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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025


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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. What do you specialize in and what languages do you use most often?
  2. Maybe you're lucky to be of those people who can do moderation. For me it's all like cigarettes: the less frequently you do it the longer you wait for it, the harder it gets.But if you go cold turkey, you just forget it with time.
  3. I think it's universal anywhere in the world, well maybe apart from countries where drinking is illegal. Getting wrecked on weekends is what people do religiously when they don't have tough enough goals and just drift through life. I like your strategy, it's totally fine. Another option is to drink something non-alcoholic. No one can tell if it's water/apple juice or hard liquor you're drinking. I was bored dumb when I stopped drinking at nightclubs. Being sober around drunks and with so-so music playing felt old, but with beautiful ladies involved it was still tolerable. As for smoking, the ban on indoors smoking in Russia made the social aspect redundant. Compliments and basic social questions are also good conversation starters. Thank God that cocaine or anything of that nature is not considered a fool-proof icebreaker in your nightlife scene .
  4. Thanks, bro)
  5. I think I might be making a fool out of myself constantly , but I tend to disregard pretty much all of it. I think when you up the scale of challenges you take on, you stop sweating the small stuff entirely. I like Michael Jordan in the that respect, he manfisted countless times in words and actions that he doesn't really care about missing shots, hogging the ball and messing up as long as he wins. To think of it he was a huge asshole of person, but he won a lot and many people like him anyway.
  6. Bob, awesome news! I hope feel good about your fitness progress. I recently started liking what I see in the mirror way more than that of a month ago. How's it going for you?
  7. don't know anyone who can turn back time, so I think it's best that you just own your present and enjoy it fully. Cher's video LMAO, bro
  8. @Hitaru Thank you for finding time to watch those videos! I'm happy that you liked them. I've noticed that you're more upbeat recently, and I'm glad if you sincerely feel that way. I've taken the silent pause to motivate you to watch those videos that I searched and found for you. So, no worries there, you may count on me to support you. How's your goal list doing by the way?
  9. Day 37 I'm happy to tell that my weekend grind has paid off. I now have a solid understanding of my next steps and have already started on them, I have streamlined my urgent landing page and SMM work, also I've switched back to a site-building service I used three years ago. Whoa, didn't think I've been doing all that for so long now . Anyways, they have greatly improved greatly and now provide a sufficient range of capabilities besides being more user-friendly than my current contractor. I say that I will have my new landing page published and working by the end of this week (it's Monday already). Also I 'll start posting on my two new corporate Instagram and updated Facebook accounts. It's going to be a very busy week, wish me luck and I wish you the same.
  10. Thank you guys, love your support.
  11. So, how did it go?
  12. True that! That's why we're here.
  13. Yeah, being of healthy weight feels way better than chocolate tastes.
  14. Sounds like a very good day.
  15. Does your wife's sister have kids? I remember being terrified at how my friend used to toss his little daughter up in the air. She was as happy as kids can be and I was flinching every other time. He said you get comfortable with that with time.
  16. Nobody likes talking about that . Just focus on what's to gain from quitting.
  17. Same here, I think it's a usual man's pattern. We pull away in hard times and socialize way more when on a roll.
  18. Thanks, bro
  19. Consitency at all times, good job. Keep posting at least something.
  20. I shall be moving on the 23rd next month Day #16 Man, I literally lied in bed all day. Didn't play any games but the sudden void has splashed over me with force. Im not going to be too hard on myself though, it was a big turn yesterday. And in the end I didnt install and play anything (inconvenience for the win). Going to do some prep work for Sydney... slowly but surely introduce other things to do. Its by no means going to get easier overnight but its simply a waiting game. It's totally natural, you're doing fine.
  21. Day 36 Time goes by in a flash. It's so weird that it has been 36 days already, also that the summer is ending and I'm suddenly 28. I'm feeling perplexed about that. I might be a workaholic without gaming . I cant' escape into dreamlands, so stay focused on the real world all the time. I don't enjoy working day and night and on weekends, but I'm desperate. I don't feel like I've gained enough traction to chill out. I've exchanged upscale offices and large paychecks for the dream of creating something of value, of self-actualization and higher checks (of course ). And I have these doubts from time to time about how well I'm doing and if I have the ability to make myself proud. My brother is globe-trotting, my friends are getting married and I'm, well, I'm constantly working or thinking of ways to improve my business. Some of my acquiatances who are more successful at business say that one key characteristic of successful entrepreneurs is being a little crazy in a natural and congruent way. I think I might have that, I sometimes think that I'm a little cuckoo and this thought is a little uncomfortable. Even in times of doubt I still would go back and make the same choice back then. I would make smarter moves, but the main direction would be pretty much the same. I think I'll embrace the way I am and call my ambitions a beautiful obsession of mine. I've come up with another three segments people need: it's adults that want to complete their GEDs (two by geography and one extra by format). The approximate confirmed Moscow market size for that is 7k clients per year. So, now I have twelve segments in total (four are local, six are citywide and two are global) and sure as hell it is possible to gain 1k clients by May. First, I need to have have twelve landing pages, then I should decide on the segmentation of social media channels. I'm positive that I won't be able to create content for twelve accounts myself - I guess outsourcing is the only viable option, I'll plan myself though. I want my educational holding to become a huge whale.
  22. I think this is pretty normal. It seems to me that most logs goes further and further away from gaming as it's author loses interest in it. It's interesting to read what people are switching to instead. A very wise insight, HappyCat
  23. Congratulations!
  24. Vlad

    Skaliq's Journal

    I would mostly consider the exit opps and how fun the college is. If the career prospects are not very different then pick the fun one.)
  25. That's the best meditaion I've read about
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