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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Typical Teens?


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Hey guys, I am wondering if you got any tips for what's typical for teens these days because I am making a video on it (Yes I know i've been posting lots of these posts lately but It's actually this site that's most helpful). I am planning on adding effects to so would be great to have some inpiut So far i have:

Late for class (run). Get to class moment their seated (i am the one)

When u see the bus and ure about to miss it (run)

Conversations be like (dab, "hey", dab, "hey" (conversation goes so on)).

Temptation of doing something you shouldn't (run in class hallway when other classes have exams even though signs says be quiet)

When u get that snapstreak goal 

When u forgot to deliver your  packed lunch after school and mom yells (run)

When u say ur gonna stop doing something atm. But accidently do it again 

When u owe 1 guy money and you forgot it one day. And everyone keeps telling you to pay and that you owe them money too (even tho you don't).

When ur teacher checks ur homework which u forgot to do.

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I'm not sure what you're doing here.  You're looking to quit gaming or make a documentary about people who are quitting gaming?


He is a gamequitter and he is probably working out content for his channel on YT. I'd even go further and say that his intended audience are teenagers :)

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I'm not sure what you're doing here.  You're looking to quit gaming or make a documentary about people who are quitting gaming?

He is a gamequitter and he is probably working out content for his channel on YT. I'd even go further and say that his intended audience are teenagers :)

Yep! We love to support our community in their various projects. 

@Aleksander B - any updates on the video?

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