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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

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Hi my name is Jeffrey.  This is my first day without video games and I'm finding it so challenging!  I keep questioning the reasons why I'm quitting but I know there is a better life out there for me.  All supportive comments are much appreciated !

Edited by JP
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We have all been there! and you can do it Jeffrey! the first week is the absolute worst (it was for me at least), getting out of the house by any means neccesary is a great way to take your mind of things. the craving will start to fade after a while, i know it sounds impossible, but that's what happened to me at least. good luck to you. :)

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Definitely agree with Thomas. Establishing new habits and activities is crucial. I would also add that being able to be bored, and be tired and be ok with that is something you should become comfortable with. Notice your impulse to game whenever you feel bored or under-stimulated. 


Always remember, you came all the way to this forum, it wasn't a short mental journey to get here. If you need help to stop gaming, thats a good sign you should stop gaming.

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I'm going to work hard at establishing new activities. I'm a creative individual, but I lost my motivation to create a few years ago. I'm hoping that quitting gaming will help with this.

I've also got some issues with male validation... I can admit that I crave it.  Playing these games definitely satisfied that craving... When friends (either online or in-person) would thank me or congratulate me on how well I performed in the game.

outside of gaming, I've been a bit of a serial dater. I'm a gay man and have been dating guys as a means to seek validation. This is another thing that I'm working to quit at the same time.

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Hey nice to have you here. I think a detox has many benefits. Most of the time we game for specific easons. I did binge gaming if I had to do challenging stuff. If I am afraid of failing I tend to put this feelings away and gaming helped me there. It also was a habbit which got enforced daily. The detox helped me alot of reevaluating my feelings towards gaming and other stuff in my life( I decided to quit forever btw). I think especially if you want to build self esteem(which seems to be a problem of yours, if you seek so much validation) it is important, to do things you are proud of. Gaming stops to fall into this category, as soon as you realize how much it improves yours or someone others life if you game(exactly: almost not at all).  Good job on starting this Journal and beeing reflective of your problems. Maybe you can start to create again. Often times motivation follows action and not the other way around.



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