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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Reno F

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Everything posted by Reno F

  1. Congratulations on your 50th day! I always see the momentum as the 1st Newton's law of physics: "an object either remains at rest or continues to move at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by a net force".
  2. I really like your journal, do you write on it everyday?
  3. I see too many tomatoes on someone's hand
  4. I had at least 5 games on my steam account that I had barely touched when I uninstalled it! There will be always a new game to keep you on the loop. Don't give in!
  5. I love poker, but I hate gambling. I used to play with friends betting corn grains instead of poker chips. Gaming now, especially on "free to play" mobile phones, have a strong gambling side with real money, and it amazes me how autorithies haven't touched the issue yet.
  6. 100% this. Cam couldn't have found a better name for Respawn. It is a lot more about identity, at least in my case. But you hit the nail in the head, no doubt about it. Just as developing a skill takes time, I've came to realize that developing your character also needs time. I appreciate your continuous support, Cam. Thank you all for your input, guys! 7 weeks! Having a shot of distilled to celebrate it. Today I promised myself to wake up at 6:30 and go for a walk/jog before starting my day. I usually wake up at 8, so getting up at 6:30 would make my morning much longer. I did woke up at 6:30, but I didn't go out. Actually, I stayed in bed until 7:30, when I went to the toiled and started reading. I'm not disappointed with myself, because I had my eyes open at 6:30. Next time, I'm confident I'll go one step further and get out of bed earlier and soon I'll have my routine adjusted. I remember getting extremely frustrated when studying japanese before because I often had to look up 50% of the texts on a dictionary. This slows down the process of learning a lot, as no japanese word looks like anything I know from Portuguese or English. And early in the morning this memory came to my mind when I was studying with a dictionary. But this time, I just accepted it as a part of the process and let the frustration go. This makes a huge difference as there is no grind when you can enjoy the action. My guitar practice was on You shook me all night long from AC/DC. Relatively easy song with some tricky chords. Working on getting the solo right. After all these weeks have passed, I think I'm already getting comfortable with my routine. Today I got the warning flag telling me that I need to look for new experiences and get out of comfort a little. I still haven't thought on how to do it properly, so this got on my to do list for tomorrow. I was hoping to start a volunteer job here in Japan, but after hearing the details, I decided that it is not the right moment for it in my life. I would have to pay a reasonable amount for the training, and the workplace would be about 1:30 away from Kyoto by train. I wouldn't have any problem with that, as I would have to commit only to 10 hours a month, but I really can't afford the expenses right now. Instead, I donated a few bucks to Cam's quest in Tanzania. If I die tomorrow, I will die knowing that I helped a community in Africa to have clean water. The pressure is on you, Cam. Make it worth!
  7. Action leads to motivation, not the other way around. Hoorah! Listen to the man.
  8. What brought me back to gaming 2 years ago was this curiosity about the MOBA genre. I got addicted to one, and I could only stop playing it by moving to another MOBA on mobile platform. Fortunately, I got tired after 4 months and quit it (the fact that was pay2win also helped), but the addiction was still there and it took me about one year to face it directly. Should have stayed outdated.
  9. Thanks for the reminder, Cam! I'm winning! Day 46 Yesterday I opened an old notebook I have and found my old journal entries. What a great found! I had only 5 entries, but I brought me back to the good times when I was too busy to game compulsively. At that time, about 5 years ago, I was working on my fears and building up social skills, and it feels weird when your younger self has something to tell you tht you had forgotten. I had written some principles that I was committed to live by and re reading them now enpowered me so much. There was also another important message, as if I had written to be read in times like now: enjoy the process. I don't know how to put words on the importance that it has to me, except that everything becomes easier when you are having fun and enjoying yourself. Yesterday and today I spent a lot of time on my guitar, setting it up and getting a good sound from it. I thinking of making some recordings to see where I need to improve, so I had to fix the buzz that the strings had. It is still difficult to find good material on the internet on improvisation, so for now I'm trying to mimic some solos. Right now I'm practicing AD/DC, as my equipment has a good tone for hard rock (and AC/DC rocks). In spite of that, I still managed to meet my daily goals with the japanese language. I stopped studying grammar, because it is way too easy compared with Portuguese, French or any other latin language. Instead, I focus on reading and building up vocabulary. I remember that I bought a WiiU so I could practice Japanese through games. Boy, who I was trying to fool? Today I still have my workout and creative writing to do, so I will end it here. To do tomorrow: Japanese reading, Japanese Kanji review, Guitar practice, Workout, Work on a creative project, more research on internet businesses.
  10. Can't wait to see your own designed spacecraft
  11. OMG, we have a chess champion on the forum!
  12. Welcome to the forum! Make it worth!
  13. Day 45 Halfway through. Seems not much, but I'm proud of myself to have chosen this road. Cam often says this is only the start, and I couldn't agree more. I got back from a trip yesterday and I was glad that I didn't mess with my workout using that as an excuse. I put on 3 kilograms already since I started to workout about 2 months ago but eating right is still a challenge as I have little interest in food. At least I eat healthy (I think). These days I have been thinking a lot about future stuff and pursuing a lifestyle that I want for myself. Living in the present got me 10x more productive than I used to be when gaming, but I need to have end in mind so I can start working on getting there. Perhaps I need to take action on some project I have, even if I'm not excited about it, so I can see things clearly. I've been thinking about online business as a source of income, but the only matter I feel confident on the content I can provide seems to be videogames, and this is so frustrating. I can't possibly make money by getting people into a situation that I'm trying to get out. Thinking of finding another part-time job at a night bar or coffee shop for the money. It sucks to have a bachelor degree and work for people your don't admire, doing mindless jobs. Guess I'll have to cope with it until I find a way out of this crossroad. Meanwhile, my daily tasks are being done: studying japanese, practicing the guitar, reading, keeping a journal, studying about online businesses, and house chores. Things to add are creative writing on a daily basis, jogging (still in the to start list), meditation (did three 10-min sessions recently, but not an habit yet). I finished reading "As a man thinketh", a beautiful book that verses on how the way an individual thinks affects his life and his surroundings. It is a rather short read, you can finishing it in about two or three sittings if you want, and I liked it that way, as the author kept the message short and direct.
  14. Hi, mate, it is good to see you haven't given up! I personaly don't like the war against yourself approach, but if it works for you, keep it up.
  15. First time I read Think and Grow Rich, it blew my mind! One of the most brilliant books imho, just behind the 7 Habits. Would you tell me the name of the writer's website you mentioned in a previous post? Your journal makes you look like you're one of the most productive and disciplined people around here. Keep it up!
  16. Feel free to pm me if you have any questions
  17. 6 weeks completed! I started to be consistent with my studies in Japanese. I've been investing at least 1 hour a day studying it. After you get to some level of the language, it starts to get difficult to see the results in the short term, and I remember this when I was studying English. It is good to know by experience that the effort now will have a pay off in the future. While I was reading today, I wanted to take some notes and again, using the mobile was very inconvenient. Unfortunately, I left my notepad at my room (I'm on a trip now), but next time I'm with my kindle, I will have it with me. Some books are meant to be studied. This is a short entry, as it is the second journal entry I'm writing today (I have another one in my mother tongue). I will end it here to finish my push-up series. Gotta plan for the next week as well, keep the ball rolling.
  18. Hey Fagus, I can relate to some of the things you said. What do you think of the 20 minute focus approach? Also, if you have a problem with fear, there is the great book called "Feel the fear and do it anyway" by Susan Jeffers.
  19. Hey, I really liked your last post!
  20. Day 39 (I think) NEED A MORNING ROUTINE
  21. That's the responsibility of being an example to the others. You might have children one day, so you better get used to be a great leader early on
  22. Day 38 Today was a day of a lot of thinking. I struggled on my writing practice again and also I've been trying to think of a name for a blog I want to start. I brainstormed a lot of ideas, but I still couldn't find an appealing name so far. Thinking of giving it any stupid name, like Reno's journal so I can start writing on. The other day I saw a 23 year old girl who started a blog about girls and she is making a living out of it. If she can do it, why can't I? I've also started reading another book, I'm not reading 5 books. I can't help, they all look so interesting. On my last entry I mentioned about playing guitar and how I felt I should move on to new habits - that was the weaker me writing it. I have the habit of playing, but I don't have the habit of studying it and I should create it. I don't wanna die without being able to a freaking solo, damn it. This whole post is also being written by the weaker me, as it is kind of focused on the things I'm not doing well. Maybe that's the result of spending the whole day at home, which reminds me of the jogging plan I haven't started, ha. At least the micromanagement of the activities I planned is working well. Maybe I should try timing them and see how much time I have left on a normal day.
  23. What has been helping me a bit is getting myself exposed to many different things. Just trying things out open new perspectives, as you said, but it might take some time to find something that push your buttons. I'm also kind of lost, but I believe I've got the paper and the pencil to draw my own map.
  24. Good work on deleting your games. I felt so scared when I did that to my games. β€œIt's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.” ― Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club
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