NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025
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Hello everyone who is reading this. Remember quitting video games on November 1st, 2020 because my money were being wasted, my goals on my to-do list was not fully checked off, and using video games to escape reality too sadly. My Dad introduce me into video games since I was a toddler (I still remember that picture), but my Dad lack any reasons to find a job, all talk and no action to start his own business, and he lack his own money for a 50 something year old man. It's sad to be honest for myself. Looking back 19 and a half years ago I was a completely different person at the time. My life was becoming negative very quickly for me. I was out of shape 19 and a half years ago. And I lack any clear goals for myself. Hopefully who is reading this will get through your own struggles in life as a long term and find your own success.
I apologize for some typos and grammar issue because I write this post in paper and OCR software can make some mistake to jot down the words. Hi everyone you can call me Shiratori and I'm 16 years old. When I was a preschoolers, I'm just know myself from being a gifted kid when comes to arts. I always win in art competition in that time and my parents are always proud of me. In fact, I learn to draw first before I learn to read properly. In the moment that I turn grade one, my one of my relatives gave me a brand new tablet to play games. Since I got hooked in video games, my interest in art fades away. This moment is the time where my passion to arts are gone. Video games are very stimulating and my poor youth brain is being trapped in the virtual world that my progress is nothing. This chain of routine of going to sleep, wake up, video games, school, video games and sleep is what my life looks like since I start to play games at young age. I don't even realize that my art talent is now being perished. I play video games around 5 hours a day. My young self don't even care about it become of stimulant effect of video games My relatives are trying their best to limit my screentime but they failed because I'm having a violent reaction. This cycle of life is continuing till last month and now I'm trying to stop as I'm trying to revive my talent after a 12 years of abandoning if. When I start to go back in arts last week, my works are not good as what it looks like before because my video game addiction take away my time to improve my talent. Now, my art talent is now being awakened again by limiting my Video game time and by a consistent drawing practice. I just compute my time wasted in video games and if turns out that almost 1 year worth of hours from my life are wasted. These precious hours should be spent to improve my arts. Many art opportunities are wasted due to my video game addiction and now I regret it. I can't imagine that my art talent is wasted in my whole teenage era. I hope that listen to my parents to obey their screen time limit. I hope that I don't let a virtual world takes away my passion. I'm so sorry for my art talent that I wasted just to have a meaningless adventure from the screen's pixel. I feel guilty for wasting my talent and potential that a God is giving to me. I hope that I'm a professional artist today if I don't waste my life on video games. Such a regretful moment of my life. For parents reading this, please never buy your kid a gaming devices In a young age or their potential will be wasted.
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Hi, my name is karan. I am 23 years old from India. I came across this community recently so just dropped in to say hi. Also I have been addicted to a game called Mobile legends bang bang ( mlbb) due to depression. I can't afford therapy because how costly it is and i don't have job to support myself. And the game has been integrated into my life because how many friends i made and the game is really f2p. How do I quit the game?
Hello there, It's been a constant battle for me to limit my gaming time or even quit altogether. I find myself spending countless hours gaming, neglecting my responsibilities, and feeling isolated from friends and family. I've tried various methods to control my gaming habits, but nothing seems to work in the long term. I'm worried about the impact it's having on my life and relationships. I'd love to hear from others who have faced similar challenges and have successfully overcome or are currently working through gaming addiction. What strategies have helped you break free from the grip of gaming? How do you cope with cravings and urges to play? And most importantly, how do you rebuild your life outside of gaming? Hoping in a quick response. Thankyou in advance.
DAY # 1 Time I woke up: 2.00 p.m Time I went to sleep yesterday: 11:00 pm Physical task: Press Exercises Mental task: Meditation 6 mins | Preparation to exam 10|32 Projects: Preparation for exam is urgent one RN Miscellaneous accomplishments: ~ Cleaned all rooms ~ Eated healthy for today ~ No games for today ~ Stayed in touch with grandma and other sublings ( i live alone) ~ Bought some more healthy food Summary of Day #: Even tho i woke up late i didnt screw up my day entirely ( because usually i play games for 3 hours at morning any part of day) i lived really prodoctiveday which i am proud of! So thats was a good day wihtout games after all. What I am grateful for today: ~ GF sharred some of lectures with me for today ~ Flowers that i bought for my grandma for new year are still alive ~ Found a good shorstbloker plugin in general of discord ~ Good snowy day after all, not really cold or wet so just a good weather Over and out! ( Random image XD)
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Hi, I’m Shelby. I’m 25 and I have been trying to decide whether to quit / cut down on gaming . I came across game Quitters and this sub when looking up stuff about game burnout . I don’t actually play that much games ( that website says about 800 hours or 80 a year ) and only play about 1 hour or so at a time every few days , and only after I’ve got my school and some exercise done. I am also disabled with Bipolar 2 , Agoraphobia , autism and ADHD which makes it hard to go out and try new things, combined with only getting $100 a month in allowance and not having a job ( I’m working on getting one part time though ). I didn’t think I had a problem with gaming because I played so little but when I do play I find I’m not even enjoying it most of the time. I feel like I’m just compulsively playing to get the game done so I don’t miss out when I do play and can’t wait to get to the next step and be closer to done. However despite this, I still feel like games are a huge part of my identity . I sometiems spend up to a few hours a day on my phone or iPad reading about games and I spend about 1/4 to 1/2 of my limited monthly allowance on games ( I have hundreds of games from bundles or sales that I mostly haven’t tried) I’d like to at least cut down on gaming being part of my identity, kinda redefine myself . Right now I’m feeling like I’d rather read books or watch shows based on or similar to my favorite games than actually play them anyway. Advice and guidance / opinions would be appreciated as well as tips for other hobbies someone with anxiety, bipolar/autism and limited money can do to live more
Right now, I can update my monthly journal. Instead, I'm posting here because my safety is at risk. I have already scheduled an appointment with a social worker. Over the past three months, I have been making great efforts to compromise with my family. Show more initiative at home. My sister consistently brings up a gaming incident from approximately thirteen years ago. Thirteen Years Ago: I made new friends at school, and we all have Steam accounts. My new friend starts asking me for TF2 items. I obliged over generic weapons until he asked for my Bill's Hat. (L4D2 Pre-Order Cosmetic) After consulting with my sister, she rightfully shut down the trade. Despite preventing the most valuable item from being lost, she continuously brings this up in gaming conversations. I have a theory as to why this is her saving throw against me. The situation can never be amended. Previous criticisms were actionable and fulfilled. She left the incident in a superior position. I don't know what her end goal is. Does she want my apology? My relationship with that friend ended very traumatically. And thus, any time it is brought up in bad faith, I shut down. After registering a second Steam account for multiplayer, the initial one automatically became hers. What confuses me is her abstinence from all games outside miHoYo's ecosystem. Her Steam account is largely abandoned.
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Hey everyone. Happy New Year and hopefully it's a great one for us all. After a rough year in 2023, I'm going to try my damnest to make 2024 an actually great year for once. Going forward, I'm not going to be posting about every day simply because most of the time my days are boring with basically nothing to speak of. I started a new journal for the purposes of this year simply so I can document at least more days this time around. This first post is going to talk about the first two days of the year and what I've done in them. January 1st and 2nd: The first day of the year wasn't really all that exciting tbh. I wrote down some goals I'm hoping to accomplish by the end of the year and I'm making a commitment to daily journaling, but that's really it for yesterday at least. Today had a little bit more to offer. I watched the first John Wick movie which was a good watch from start to finish. I also started a new media thread for this year which is why I decided to start it with a movie. I also started to read "Gifted Hands" by Ben Carson, a book I haven't read in literal years. I'm only three chapters in, but it's a entertaining read so far. Reading more is one of my goals for this year, and I'm hoping to read a lot more books between now and next year. I actually almost ended up playing more of Astro's Playroom tonight, but decided against it for my better judgement. I'm still trying to commit to at least a few days a week of gaming, and so far I basically ended up doing that. Last week with Christmas and my brother's birthday was a different story and looking back I feel kinda bad for gaming for more hours than I originally planned on doing. It's usually been 2 hours a week and only one day, but I might just commit to 2-4 hours over 1-2 days a week. We'll see how it goes, but considering I start college next week, I know that gaming is not going to be a huge part of my life all the time anymore especially this year since I have some plans in mind I want to commit. That's basically all I have so far for the first two days of the year. Like I said, I'll only be talking about days where I've done meaningful stuff and/or things related to gaming, if possible. I'm really hoping to make this year something special, and whether or not video games will play a huge part in that role, we'll wait and see.
Monday: December 4, 2023 I'm still committed to putting less time in video games. IE: for example, 1-2 hours of video games on 2-3 days a week. I'm still not fully getting used to that role as I keep downloading games on my phone and playing them for longer than I should. I'm also still researching games and even listening to soundtracks though I don't really count listening to video game music as part of my addiction. Last week I made the decision to start Persona 5 Royal since it's a game I bought recently and have been looking forward to playing. I started it right after deciding to reduce my involvement playing video games and it works very well for this game especially since it encourages me to take my time with it and not rush it all the way through. Even though I'm bored while not playing them, I'm still looking to do other things that doesn't involve them as well as not watching tv all day. Honestly at this point in my life there isn't really a lot I can do to escape them since I don't have a job yet and I start college again next month. But each and every day there can always be something I can do to avoid feeling like video games is the only meaningful thing I can do with my life. Like tomorrow, I may finally start writing a letter to a great friend of mine. Or maybe finally looking into which audiobooks or podcasts I can listen to which would be fun. Stuff like this will definitely help keep my brain active and make video games something that doesn't need to be performed every day or every week for that matter.
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Hi my name is Mike and I am 19 years old. I joined Game Quitters because I want to quit videos games as well as become successful in life. I am happy to say I do not have a gaming addiction, I play games in moderation.I am inspired by Mr. Cam because he took a huge step and quit gaming for good. I hope to follow in his foot steps as well. I want to quit gaming and to pursue a career in international business. I want to travel the world, meet new people, and make some friends. This fall I will begin community college and start my journey to becoming an international businessman. Please feel free to add me on instagram and snapchat @kingmap117 . Mr. Cam if you saw this message please feel free to contact me as well. You are an inspiration to us all and I really appreciate the hard work and dedication to you helping those in need with their gaming addiction! Thank you so much and I hope to hear from you guys soon :)
Hello every one Myself Darshan here Age 22 years male i feel that finally i have been able to defeat one of my addictions which is gaming addiction my streak is 4 months plus(i dont remember when the streak started but somewhere end of december) now when i look back gosh its wasnt that tough as i felt at the beginning all i had to do was 1. Delete All the games from the device i used to play the reason for this is that it made me difficult to acces them. the device on which i play is mobile so deleting the game meant if i had to play i needed to download the games again while many say they easily are able to download the thing which was beneficial for me was that i dont have wifi at home and i dont have online payment mechanism to buy data coupons plus i didnt received free data coupons from the telecom company since i had limited amount of data which i needed to study it became Difficult for me to download Note : why i say difficult and not impossible is because if i wanted i could download game by using data from moms phone thats where the next step helped me but before going to the next step making it difficult to access easily helped me to avoid relapse 2. What about the games with low download size For example games like clash of clans, critical ops and so on are of low size but at the same time addictive so not only did i delete the game but also deleted the the entire progress which meant if i ever wanna play i have to scratch. Then there may be doubts like what if i start playing from scratch and build up everything from base how can i stop myself from playing at all anf for this i followed step 3 3. Ask questions to urself one of the most important step i sat and asked myself 1. how many games have u played ? around 30 to 35 + games dont want to mention the names 2. how many hours u spent on gaming ? collectively more than 1000 hours this is fucking huge because this much time in studies would have saved my 2.5 yrs from being wasted 3. what did u gain from playing these many hours? failure, lack of studies - wasting two + years, anxiety, depression, rage, stressed out, on he verge of breaking up the relation 4. were u happy when u were playing? No. i was playing because i wanted to escape from the reality, it was mindlessly playing and i would rage whenever i used to lose 5. was all this worth it? NO 6. Do u wanna stay the same ? No 7. What will happen if u dont change? Unemployed, bad mental and physical health and losing the love of my life, homeless and so on 8. do you wanna try changing? yes absolutely 9. what will happen if u change? i can travel the world with loved ones i can go to theme parks i can just be happy Note : in the beginning these questions didnt prevent me from relapsing but after a period of time it started working and now here i'm in these 4 months plus i played 5 times to 6 times but never more than 1.5 hr and when i did play i didnt consider it as complete relapse it was a weak moment where i gave in but as soon as i came back to my senses i stopped playing deleted it and back to work this was my journey from a game addict to a free man from gaming hope this helps some 1 out there and donot give up life is too short to waste on these super natural stimulus lets free ourselves and help out others when they need help
My apologies for posting this again. My name is Taylor. I am a white autistic male quickly approaching thirty years old. I want to start off by saying that I am pretty sure that I do not have a "gaming disorder." I came here with honest skepticism towards that idea in general. While it is true that quite literally have over one-hundred games in my possession currently, I feel that I am not in any danger health-wise. The true reason I came here was to simply tell my story of allowing an incident from sixteen years ago or so to haunt me up to this point, and to look for guidance an how I could even perhaps turn my interest with gaming into a healthy occupation as a developer. From childhood, I was practically raised by the Sega Genesis. Sonic the Hedgehog and Gunstar Heroes are both special interests of mine as an autistic. The character, personality, color, and action are all appealing to my neurodivergent senses. It's only up to this point in time that my abilities as a cartoonist were fully realized. I love drawing, and my goal in life other than to create my own video would definitely be to create my own comic or cartoon series with those same attitudes in mind. My older and I love to bounce ideas off each other. Where he prefers darker material like Batman, I prefer more light-hearted. Growing up, I will admit that I had to deal with outside interference from family and school when it came to my time with video games. I was born, raised, and currently live in the buttcrack of the deep conservative south, Georgia, and it's a chokehold down here. My parents and teachers were not inclined to help foster growth in my creative pursuits inspired by video games during elementary. Life went on, but it wasn't until I reached high-school that I discovered fandom. Excited, curious, and naïve, I went everywhere I could online if it looked cool or interesting. For a time, it felt like the fandom of Sonic the Hedgehog felt like a home away from home. I shared a hobby and passion with others for the first time without fear, and it was glorious. Then, however, came change. Around this time in the mid-2000's, I had discovered YouTube for the first time as well. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, I'll make this one quick because I don't think I have the mental or emotional energy to go into the fullest detail without flying into a rage. I love video games, but I am thinking about quitting because of the so-called community. It's not just about #GamerGate, but about a lot of other things. To make a very long and complicated story short, Sonic changed and people started to debate about it. I was in on it, to be sure, but people outside of the Sonic fandom began to demonize us and the franchise and put a clamp on everything. I wasn't happy with that. One day, I decided to take a stand against someone who I thought was my friend. He told me to respect him or else I could go f*** myself. I refused and he released the hounds on me. I severed my ties with him and his group of bullies immediately. His actions never matched up with his supposed motto of "patience is everything." This guy and I used to be part of the same fandom, Sonic, and we had the same goals in mind until he backstabbed me. People need to be able to debate in order to get the creative juices flowing, but nobody wants to have that. They either want to be right by having their cake and eating it, too, or enforce as much neutrality as possible. There's a culture that dictates that debating with someone about video games is apparently the worst sin you can possibly commit. Other the other hand, too, there's demonization against the people who create the games that I love to play. I can't address this anywhere without being called a sensitive cringy fanboy. I've long since learned to forgive Sega for Sonic 06, and it's honestly done wonders for me. I've actually begun to hate that word, "fanboy." It's ableist in and of itself especially when you consider that fandom as a cultural phenomenon was originally founded by people like neurodivergents as a safe space for them to express themselves through their interests special or otherwise. It was then appropriated when it hit mainstream and the people who invented it all became scapegoats by cringe-lords. So, yeah, that's my life story.
👋 Hi everyone my name is PastTense and I’m a gaming addict. its not like I have three screens. I have a gaming chair I never use, and a macbook pro and a smartphone. for the past year I’v transitioned from uninstalling LOL from macbook, to installing wild rift, returning to PubgMobile an occassionally installing kingdom rush. All are somewhat decent games in that they keep you entertained. my issue is with installing then uninstalling the games. currently I have other problems to tackle. Landlord wanted me out sox months ago due to flatmates gossippy nature. One of them still does this and might hve taken legal action this time. I’ve been coasting om the fact that he didn’t resign my contract in a legally valid way. I handed over the communication to a lega practice which I then stopped paying. Ao they haven’t forwarded any mail I was supposed to have recieved. I might get kicked out 1st of March. Homeless. I could go back to my father. Only.. hes a nasty person. Tried to kill me three years ago. And have me comitted to a mental hospital because he didn’t want to support his “competition”/black sheep. At best he only cares to do the bare minimum to support me when others are looking. Meanwhile he hndsomely assists my older sister fonancially. And also gossipped and dabricated stories to my godparents. Eventually they believed every last bit of it. of and I got fired two weeks ago because a girl who hit on me, didn’t actually want me and then claimed harrassment. In my opinion its way way nastier than it should be. I never called her anything demeaning or touched her. I sent some mails to her friends but nothing I view as serious. This got into a police rapport and now I find myself having to sue dor Libel and defamation. They freaking called the police! When asked to provide proof, they couldn’t back up their lies. i live on 8sqm or equivalent of 2,5 one man beds. Woth common living areas. Only, due to the conflict with flatmates being smokers, is rendered useless. especially the past two weeks I have been lying in bed all day playing pubg mobile, crying. oI grew up isolated on a tiny ranch, left to my own devices woth gameboys. As such I am socially inept. I can buy contact lenses, comb my hair. I cannot control my dandruff of facial acne. and I haven’t been to the dentist for two years due to poor finances. Otherwise I am a tall handsome guy. Age 31. I have had four girlfriends for 0,5-1 years. It seems they all moslty used me either as bed and breakfast, genuine boyfriend for loneliness, sugardaddy, or similar. Except I dont have a lot of money anymore. About two years ago I bought a personal trainer program which gave em iniitiative to workout seriously. But due to paychological terror of moving back home to my dad, back then, The goals were not met. For Bodyfat percentage. at 6’3” weighing 223 lbs, I am a bit overweight with a beer belly. Bf%is 22-23, muscle mass is 45% according to electrostatic measuring.
I'm hooked on a video game. Everyday I get up and say I won't play it today or I'll just play for a short time - that hasn't worked. I also tell myself I'll start "quitting" tomorrow and of course I haven't. Hence, I'm here. I"ve put a password on my phone only my husband knows so I can't access google play to download the game. I also removed my android device from my laptop, so I can't install the game from there. I'm guessing these actions will support the other work I must do to stop. I've read the materials offered at this site, found them helpful and will use the information to guide me on my path. One thing I know about myself is that making myself publicly accountable has helped me in the past; I've had success quitting a smoking addiction (10 years now) by joining a group. Knowing that I had to show up and be accountable for my choices helped me think about my behavior in the moment. So here I am, and I'm grateful to be here, making the commitment to not play video games. I plan to check in everyday to share my choices and explain myself as needed. If anyone is out there that would be interested in buddying up (check in on me, I'll check in with you) to mutually offer support/encouragement, that would be fantastic. Otherwise I'm going to just imagine that's the case, that someone is seeing what I'm writing. 🙂 Finally, it's taken my a while to come here because I feel such shame about this addiction; it all seems so ridiculous, yet here I am. I was thinking about joining one of the meeting groups to find additional support and wondered if anyone found that helpful? And about the shame part, I'm too embarassed to tell anyone I know what's going on, my husband knows and is supportive of my quitting. Just wondering how other people handle these feelings. Thanks for listening. Peace out.
So I had a really deadly thought one night, which boggled my mind because of its' sudden occurrence. And thankfully, God helped me to put away with this assumption that was so crazy. Anyhow, I was woken up, I don't exactly remember the setting during the occurring thought. Maybe it was a storm but, that's probably what happ- Yeah it happened later on after the thought. Although I think I was really just in a pure state of anxiety, confusion and desperation out of nowhere for a good few minutes, and for a literal second; a thought occurred to me- I had this intrusive thought say "I can just reset" Like, kill myself and expect myself to come back just as I am, as if I was in a game and restart my life, but the other thing is that there was no other thoughts that followed besides "No, this is not a game." What this reminded me of was a series of events that happened recently. One was I watched this one anime movie (Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Movie: Mugen Train) that had to do with Demon Slayer. In the movie, it has a scene where a demon has manifested a train and took over, much like in a similar anime I watched, which I cannot remember, but it was a gore like anime *shivers*. But yeah, it had this moment where the demon was consistently using it's trance power to put the Demon Slayer to sleep, and in the sleep, the Demon Slayer repeatedly used his memory to remind himself killing himself in the dream was the only way out, and in return he did so every time. But at this point the Solution became a problem, much like my situation with the Damn Dark Intrusive thought, it was at his demise that this next attempt to get out of his dream, was a trick to actually have him kill himself, but thankfully his friend the hog man, stopped him just in time and told him it's not a dream and to not fall into his trap. I feel like this was a big awakening , and a quite gruesome one, as it actually happened to me not too long after. Another point I'd like to bring up was I was also thinking of how this related to another anime movie I watched after Demon Slayer Movie, it was a Movie Called Jujutsu Kaisen 0. Terrible choice, because it was to my opinion, as I understood it ofc, not the perspective you might take on it, that our words manifest our reality, and our thoughts and emotions to those words can become as real as our mindset toward those words. It really messes with you after you've been what I've just been through. All these thoughts that have to do with how i feel about my life, myself and how i have chosen to go about it, was apart of this sudden thought, and it doesn't stop if you don't realize you it soon enough. Lastly, i think about this thing that says in the bible, your words have power of life and death (I copied this from google, because they explained it so well. Proverbs 18:21 puts it this way: “The tongue has the power of life and death.” The stakes are high. Your words can either speak life, or your words can speak death. Our tongues can build others up, or they can tear them down. An unchecked fire doubles in size every minute.), so i think that was a large factor in the movie that i had watched, it really showed that and manifested itself so quickly and escalated things in his life after the tragedy that happened to him. Please comment your ideas and perspective , if you've watched these movies, and have other thoughts on this. I tried to search about it , if anyone has tried to Off themselves by resetting their life as if in a video game, but it just brought up the Hotline for that.
Hi everybody, I am Mike, 21. I am a year 2 undergraduate. I am addicted to both mobile games and YouTube videos. When I was studying in grade 7, it is common for my friends to play mobile games. In grade 9, I engaged in the game called Clash Royale because my friends were playing. Starting from the moment, my mind told me I was obligated to play the game every day even though I could not feel any happiness. I have been getting a sense of achievement. To get the gaming skills, I started watching YouTube. Fascinated by those contents, I got addicted to that as well. I even watched a maximum of 7 hours of videos per day during my holiday. I often got enraged by losing games consecutively. I tried to search for the internet, seeking ways of getting rid of addictions. I have uninstalled and installed the game many times (so do the ad games), but I was defeated. Fortunately, I stop playing ad-games now but I still cannot get rid of YouTube and gaming addictions (Maybe I am not hooked by those ad-games). The addictions above have been striking my life in the present comprehensively. I was mediocre in a public exam so I cannot study in a greater university. I got a poor grade in computer science and I received a warning letter from my university. I am not interested in social. I am often unable to submit my assignment on time. My sleeping cycle shifted unhealthily due to gaming and watching YouTube - I sleep in the morning instead of night. I am not motivated although I know I want to be in the future. I got some health issues with my digestive system and my neck is soar owing to prolonged bending. I realized it was time to stop gaming. I tried to contact Supercell to delete my game data permanently but I ended up being neglected. This makes me angry and I am more determined NOT to waste time on gaming or watching YouTube. Here are the questions for which I want to seek help. Thank you. 1. Have you got addicted to watching YouTube? How do you stop watching YouTube crazily? 2. How to prevent procrastination? 3. How to delete the Supercell account by myself?
Hey everyone, I guess you might be confused at the title, but let me tell my story. So, I am 21 years old and I feel this kind of attraction (close to addiction), to play a new game on my pc. So I search up the internet and spend some hours looking for a game to play on and after getting a game I start playing it. Within the next few days, I feel like "It's a good game but I will spend too much time on it". So I feel like it's a burden for me to play that game any longer as I am just wasting my time and try to complete it as fast as I can (usually missing out the experience and just trying to speedrun my first try of the game). I don't usually quit the game halfway as I spend my resources on this game, so I feel obligated to complete the game. So when the game is finally over, I relax for next 2 days and then again the urge continues to download a new game and the cycle repeats. And to be honest I am annoyed of my new covid-time cycle, it seems that I have no control over my life. I wake up, eat, study (bare minimum), game, eat, sleep and the cycle continues. I feel like I have too much time on hand and don't understand the value of it, I know that I should focus my time on my career. I don't even have hobbies anymore. I am just...confused and I don't know what to do :(
First of all I’d like to say I am grateful for any tips or advice. My school closed a month ago. So I am stuck at home bored! When I actually have to write my thesis and study for super-final examination (I am at my last year of university). Ofc I would like to work on myself, my own projects too. But I keep doing nothing. Quarantine changed my day so that I have literally 24 h of free time every day… No motivation, no pressure, no deadlines, feeling of unlimited amount time, comfort HUGE task ahead of me (thesis and revision of 3 years of uni studies) And btw I doubt about what to do after my uni. So actually procrastinating and then extending my studies by one year is a large relief... During the month I tried several things, always relapsed back to this state 😕 What would you suggest please? Gaming window: I downloaded Leauge of legends (I quit a year ago) and thought I will use it as reward for being productive (and to fight isolation), worked for 3 days, then I went competetive, spend a week playing and realized I am in it again. Ended up deleting my lol acc forever.
I am seeking new hobbies to do cause since I quizzed gaming I got like solo mich time and don’t know what to do any suggestions?
I'm Kombat749 [Gamer Tag]. First day. Aim: No relapse I had a doubt. Is this considered as an addiction? I started playing Assassin's Creed 1, was nervous while playing, hands and feet went cold. Worried. Uninstalled. Relapsed. To Assassin's Creed 2. Same story. Nightmares, cannot sleep. The reason I played AC was because I saw a friend playing it when I was 8. Today I am 14. Saw a few GMV music videos. Liked it. Ignored age warning, as I read reviews saying it was okay. I find AC to have a sort of class and loyalty, something which I always desired. My body has become autonomous. Every time, I get up from a chair, my hand flicks, as if to draw the hidden blade. If I sit still, scenes replay. When I sleep, scenes replay. It seems every bit of memory about AC is simply trying to find a way to enter the mainstream of my thoughts. Kindly let me know, if you have discovered any tricks to counter this. Thanks for the support.
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Hi all, Here's a few questions that I've been asking myself for a long time now, since all of these questions apply to me as a gaming addict with Autism. If you're on the spectrum, or have somebody you love who has, would you mind contributing to this post? The research says that gaming addiction is quite high amongst those on the Autistic Spectrum, but there is very little research actually explaining why this is (as far as my knowledge is). There really isn't a lot of research out there talking about specifically why there is a link. I personally have been doing recovery related things for just over 2 1/2 years, although it's never really "clicked" yet. I've been doing If I got everybody to answer all these questions, these might make for some very long posts. Maybe just pick a question and answer it to the best of your knowledge, if you would like to contribute. I also will be contributing my own thoughts when they come. Why are video games uniquely appealing to you? What made you pick video games over any other addiction that could be meeting the same needs (gambling, netflix, porn/sex, alcohol, drugs, workaholism, etc)? How has your Autistic traits made it difficult to function in real life: As a kid? As an adolescent? As an adult? What emotional/spiritual/relational needs does gaming attempt to meet in your life that you felt like you had a lack of due to your upbringing as an autistic person? Given what you've experienced growing up, do you think that if you didn't have Autism, you would still be an addict? Why or why not? Coming into gaming recovery, what challenges did you find you now had to face that were unexpected? What battles do you fight that you knew you would have to deal with going into recovery? What triggers have you had to avoid in order to see success in recovery (whether uniquely Autism sourced or not)? (ex: certain stimulants, entertainment, boundaries, etc) Have you noticed any Autistic traits in other non-Autistic gaming addicts? Consider the following statement: "Autism is an addiction disorder." Is this true or false? Partially? What stimming options have you tried to replace the destructive addictive behavior with? Is this a realistic idea? Not looking for perfect scientific answers, but more your thoughts based on experience. (But if you want to reference something scientific and scholarly, that would be cool too!)
First I wanted to say that I believe that games can be enjoyed in moderation, I just happen to be bad at moderation, but I'm getting better. I discovered JockoPodcast in January and you could say I became a disciple in March. JockoPodcast has lots of stories from military people and book discussions focusing on discipline, leadership, and in a broad sense what it means to have a good life. I highly recommend it because it isn't focused on faddish "self-improvement", but on self-transformation through practical advice for attitude adjustment. After hearing all the war stories its hard to think of anything in my soft and pampered life as "difficult". Even before I decided to quit gaming waking up at 4am as Jocko recommended, and consequently going to bed at 8pm, naturally decreased my overall gaming time because there was no longer several hours of "dead" time between dinner and bed. After many hours of podcast I concluded that my life would be better without "most" gaming and I'm here because I'm acting on that belief, one small step at a time. Previously my go-to timewaster was hearthstone or some other card game to fill in the hours I had to sit at my desk for work, a single player game or watching streams between work and dinner, and streams or gaming after dinner until bed. This fundamentally made me a worse worker since I was doing my job between hearthstone games or sometimes while playing a game. And I wasn't paying enough attention to my family and household and didn't have any other goals to pursue. Playing games was my focus and the rest of life happened in between game sessions, sometimes frustrating me because reality took me away from a game I was particularly fond of. Current plan - 30 day timeline: stop single player games for "entertainment" or to fill time stop watching twitch streams (at this time streams and work are my only non-family social interaction so that is rough) Permitted gaming: pokemon go if I'm not at home and waiting for something to happen, like at the mall waiting for auto service desktop/console gaming with my children - the family plays mario kart together sometimes gameplay as long as I am streaming I'm not naturally social so talking for long periods of time drains my energy. Streaming is one way I can build endurance for real social encounters, even if nobody is watching I always continuously talk like they are. I honestly don't like streaming at all, I just started doing it because it was the "cool thing the kids are doing", thats why I feel like for me personally it won't hurt me to indulge in gaming while on stream.
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My 3-Week Benchmark Report Hey all, I felt like I should make a post about hitting the 3-week checkpoint in my game quitting journey. Thus far, I'd say my cravings have been fairly manageable. There were a couple of days within the 3rd week that I definitely wanted to play Madden because I was reading up on some of the latest NFL news. I started watching old games on YouTube for a minute to try and manage and then I got over it. For me, digesting anything football-related can be a trigger because I obviously go into the mode of wanting to play out my own version of these stories in the game. As for filling my time, one of my hobbies that I wanted to develop anyways (gaming got in the way) is learning the guitar and getting back into music. In the three weeks, I've done something music-related every day, whether it's voice lessons, practicing the guitar, writing songs, or working with my friend to come up with concepts. It's been a lot of fun and something I can track progress for and "level up" in. A few other activities I have done are puzzles, reading, working out, horseback riding, and even fishing. While we went fishing last night, I said to my stepson, "Wow this is so much better than catching Pokemon." On top of that, I just started a new job last week so I'm putting a lot of attention towards that obviously. Using the apps "" and "Trello" have been effective for me in terms of time management and task completion, while in a sense replacing the feeling of "leveling up" in a game. With gaming gone, I noticed that my body/mind has struggled in some ways to adapt. One thing that happened last week is that my eating habits kind of fell apart and I started eating unhealthily for the week. On top of that, I got into a Netflix series and binged almost as if it was taking the place of the gaming. I'm becoming mindful that the addictive spirit can manifest itself in other ways besides gaming. Finally, the biggest revelation that I have received in this time is that some of the games I was addicted to (Madden, Pokemon) are all rooted in my childhood. These games were escape mechanisms from some of my childhood struggles back then, and so I believe the addiction I had recently was connected to all of those struggles. It's incredibly enlightening when you step away from these things to let the dust settle, and then you realize what is really going on. Anyways, I just wanted to share my experience and to stay encouraged as I make my way towards 90 days (Aug. 24th will make 90 days for me!). Stay blessed everyone and let me know your thoughts if you get a moment! Kevin Ferris
Hello everyone! Some of you definitely know me because I'm a member of the Discord chat under the same name (my previous nickname - Farant). For those who don't - my name is Vera, I'm 25 years old, female, from Russia. My English isn't particularly great, so don't mind my mistakes, please. I felt the need to start journaling after something bad happened in my personal life just yesterday. I've been journaling for more than 10 years on paper, so I know the drill. I'm afraid to touch my journal right now, I'll get back to it later when I'm ready. I've been a gaming addict for several years, abandoned gaming and the internet entirely for a couple of months, but it didn't really help a lot. Games were my escape from reality. I think I started thinking about it seriously last spring, became familiar with GameQuitters on Youtube. I used to play very niche online game with the toxic community, servers that died every now and then, the game was very addictive. I quit only when I got really angry at myself for wasting so much time on nothing. As time went on, I've joined Discord, did about 40 days out of 90, relapsed multiple times and eventually decided I want to play, but only one game because of my boyfriend. But the game gave me strong motion sickness, I didn't like it and I already deleted it, so I have nothing on my hard drive. I enjoy keeping an aquarium, knitting, programming, reading, journaling (obviously). I’m into Stoicism, I’m far from perfect but I’m using every opportunity to learn more and apply it in my life. I can’t say my life is empty, but I feel empty right now. I have the chance to turn it 180 degrees. I decided I’ll go to the gym once again and just try to be social, let it be the first step. It will help me hold on and not give in to depression right away. I’ve also asked my friend to go to the cinema with me when the new How to train your dragon comes out. The more I reach out to people, the more I realize I have friends I can count on. So here I am, day one. I’ve prepared things I need for the gym, tried to eat (not very successful, but better than nothing) and it’s time to go to sleep.
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Hi, everyone! I have recently decided to quit gaming an I haven't already played any games for about a week, but here the problems come... So, I have done with my Steam, Origin, GOG,,any type of gaming platform as I persuaded myself to stop playing. The main problem is that I played about 1k hours in World of Tanks (further - wot) from the open beta (2010) aaaand.... my father has played even more than me: about 2-2.5k hours. Playing this game make us extremely nervous (all these unfair "not penetrated", "we hit them, but not penetrated", awful matchmaking system, disgusting physics, etc., you would know if ever you played that), sometimes we have even argued with our relatives because of wot (as because of any other game). We didn't feel any pleasure and were playing as we're just ADDICTED, but my dad doesn't realize that. The other big problem for me: sometimes I feel urges while my father is playing as I decided to quit and wot is extremely addictive. At those moments I feel much more uncomfortable rather than I usually do. Sometimes my dad even rages about his teammates which confirms that he doesn't have any positive emotions from wot. TAKING INTO THE CONSIDERATION ALL ABOVE THE QUESTION IS: HOW TO PERSUADE OTHER CLOSE PEOPLE TO QUIT GAMING AS IT TAKES THEIR TIME, MONEY, POSITIVE EMOTIONS, DAMAGES THEIR RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHERS AND SO ON? IMPORTANT: I have tried to suggest him other less addictive games, reading books, watching films, doing some sports, going outside, finding new hobbies, telling him and showing some videos about how bad wot is, but never helps. Also, my dad is 40 y.o. and I know that playing dynamic games such as Quake is a bit difficult for him due to the age. I've been trying to show him patents about wot matchmaking system, but he doesn't believe me. The main idea of those documents : the better you play - the more you suffer. (The patents : ) Please, sorry for my grammar mistakes if I made them. I will be thankful to you for your advice! Have a nice day!