, taking me back to the golden 8-bit/16-bit era of Castlevania, Ninja Gaiden and Metroid. Now, while these games are not as addicting, I was in a frenzy, finishing one and moving to the next. Oh, I just love them, makes me want to play one right now, haha. Anyway, after being depressed for a while, I commited to stop about 4 months ago. I uninstalled everything, still have some unplayed games on Steam. Maybe I'll play them one day, but this is not on my current plans ----------End of Boring Game Talk---------- By the end of my detox, I decided that I wanted to be a writer. And that is still true. I am practicing writing almost everyday, even in the absence of a measurable goal (which is something I should have clear soon). I had an idea for a book to work on (but haven't started it). Writing is also a required skill for my second goal: I want to have an online business. I want to be able to write good copy and have an independent income through affiliate marketing. I also want to have a product or a subscription type of website someday. I'm still on planning stage and I hope to have something to work towards soon. Most of all, I want to be able to help people through a business that can support me and my family, regardless of where we live. That might sum up my long term objective. Next is regarding volunteer work. I tried to join a lifeline program here in Japan some months ago. I really wanted to do it, but the job required a relatively large investiment of money, something I could not afford at the moment. It was really a pity. On the other hand, I was close to the end of my detox and I thought it could be the right time to give something back to the GQ community, so now I'm one of the volunteers for our "Cause". Unfortunately, I still have to sell my time and work with something I don't like to support my dreams. I guess it is all part of "the plan". With the end of the detox, I believe I have the basics handled already and it is time to get my hands dirty. I hope I can still play the guitar sometimes, (Just checked the two game quitters songs from this topic <insert link here> , thinking of composing one as well :D). Enough with introductions, let's get to the journal
  9. I want to carry in real life, if you know what I mean.
  10. Reno F


    well said, mate. Ashley, hang in there. You are living birth soon, and this fact alone is incredible. One thing at a time, be grateful for what you have and when you are ready, go back to the basics. You might be missing an important step of the process.
  11. You got this. I'll be following! Ps: nice guitarrist banana!
  12. Reno F

    Army of one

    I liked you last post, but I want to make it explict with this comment
  13. Remember that everyone sucked at some point. It is part of the process to suck.
  14. Back to writing at night. The day was going quite well, but sometimes you gotta stand certain things to have it end well. And somethings are very hard to stand. Like not having the trust and support of those who should trust and support you. Anyway, let's forget about it for a while. I went to a job interview the other day to work as a front clerk of a hotel, part-time. They asked me to show up again today, just to tell me that the conditions have changed: I'd have to work in two different hotels and night shifts are now included. And they hope that I'd work full time. 6 months ago I would be happy to take it, but now I don't think that it would be good for my long term goals. One thing is certain: I need the cash to invest in myself and in a business of some sort. And of course, I gotta be able to support a family... I just hope that the pressure to become a supporter have a positive effect on my growth. I also gave two classes today, and they were good. Unfortunately, the principal and owner of the school I teach is not doing her job well, so the school is losing many students. I wonder what could I do to help. I'm already doing much. Gratitude time: - Convenience stores in Japan. They have everything. - I have internet, which allows me to study and learn about basically anything. - I have a small heater at home that helps me with the cold (I don't use it that often though, save the planet)
  15. Welcome, Chris. Problems evolve together with the society. Brazilian society, which 30 years ago had to deal with misery and famine now have to deal with obesity. Who would have thought? I'm sure you will find the support you need to get through this here at the community. Best luck!
  16. haha! I've been practicing a song that my wife can sing so maybe we could sing to friends in a christmas get together. she chose a quite difficult song! I'll try to put another acdc cover in between my practices! On a side note, I like how the grateful section of your journal have became a big part of it!
  17. I can see your point. Playing can be seen like sharing a bottle of wine while having an stimulating conversation with someone. Yet, I would wait until the end of my detox to try that. I wouldn't want to spoil it.
  18. Another morning entry It's been about 3 weeks since I finished my detox. Sometimes I think about how I miss the time when games were supposed to have an end, like a book or comics. Monday and I forgot yesterday to plan the week. Gotta do it now, after I finish writing. You know, it is better to set a time to journal and plan the following day. I shouldn't be writing this in the morning, since I don't want to plan for tomorrow when I still have stuff to do today. But yea, let's finish when we have started, so we can move on. Will I ever feel the urge to start writing and not procrastinating? Everyday there is this mini battle against this intangible enemy. The clock rang 9 o'clock, I have to go. But before, some gratitude practice: It's great to have a job as a teacher and help people learning a new language and discovering new worlds. I also live in a city where a car is not needed and I go everywhere by bicycle. Lastly, I sleep in a very comfortable bed (too comfortable, to be honest ) update: I almost forgot. http://renofacundo.com.br
  19. btw, cool profile pic. is that your parrot?
  20. Reno F

    Army of one

    Sounds like a funny story to tell people at a happy hour after work or school
  21. Congratualtions on your first week gamefree, Yani!
  22. It's funny because your profile picture says "Stop beating yourself up!". You met your goal of 2k words just in time! Well done, mate!
  23. The book could easily be renamed to Life's User's Manual.
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