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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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Hi, my real name is Daniel and im writing this journal because i decided to put an end in my history with games forever. I will make a check-in on this tread everyday to assure my progress.


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Posted (edited)
On 8/9/2020 at 5:14 AM, chiliflavor said:

Welcome to the forums, @gameswillnotkillme!
Glad you finally quit LoL. I'm struggling with playing DotA as well. Hoping that you'd finish the 90-day detoxification. Good luck!

Thanks man. My case is not a 90-days detox but a total extermination of games from my life. I never want to return playing games again.

I played games for years (2004-2020) and this shit stealed my life. I will transcend for a new life: a life without video-gaming.


I assure you one thing: there's a lot of good things in life and video games are not capable of supply or feelings/needs/tasks. Forget Dota and start to live your own life.


(If you want a accountability partner to do this just p.m me, im here for you)

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Hey, I felt like league was killing me too. It's like smoking or something. Good for a moment then it kills you. And kind of quickly too. I would get really bad anxiety from playing. So much so that my skin would become really oily and people would notice it. Welcome to the forums.

1 minute ago, Erik2.0 said:

Hey, I felt like league was killing me too. It's like smoking or something. Good for a moment then it kills you. And kind of quickly too. I would get really bad anxiety from playing. So much so that my skin would become really oily and people would notice it. Welcome to the forums.

Thanks man. For me League is like a drug too, a BIG ADDICT DRUG. The ambient is not good, the people dont respect itselves and a lot of other things that just brings evil to the human being. Im quitting this shit forever.


Hello Daniel, welcome to this great forum.

Can you describe yourself and what you would like to achieve in life?

How do your close ones (family and friends) perceive you? What strengths and weaknesses have you identified?

What goals have you set yourself to get to a point where you can achieve your great aim?

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29 minutes ago, Amphibian220 said:

Hello Daniel, welcome to this great forum.

Can you describe yourself and what you would like to achieve in life?

How do your close ones (family and friends) perceive you? What strengths and weaknesses have you identified?

What goals have you set yourself to get to a point where you can achieve your great aim?

Hey man, thanks.

I am 21 yo and live in Brazil.

I want to achieve peace, a good job, finish my graduation, restaure my sociability and broken relations between me and my family/friends. Also, having a girlfriend would be awesome.

They se me as a good, confident and happy person that decided to change the own life. Sometimes i get insecure or anxious, but im getting better from this.

Well, i guess that's it.


Day 1: Today was a awesome. I spent a big part of this day with my family, and together we had coffee, lunch and movie in the afternoon. I am restauring contacts with old friends, and this is helping me too much. Tonight i was on the church in order to bring back my faith, that one have been prejudicated by gaming excesses and other vices. Im starting to take control of my life again, and im feeling than nothing can stop me now.

Posted (edited)

Day 2: Im feeling happy today. There was a lot of sun in my town and i get out from my place twice in a day for a walk. My heart is full of hope that i can change, and i thank the Holy Ghost for take me from this vice and PMO from my life. Im on the process to be free from this evil, and i am trying to help others with the same issues. 

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Day 3: Today my lol account entered in the exclusion process and im very happy about this. Im accomplishing an old dream: being free of Lol/games and starting a new life. In my heart i feel that i can do everything, and im loving this process of liberation. Also, I already make a walk today in order to bring oxigen to my mind and body.

21 minutes ago, Amphibian220 said:

Going for a walk is a great way to free your mind! Are you playing or training in any sport?

Also, are you studying at a university?

Just walking to clarify my mind. Due to the pandemy and in order to kill old habits/vices i acquired the will to walk in the neighborhood a time a day in order to stay health and find peace to myself. 

Im in the 2 period in the Graduation of Literature at my university.

And you, are you studying and making any exercise?

Why you decided to quit games?


I completed my masters degree in Law some years ago. I’m currently looking for a legal job in the construction business.

why did I decide to quit video games? Video games were distracting me from important issues, such as health, education, work, development of communication skills. They never appeared to me as the source obstacle, I preferred to think that my issues were unmanageable and games had nothing to do with them. 

After some reflection I started seeing that they are causing serious discipline problems. I’m currently doing general cardio workouts and intend to start my boxing training.

Posted (edited)

Day 4: Today my day was pretty good. I studied, finished a self-help book and worked in my church. Im pretty happy with this, my life has meaning. Its good to apply to something that can help others, even if is a little thing for me. 



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6 hours ago, Erik2.0 said:

Keeping distance from games is good. What book did you read?


Im christian and actually reading Me and My Big Mouth: Your Answer is Right Under Your Nose by Joyce Meyer, is helping me a lot to become a better people and understand myself.

Posted (edited)

Day 5: The day is going and im staying strong to my purpose.





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Good for you. I'm glad that her book has helped you. I think we can all relate to having sunk a lot of time into games that we can't get back. I could've started my career a lot earlier if I wasn't busy being addicted to substances and games. Oh well, doing the best I can now to get going with my career.

1 hour ago, Erik2.0 said:

Good for you. I'm glad that her book has helped you. I think we can all relate to having sunk a lot of time into games that we can't get back. I could've started my career a lot earlier if I wasn't busy being addicted to substances and games. Oh well, doing the best I can now to get going with my career.

Certainly you have a great carrer upon you man. I throwed away 16 away of my life with this addiction, something than im trying to compensate starting by now. I could had learned music, painting, drawning, and a lot of other things. Thank God we recognize our mistakes and we are trying to change for better by lefting this addiction behind us.

Posted (edited)


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Daniel, you have said you are studying literature. Is it in your plans to become a teacher? What field do you want to work in after you graduate?

After I stopped gaming, I also stopped all non-essential internet use. I am afraid that new things like film series can become an addiction. The great thing about sports and speaking to family and friends is that these activities have much less scope for controlling you. I like sport, but I will not say it is interfering with my development.

6 hours ago, Amphibian220 said:

Daniel, you have said you are studying literature. Is it in your plans to become a teacher? What field do you want to work in after you graduate?

After I stopped gaming, I also stopped all non-essential internet use. I am afraid that new things like film series can become an addiction. The great thing about sports and speaking to family and friends is that these activities have much less scope for controlling you. I like sport, but I will not say it is interfering with my development.

My principal objective is to become a translator, a project that almost died because of game addiction. Thanks God im being liberated from this prison and now i can revive this project. My english is becoming good (at least in the wriring part) and i love translation itself. I want to translate everything (except games)


1 hour ago, Erik2.0 said:

Good luck with your translating aspirations. It's good we're in our 20's and 30's we still have a lot of time to lead meaningful productive lives.

Thanks man. Yes, we have a lot of time in our lives yet to build, learn and conquer new things, thank God we already opened our eyes. Imagine the guys who have 30/40 yo and are prisioners of gaming, these ones will suffer in life. Im not being prepotent, just telling the truth.

Im talking this by my own experience: theres no liberty in gaming, just prison






Posted (edited)

Day 7: Today me and my family left our town to make a short trip on the road, It was pretty good. We are facing a stressfull situation in our lives this week, the trip itself helped us to put it out, we laughed a lot in the car LOL.





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