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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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Hi fellow quitters

The last couple of days, I have been thinking about selling my gaming computer. I just started the 90-Detox, and thought that it could be cool, to reward myself, when I succeed. 

I was thinking, if I should sell my gaming gear ( 3000 $ equipment ) in 87 days and get a laptop, like a Macbook or something. It would be the first time in 25 years that I don't own a console or a gaming pc.

Do you think it's too drastic?

Do you have any experience selling you gaming gear? (how you felt afterwards etc.)

I'm looking forward to hear from you.

/ Viking


I personally only have a Macbook Pro and it does everything I need to do (video editing, programming, etc.)

Big fan of having less stuff overall. That $3K could be great for other things, whether that's for a new hobby, a trip, etc.


I use a Surface Pro 4 and I love this thing.  I can hook up external monitors or whatever else I need when I need to be more productive.  Look into it to see if it interests you.


@wookieshark88 - Thanks for posting. The Surface Pro 4 looks really nice ! I have to wait a couple of weeks, before I can take the big step and sell the gaming rig. The decision is too big right now. I will let you know when I get the guts for it ;)   


Hi Viking. Have you decided already?

From what i gather you ask people if it hélped when they sold their gaming gear?

Let me tell you quick my own story. I have made the decision to stop gaming like 6 or 7 times, those are the serious steps i made. Every time i made the decision to quit, i did something drastic. The reason for that was because it made my decision much more final and i always felt i hád to do it because i thought (and still think) it was holding me back. I think out of the 6 times i sold my laptop or pc 3 times and bought a cheap piece of shit instead ;) . So my question is much more: do YOU think you need to sell? if you feel its holding you back in your life, process or whatever your reasons are anyway to quit gaming, then go with your guts. If they tell you to sell, do it. If it says you think you can manage the possibility to get back into games because you have all the tools but you won't do it, then stick with that! (no pun or sarcasm)


My advice would be, if you feel hesistant to sell it, do it.
If you don't sell it, the fact that you still have it will in the back your mind. Getting rid of it would be a symbolic way of moving on a new chapter of your life.

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