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NEW VIDEO: The Dark Side of Gaming (Documentary)

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Hi i'm Mario,

I am 25 years old, live in germany and i played video games since i was a kid. I started with all the types of gameboygames, but always read a ton of books too and played alot outside. The addiction started as i started playing online at the age of 14. I played Warcraft 3 online with a friend. Sometimes we would play till 4a clock in the morning even if we had school at the next day. But i was good at school and my life was under control. I only played too much video games. I said to myself if i find the woman of my life i  stop playing and use the time i save for my relationship. Because i was too lazy to play with hotkeys i was always just better then average at video games but never rly good. Warcraft 3 is a very micro intensive game and pretty hard to play well. Thats why i switched to the custom Warcraft 3 Game Dota. I finished school with an (about average) degree and started to study in my hometown.

Because i was always good at science and had no special dream or lifegoal i started my studys to become an engineer, what seemed like an interesting and safe choice.Also I could stay at my parents home for it. At studying i realized that i couldn't play all day and still be sucessfull in my career. But i didn't stopped gaming. So i did pass my classes only barely, because i did not invest enough time into my studys. I played after Dota a lot of league of leagends wich has an very addictive sytem of achievements. I was stressed out, felt the pressure of University and should help with tidying up our apartment (my girlfriend and I lived in our own appartement). But i kept doing just what was absolutly needed. I often did not go to classes at university. That was the first time i said : No. I don't want to be addicted. It influences my life in a bad way. I found a girl i love and are mean to her, because i sit at home and play video games all day. I loose my confidence because i suck at University because i sit at home and play video games all day. So i stopped playing this game. I sometimes watched youtube videos about LOL, studyied a bit more and tried to cook more as an hobby. It worked out ok for half an year or so. then I started playing Dota 2. At the start it was just casual gaming with a friend from University. I was still good at it because its like Dota with new graphics. But i felt the urge to get better watched youtube videos about game mechanics and watched streamers and professional games.I told myself it wouldnt be a problem but  i started playing over 7hours a day. This lead to a rly bad bachelorthesis of mine. I started my Master and told my Girlfriend that i stopped gaming again because she was rly suffering under it adn my resulting moods.

I am now in my final year of my Master of Science and need to pass 7 exams with rly good marks to have a realistic chance on a good job.  But recently i started to play Warcraft 3 again. It was meant to be nostalgic, but i started to skip classes again and started lying to my wife( I married her a month ago :)) about gaming because i dont want to hurt her. She works at a job she doesnt like and wants me to finish my studys( im at university for 5 years now) and start working too. Then she could safely try out other jobs without risking our lifestyle. I stopped gaming again today and wont watch gaming channels any more. Because i realized that i can't do it by myself, this is the first time i write something in a forum and hope it will help me to achieve my goals. To be sucessfull in my life. To get my stuff done and that i never have to lie to my wife again out of shame. Wish me luck!

PS: Im sry if this isn't comfortable to read, because my english or my punctuation sucks.

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Hey Mario,

Welcome, we're glad to have you. Your English is clear enough that I have no problem understanding you. Trust me, it's better than my German :P I weiss nur ein bisschen.

I can relate to your Warcraft 3 story... it was the first game I played online after getting high-speed internet and I was really hooked on it for a while. Thankfully I never really got into DOTA.

I would encourage you to start a journal in the Journal forum and post every day... that will help a surprising amount. That and doing Respawn helped me get started really well.


Hi Guys,

Thank you for your comments. Its really nice to see that people actually read my little story. Guess i try to formulate my thoughts in the journal. Writing your thoughts down is helping to order them and make you more aware of ur problems, wich seems to be a logical step towards improvement. It is a good english practice too ;).

@Cam Thank for founding this site and all your effort. With the free-to-play modell of games getting stronger the barrier to gaming addiction is becoming pretty low and im sure it helps a lot of people. I hope you make some money off it soon, you deserve it.


Good luck bro,

Being aware that we have a problem is the first step to solving any at all. I believe that everyone here has meaningful goals in life but has only yet to be able to pursue them due to our addictions. So feel free always to check in with us, as the old saying goes, as iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. You got this!



Hi Mario. Welcome.

I've never read tons of books but like you, before the age of 13 I played a lot outside, though I had consoles at home. I actually became more and more addicted when I got an internet connection in 1998 or 1999, I'm not sure anymore. I also remember that I spent all of my holidays playing warcraft 3! When I think about it, it was just awesome. Good feelings thinking about it. It's like I don't even regret it. Not sure why, maybe because then I had no family to take care of, and it was the holidays!

After War 3 came some MMORPG's ... Well I won't actually talk about them, it's not the objective ^^

We can have those nice feelings again doing something else!! :)

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