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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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Hey guys! Happy Monday!

Last week I sent out a survey about the biggest problems people were running into, and one theme stood out above the others: how to find your purpose after you quit, so I thought I'd shoot a video on that today.

I used to hate the whole "find your purpose" thing because even though I knew the advice was correct.. I didn't know how to actually do it. So in this video I share some of the lessons I've learned along the way including two big myths about your purpose that cause people a lot of frustration and confusion.

Some of the feedback I've got recently is to edit less and just speak more raw truth, so I tried to do that more in this video. The other feedback I've got is to try and avoid the camera shadow, so I wore a black shirt but alas, the shadow was still there. Please forgive me :P I'm working on other improvements soon, but I hope you like the video! Let me know what you think.

Posted (edited)

Hell yeah! I needed a video about this! I ordered "The Big Leap" which is about this topic and I am so excited to read it.

I can't watch the video now, but I will watch it tomorrow and say what i think of it!

Thank you for the video!

Edited by Rodrigo
Posted (edited)

Just watched the video. You showed the point in a very simple an non complicated way, which was very nice! I only understood that the games kind of hack you by giving you purpose, instead of you going through your own path and choosing your own purposes (the latter is ofc harder). A guy can pass his whole life playing videogames thinking that he was accomplishing things, but in the end he will probably say that he didn't really accomplish anything in his life after all. The idea of myself saying this sincerely TERRIFIES me. I don't want to be that guy and I don't wish it on anyone... :(

Since I stopped gaming I had this purpose that I loved to learn. I don't ever want to stop learning at any point in my life. And it has indeed kept me focused in it, instead of doing other stuff. I'm starting to get another sense of purpose, but I still have to learn more stuff to do it yet.

I heard that finding your life purpose is like going through the layers of an onion. When you think you found a life purpose you are in a certain layer. After you will probably find that you were wrong and that there is another one that you think it is your Life Purpose, and you are in the layer under the previous one. If you do this, you will be closer to your true life purpose, the core of the onion. But this path is almost lifelong. But as you said, that's why we have to have life purposes in a timeframe (within a week, month, year), so that it's easier to go through the onion.

I'm glad that you are going to write a book! I believe that you're going to do a great one!

Great video as always :)

Edited by Rodrigo

Happy you enjoyed the video!

The onion metaphor is certainly accurate. Maybe I'll do another video on that soon. As you learn more your purpose evolves, etc etc.


@Rodrigo I strongly relate to that 1st paragraph and naturally agree with it quite strongly. As you said, video games bascially make up what is missing from our life, they give us objectives, direction, new experiences and places to discover, people to interact with, rewards and achievements and...oh wow. Now it's really starting to click, especially as you said about thinking you've accomplished so much because of these games when really, it's only relative to within that game and doesn't have any real value in your life. Like we're susbsituting success in real life with success in video games because its a lot easier and quicker to achieve basically?

In all honesty, I never really did have a dedicated passion back in the day before university. I was lost and terrified as the only things I really knew were my random casual hobbies and especially my video gaming hobby. The latter is what I spent most of my time on before I started to develop more 'balance' for a while. I thought video games were my passion but I was also using them as a coping mechanism, a distraction from my problems regardless if they were my passion or not and thus things went wrong. My only true identity was being a gamer, since I moved to this country. That's all I knew and wanted.

Love that onion analogy/metaphor too, I think that does make sense too as well. We can't predict the future, we can't control it directly, but we can prepare for it, we can focus and invest in the present which will in turn affect the future too. Time is always moving forwards too, so everything that happens will at some point be the past, the present and the future but obviously in reverse order. And thus what you said there also aligns with the idea of using smaller goals to build up to bigger ones.


Learning is wonderful!

Just watched the video. You showed the point in a very simple an non complicated way, which was very nice! I only understood that the games kind of hack you by giving you purpose, instead of you going through your own path and choosing your own purposes (the latter is ofc harder). A guy can pass his whole life playing videogames thinking that he was accomplishing things, but in the end he will probably say that he didn't really accomplish anything in his life after all. The idea of myself saying this sincerely TERRIFIES me. I don't want to be that guy and I don't wish it on anyone... :(

Since I stopped gaming I had this purpose that I loved to learn. I don't ever want to stop learning at any point in my life. And it has indeed kept me focused in it, instead of doing other stuff. I'm starting to get another sense of purpose, but I still have to learn more stuff to do it yet.

I heard that finding your life purpose is like going through the layers of an onion. When you think you found a life purpose you are in a certain layer. After you will probably find that you were wrong and that there is another one that you think it is your Life Purpose, and you are in the layer under the previous one. If you do this, you will be closer to your true life purpose, the core of the onion. But this path is almost lifelong. But as you said, that's why we have to have life purposes in a timeframe (within a week, month, year), so that it's easier to go through the onion.

I'm glad that you are going to write a book! I believe that you're going to do a great one!

Great video as always :)

?Lifelong learning is a great thing! If I can, I plan on taking classes and learning as long is I can.

I am quite excited for the book as well.

Can we advance order and get a discount? ;)

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