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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

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well lets see if this method work .. i mean it must be working because it worked with others who are not that much better than me , 

i started quitting 10 hours ago , small number but at least it is an advance , lets do some quick math.

the 90 days detox are 2160 hours and i have done 18 hours which is about 0.8% and this is the progress i have to improve and advance .

luckily i have ideas to  fully fill the new gabs in my days ( i mean the free hours that  will exist after quit gaming) .

i used to play 8 hours a day and   do some shits in the other 8 hours and sleep for 8 hours , so i have 16 free hours to work with .

and because games are encouraging  us to continue playing their game by the progress bar so why don't i do the same thing to quit games ?

i will simplify my progress into small tasks but first i should put these tasks in categories


first category is physical Health :

if i am not healthy i will never be able to do the other stuff ! health is always the number 1 .

task  1 healthier food  i have to learn how to make a (((healthier food )))at home instead of the fast food .

 decreasing the amount of sugar i take each day is good too .

task  2  healthier body : i should start (((doing some sports)) at home alone .  if that success and lasted for 1 month i will move to the gem ! i do not wanna pay money for it before being sure that i will attend there .

task  3 control my sleeping scheduler !! because leaving games will determinate any reason to wake up which can force me  to sleep more and kill my time by oversleeping ! 

i can prepare some fresh fruits before sleeping and put them near my bes in order to encourage me to wake up faster and eat my beloved fruits .

there are some bonus tasks ! 

*doing a shower when i wake up each day . and using the shampoo that i bought for the hair loss .

*brushing teeth which iam lazy to do it .

*using the body cream and trying to find a solution for the black area under my eyes .

task  going outside to smell fresh air and see real world humans ! and real world graphics of the beautiful nature ! 


second category psychological health  :

being depressed and unhappy can lead to suicide  ,  or at least decreasing the efficiency and speed of my progressions 

task 1 .being always positive !! our life is too short to be sad of something

task 2 go out to drink water and deep breath whenever bad ideas come to the mind

task 3 meditate in a positive way

bonus tasks :

*thinking about my good achievements or moments in the past (only good things)

*going outside  (with the best clothes  best looking )to smell fresh air and increasing the self confident   


third category is finding a job :

i will never be able to live without money ! i have to buy food and pay the rent of my roam ! so i have to find a mini job to afford my living costs .

bonus task for finding job !

*going to the center of the city nad ask personally for a job rather than online searching

*talking with my self using a mirror in order to improve my speech skills and facial gestures which is looking depressed right now . 


fourth category is Education :

the more i learn the more chances i create to increase my income and maybe live a better life !

i should try find something to study or learn something i like academically . 

bonus tasks for education

*improve my  language and wording skills  .

*reading books that support me against my addicting


the fifth category is relationships

well i am living alone in my roam but not living alone in this world !! i must cooperate with others  who love me and care about me ! 

task 1 select the best (none gamer) friends of my life and try being more with them .. and if they don't exist i have to find them in the library for example

task 2  not being afraid of making new(none gamer none bad) friends especially the most successful of them . 

bonus tasks :

*contact more  with my parents and ask them for help

*greeting people with a happy face (little smile) 

*be always positive with the others and avoid criticism or complains 

. finish

now i have to start doing these tasks 1by1 in order to quit games.

ah i forget  to set my alarm to remember writing the daily journal .










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Hey Ismail!
I'm pretty new here myself but welcome to the Game Quitters. Glad you're taking steps to phasing games out of your life and making time for things that will truly make you happy.

It's by no means easy but I think we've all got what it takes to make this healthy transition.

Good luck!

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4 hours ago, Avnat Netzer said:

Hey Ismail!
I'm pretty new here myself but welcome to the Game Quitters. Glad you're taking steps to phasing games out of your life and making time for things that will truly make you happy.

It's by no means easy but I think we've all got what it takes to make this healthy transition.

Good luck!

thanks man , glad to seepeople like you who supports the others , both of us are newe and we have to support each other


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day 1

it was a very boring day because it is Sunday and i couldn't do anything except some sport .

i feel overboard but not sad or depressed  and if i game now i will not feel better . 

but i am sure that this day is a good step toward success despite the fact that i wasted most my free time overthinking of my future steps . i have to make some life decisions to chose a path for my life , either borrowing more money and go back to the uni or sign in a company for dual-study (which means study and work at the same time) or just go learn profession and start working full time . that's a very hard decision.

i couldn't buy food today because  nothing is open except restaurants . so i must to eat there or just drink water at home as i used to when i was gaming . i used to drink water when i feel hungry ., that was a very sad story .

but at least i have eaten a good healthy normal food instead of nothing . but i should buy food tomorrow and start to cock my own food to spare money .

sometimes i feel satisfied while writing this post and sometimes not . it is hard to control my feelings or judging my self . my feelings are mixed now .

but i guess this is normal because of my travel from the digital world to the actual real world .

my progress is at 2% toward detoxing of game addicting and this is really satisfying ! our life is moving too fast and that's good for quitting games .

i haven't progress any tasks or bonus tasks which i mentioned yesterday but i am sure that i will complete them in the future .

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10 hours ago, ismailkanaan said:

day 1

... and if i game now i will not feel better ...

Yeah typically for me after a binge of gaming I would end up hating myself. remembering that games won't answer my problems would keep me from gaming... for a while.

It was when I forgot that and started to believe I had it under "control" that I would come back to games and eventually binge again.

Probably learning to be more forgiving of myself will help me. Trying to take whatever small victories I can along the way. You know you might think "oh man I wasn't so successful today but at least I managed to work out, or meditate, or brush my teeth".
For me guilt has a way of creating a nefarious feedback loop. It tries to take every victory and color everything as a defeat. This is a real habit of mine almost to the point of being a default setting.
Avoid the guilt whenever possible.

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5 minutes ago, Avnat Netzer said:

For me guilt has a way of creating a nefarious feedback loop.

well but feeling guilt was my reason to be here and quit gaming . i couldn't sleep the past days just because of that waste of time which will lead my future to fail . having black ideas was killing me but forced me to the decision of game quitting .

i have slept very well the past 2 days and waked up very  early because that guilty feeling goes out .

so guilt is like hunger . it tells u that u lack something and have to react !

thanks for your replies . i appreciate it 

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day 2

well still n craving because i have quitt  streaming websites , closed steam + Facebook (but not messenger) and just stay hidden online so no gamer friend send me message and if that happen i apologies and say some excuses .

so i have isolated my self from gaming 99% . cooked and eaten okay (but very healthy food with no sugar) tried to make new friends  but failed , i don't know how to make friends actually .. i feel not comfort to talk to new people and asking them to be a friend with them .

maybe i should watch some videos about this theme. AH i have unsubscribed gaming-timewasting channels on YouTube too which is awesome !!

but i still not satisfied , still feel that i could have done much better ,

i have wasted so much time watching good videos about how to be a new 1 ! or how to do this thing but none of them benefiting me directly . iam watching this videos just to spend my time none gaming or masturbating or watching porn . and that is good but i could have done something better i believe .. maybe not

i don't know i am sleepy i have to sleep but i am positive about tomorrow and  feeling okay about today and i will sleep without feeling guilty .

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i have done a mini achievement today ! 15 days in a row waking up at around 5:30 am

i have achieved that 1 week ago when i have set 4 alarms ! at 5:22 am and at 5:37 am(did this alarms in both my laptop and phone so i have 4 alarms)  and it worked really well !

i am sleeping at 8:30 pm  till 5:30 am which is 9 hours .. it is a lot but i can fix that by changing my going to sleep time rather than my waking up time .

my goal today is to sleep at + 9:00 pm but the problem is that i fall totally asleep at 8:00 .. maybe some sports here can help and then taking a mini shower before sleep .

i am sure that i will achieve it .


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9 hours ago, ismailkanaan said:

i have done a mini achievement today ! 15 days in a row waking up at around 5:30 am

Way to go man!

I'mlooking to fix my sleep schedule also with not much success. When I actually figure it out I'm sure it will be one of the best changes I can make to my daily schedule

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1 hour ago, Avnat Netzer said:

I'mlooking to fix my sleep schedule also

@Avnat Netzer try doing multi-alarms as i did and reduce your sleep time step by step . i do not recommend over estimating our ability to fix sleeping schedule . 

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day 3 :

a big part of my day have been spent with mix of feelings , sometimes i feel good , sometimes bad . i cant describe that feeling

anyway i have eaten okay this day . still have to do sport .. hmm i think that i must do a ( to do list) here and share it with you in order to force myself doing it so.

do list :

1- breakfast ! so important after waking up

2-sport : any kind of sports . 

3- going out and speaking with real world people  to skip my introvert and start making friends .

4-finishing 2 lessons at least .

well i think that this is enough . 

i am sure that i will achieve that tomorrow

i can do it 

i am loving doing it , 


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3 hours ago, ismailkanaan said:

3- going out and speaking with real world people  to skip my introvert and start making friends .

Hey if you consider yourself an introvert type consider reading Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by: Susan Cain
Not sure if it comes in other translations other than English but I found it immensely helpful in understanding my own introverted nature

Yeah we're kind of disadvantaged when it comes to making new friends and in a world that worships extroversion being an introvert tends to be painful.
But we actually have a lot of abilities that a pure extrovert lacks one of them being the ability to have deeper, richer relationships with the few people we do connect with.

Edited by Avnat Netzer
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well  still day 3 :

i have slept form 10:00 pm to 6:00 which is 8 hours ! that's very good thx GOD. my next goal is to sleep around 7 hours and wake up without pain but with full energy .

but first i have to increase my sport/study/meditations time in order to handle that increase of the free time otherwise  there will be reverse effects !



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Well it is 14:30 and i am very sleepy . Maybe thats because my overstep last night when i sleept 1 hour less than usual .

But most likely this early sleep feeling is because of the sleepy long lessons in the uni . 6 hours without Sport !

I think that i must go run between the lessons in order to heat my self because it is the only sport i can do there .


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i have slept form 10:00 pm to 6:00 which is 8 hours ! that's very good thx GOD. my next goal is to sleep around 7 hours and wake up without pain but with full energy .

but first i have to increase my sport/study/meditations time in order to handle that increase of the free time otherwise  there will be reverse effects !



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i was too busy to cover day 3 and day 4 but i want to say is that game quitting have given me time more than i expected ! 

then it it was not hard for me to fill this time with activities .


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day 5 :

i am now very busy that i cant even have time to think and write my journal ! that's why i will do an amateur table and share my progress with you day by day instead of writing a journal in order to spare time .

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well this is an example of the table i am doing .

once this table is done . i will share my results with u .

u can freely editing this table and make your own but please share your ideas with me to make a better table

(i will write some tips or a mini guide in the next post)

peace .

newlife table v1.00.png

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so this is the usage guide :

i have added the main categories left like physical health - psychological health - Relationships - and others (u can freely add the categories u want)

the career category is very flexible too . u can change it to study or job and then u can set your personal tasks .

same thing to the relationship category . u can chose your own criteria and tasks which u want to improve .

colors references

green refers to an accomplishment of something good or  not doing something bad  .
yellow means something still u progressing or something u have not accomplished but u still work to accomplish it   .
red means u have not done something good or u have done something bad . We have to reduce it as much as possible .

u can add more colors for better evaluation . u can try using numbers too !

finally . u can write your own ideas or things that u wanna share with us .

this kind of table is very flexible and open source and can be done on all devices


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still day 5 :

a big problem social problem has happened but it will not make me relapsed . i am very sad and bad ideas are coming now . but anyway i have done many things today , things that  i would never have done if i was gaming . i am going forward and nothing can stop me no matter what happen .

i have relapsed 30+ times in the past ,I used to relapse whenever i feel sad , relapsing is like a thirsty man who drink salty water ! gaming or masturbating or watching porn or opening Facebook will never solve my problem .

i have started things and i will finish them . 5 days have passed , it is more than 5% of my detox which is gr8 . i have done more tasks than i suppose to do ! my improving curve is more than any expectations ! 

I am a different man, I am stronger now , !

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