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I ordered two books about story boarding and script writing online. I hope I can read it during the scoliosis treatment. As I can finally think of some idea about the story, I felt refreshed.

Ah also my tutorial is released and reached 2000shares in the fan page owned by me and my friends haha. Actually I felt irritated while making the tutorial as mentioned. This time I didn't put too much effort on it compared to the previous tutorial.

Daily Goal:

X Wake up before 9am (ugh)

V Practice drawing for at least 6 hours

page5 100% page6 20%

V Self-teach about story writing for 1 hour

X Exercise for 15 mins


Daily limit:

V Watching anime: 1 hour

V Cutting down sugar intake


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On 11/01/2018 at 1:13 PM, thehondasc00py said:

Yoooo there, I also have scoliosis, and I've also picked up drawing, I'm going to study visual/graphic/game design in october, not sure exactlu what yet. Got any advice for me? Why did you quit art school?


Btw have you seen Kiki's Delivery Service haha love that movie

Keep everything, no matter how bad you think it is. Has your institution given you a reading list of some kind? 

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On 18/01/2018 at 9:33 PM, thehondasc00py said:

I have not signed up to any schools/universities yet :S

And hope Kiki is doing alright.

aye I hope so too. 


Firstly:- start looking-getting prospectuses and visiting them. I don't know when they start a new academic year but that gives you a time frame needed for applications. Read up on them, there are plenty of resources on the web for that as well as conferences which they usually stick up online. I recently watched the character designers of Skullgirls and Cuphead talk about their work as well as watched videos on typefaces seen on posters and why they are used amongst many other things. Dare I say it, there are game designers wondering around on steam who you can directly get in touch with should you choose that area. These will help you choose what you want to do and give you an introduction in to those fields.

Secondly:- the all-important portfolio...

How I can best describe it is through a set of key operative terms- 'creating experiences', 'experimenting, generating ideas (and removing the bad ones)', 'good communication and conveyance of ideas' and 'noticing and implementing systems and patterns'-that is ultimately the things that designers/artists are looking for across the board.

These experiences are generated not just within those fields but a lot of that comes from outside of them and what you do is bring them back and maybe even provide a commentary; an opinion on them, which the viewer can enjoy. Find a set of common themes in the things that you do and that you take an interest in and start making an investigation out of that. I hope that makes sense.

Learning programs are very useful tools, although I think that at the crux of a lot of things, it is knowing how to fill out a sketchbook with stuff you picked up. little observations and ideas written or drawn, bits and pieces that you have collected and stuck in that, kind of thing, scrapbooking.

commonly used programs in graphic design I know at least are Adobe suite-illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop which can be easily for free obtained through...ways! 

CAD software for environmental work I things like, Zbrush, 3Dsmax, Google Sketchup and Blender. Last two are free.

I don't know much about game engines but i do know that Unreal engine, Paradox and Crytek are free for personal use. Games with modding tools also help too, perhaps making a map or a level in them. There are a host of different physics based rendering (PBR), material and scene editors out there.


However, don't tale it from me, actively go out and find out about what you need from those industries through the people who work in them and the admissions officers.



Architecture student on a...self imposed sabbatical, rejoining this year, have friends involved in graphic design/game design/fine art/other.

Edited by -n.g-
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