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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Cam Adair

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Everything posted by Cam Adair

  1. This is absolutely the truth! Between meditation, jounaling, and books my mind has really become sharper and more perceiving. I can't even imagine what it will be like after years of consistent reading! 100%!
  2. Great job on being 30% of the way there! I'm on Day 4 of a new detox (not from gaming) myself so it's motivating for me to see you 30% the way on yours.
  3. Hey Paul! Congrats on 15 days. Setting these small milestones (15 days, now 20 days) is a great way to motivate yourself and stay focused. On the friends side I'd encourage you to look into learning how to connect more emotionally with people. Look into if you can find any "authentic relating" type workshops or meetups in your city. I found those were beneficial for me.
  4. Hey Jose! It's great to have you join us here and thank you for sharing. Being vulnerable and being raw and honest is a positive step forward in your recovery. When I quit gaming I was also at my lowest point. Depressed, no high school diploma, no friends, bullied, suicidal, etc. But quitting games was the catalyst to push me forward, and you now have this same opportunity, which is quite exciting! Take it one day at a time and I encourage you to maintain a journal on the forums so you can gain the support of the community.
  5. +1 to Trello, use it for everything Game Quitters.
  6. Awesome to hear your projects are going well.
  7. Can't wait to hear how it goes!
  8. Great to read your update. Good job on 11 days. It will get better, just continue to focus on improving one day at a time.
  9. I am trying the same at the moment!
  10. Add f.lux to your computer. It will make a big difference in helping you sleep!
  11. Yes, exactly! Focus on what you want from the choice you are making. Haha awesome video... especially because everything is muted.
  12. Can't wait to come visit Finland! Congrats on 150 days, that's incredible. Really proud of you.
  13. Hey Miguel. I definitely relate to the difficulty in making choices sometimes. What I've found is that it's similar to going swimming in a pool. When you are going into a pool, you have two choices: You can either dip your toes in, in which case the water feels cold and you slowly dip more of your body in, being cold the whole time, until your whole body gets in and then you finally warm up... or may you don't even get in because the water is too cold when you dip your toes in OR You can run in and JUMP in, your whole body submerging and although you are cold for a second, after that you're warm and having fun in the pool. So sometimes, you just have to make a choice. It doesn't have to be perfect, and if you make one choice and it doesn't work out, you can always go make a different one. For example, you can choose to go see a movie at a theatre, and if it's bad, you can just leave and go to a different one. Etc. When it comes to your courage mission: GREAT JOB! Remember what I have shared about celebrating your small wins. Yes, you could have improved for sure, but now you will remember that more for the next time. But before you can even have the opportunity to listen in a conversation, you have to start it just like you did. So good job, be proud of yourself, because that will encourage you to do it again, whereas if you beat yourself up for not doing better, it will discourage you. Focus on encouragement, one step at a time.
  14. The stronger our community becomes the more likely we are to improve the number of people who manage to stick with it. I'm always open to ideas if people have any.
  15. Awesome to hear you made it to the NJ meetup! Hope to meet you next time I'm out that way.
  16. Primarily this point that I mentioned: I don't have a ton of need for mobility, and while I could get a laptop, I need to use an ergonomic keyboard due to my RSI... so laptops are out!If I ever do need a laptop I can use my work one in a pinch. But I can't work comfortably with a laptop keyboard for longer than 15-30 minutes. They're really poor ergonomically, and aggravate my RSI. So, it's kind of idiosyncratic to my situation. ah, missed that point. Makes sense. :)
  17. Just curious, why a desktop and not just a laptop?
  18. Hey Thomas. Thanks for sharing - being open in these moments is important. These two videos can help you: - What To Do If You Relapse And Start Gaming Again - How to Reward Yourself Without Gaming Remember, you game for specific reasons, so trying to come up with ideas for how you can avoid being bored next weekend is key. Being out of the house will also help a lot.
  19. Just remember, what you resist, persists. So to transcend what you are feeling you must first fully accept it as is.
  20. Hey Bob! Thanks for joining us here. Hypothetically, if you were to remove games from your life, what are some ways you could continue to bring history to life? This is a good place to start. Also, I'd recommend instead of focusing on removing games forever, just take 90 days and then re-evaluate. During these 90 days you can use the time to find alternatives to still keep up with your interest in war and history. BTW, have you heard the Hardcore History podcast? If not, bet you'll love it.
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