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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Cheers, Junior, I recommend that you start a journal as soon as possible.
  2. Day #13 My sleep schedule has become super solid always sleeping from 10:00pm to 6:00am, Haven't really had urges to play any videogames. I rarely think about them unless I am writting about it in the forum. Won't use as an excuse to stop writting. I will keep checking the forum at least twice a day. Yesterday I included youtube in Stayfocusd filter. Too much time going in that site. How many times do I have to rewatch an old movie scene, before I realize the amount of time I am wasting? A teacher once told me "rememeber why are you here" I'm in this forum so I can stop playing videogames.
  3. Your perspective is very helpful Vlad, thanks.
  4. WARNING: TRIGGER ALERT (VIDEOGAME TITLES MENTIONED) Your comment makes me something to think about. I do have a cousin that wants me to play Rick and Morty videogame. I keep declining. I doubt I would play it even if I wasn't on detox. When I was very young I was a very social gamer (I would game with real life friends) but as I grew older I became a lone gamer, MMORPG, Strategy Games, MOBAS. Always trying to achieve power by myself and only working together for greater benefit. Sometimes while watching streamers, I would think "man, I wish I had a group of gamer friends like them". I rather not be a slave of videogames. I do believe that some videogames can be valuable for their interesting plot and helping developing our imagination. Games like Zelda: Majora's Mask, I don't regret a single minute of gameplay. The thing is this videogame has a very low replay value and I played it when I was a child. Other games like MMORPG or MOBAS, I wish I never had known about them. MMORPG helped me develop a bond with real life friends when I was a teenager, developed my imagination a bit, but I would say definitly not worth it. MOBAS are pure chaos, they are like the pornography of videogames, the worst. A couple of years ago I read about a game that would make me feel like Zelda MM, it's called Child of Light. The thing is I'm not a child anymore and I actually thought it would be better if I get those kind of videogames as a gift for my young cousins or nieces. I just don't feel compelled for those videogame adventures, I rather fix and improve my life, stop daydreaming and actually achieve my goals.
  5. Day #12 Imagine someone inviting you to play videogames, I would answer, "Sorry, I can't, I have been clean for the last two weeks". Today I beat my mind while jogging. Elon Musk said "No, I don't ever give up, I'd have to be dead or completely incapacitated." Will Smith said "They keys to life are running and reading" He said "When you're running, there's a little person that talks to you and says, "Oh I'm tired. My lung's about to pop. I'm so hurt. There's no way I can possibly continue." You want to quit. If you learn how to defeat that person when you're running. You will how to not quit when things get hard in your life." There was also a letter I can't completely recall "I'm losing my left flank, my center is weak, the moment is excellent for me to attack!" These where my thoughts during 15 minutes of a slow-paced jog. The last time I jogged for 15 min in a row is probably about 4 years ago.
  6. I enjoy house and different electronic genres. Anyone on Spotify?
  7. The most consumed addictive poison in the world is...sugar!
  8. Day #11 I have been waking up earlier since I stopped gaming, many successful men recommend this approach, "early to bed and early to rise, makes man rich healthy, wealthy and wise" I remembered when I sold my chessclock seems it was a bad move. I also remembered a time when I was about to buy an usb turntable and the guy even agreed to teach me how to use it. I let the oportunity slip bay, just like when I was a child and refused a keyboard due to my preference for videogames. I'm tired of looking back at the past with regret. From now on I want to look back and see how I seized opportunities, took chances, risks and living fearlessly and honestly.
  9. Day #10 Tonight on my way home, I remembered the time I used to play videogames (which is not so long ago). It's no wonder I never could get anything done while gaming. One of the reasons smoking has been on my mind lately is because I read a book by Julio Cortázar, Hopscotch. I had no cigars since I ran out of smokes. I must admit I have been spending an alarming amount of time on Spotify. I really love making listening to music and making my own playlists.
  10. This cultural space is located at Tampico, Tamaulipas, Mexico.
  11. Here are some pictures from yesterday at library.
  12. I actually would enjoy a boardgame group, but I will be joining activities at the library. Thanks everyone for your support it means a lot to me.
  13. I think that being conscious of our weak spots can help fighting those moments of anxiety. Think to yourself what's the point of giving up gaming just to replace it with other bad habits? Why do I need porn/junk food, etc? Be truthful to yourself, am I hungry? Also I truly recommend recognizing patterns, for example on porn, laying in your bed with a smarthphone is terrible idea, at least for me. Have you visited nofap.com/forum/ ?
  14. Day #9 Yesterday I felt anxious during the afternoon. I stayed calm and tried to understand this feelings. It's like I wanted to avoid loneliness in my room. I simply went to the front yard and read a bit. I even called my girlfriend because I thought it would be a good idea. But it seems to me that wasn't the answer either. It's like I was looking for something but don't know what. Went to the library at noon, got pictures, will post them tomorrow. At the afternoon I went to play chess downtown. It was ok, it was fun, talked to people and joked around. I can get agressive even playing casual games, haha. I even called the touch-move rule on some random guy. He was like "I'm just chilling having a good time". I don't regret it thou, this is better place to be competitive than playing videogames, even if they were just casual games. However, always after being done playing and walking back home I feel a huge emptiness as if I wasted my time playing. I think the next weekend I will look around for another activity. I guess that chess for me is an old love from whom I have refused to move on.
  15. Day #8 Last night I realized that I missing the social aspect of gaming. In the morning I thought that going to the gym can be an hyperstimulating activity just like videogames, but why is it that it takes more effort to go to the gym than gaming? It seems to me that reason is because gym is an activity that needs more preparation to be performed (think gym clothes, bottle of water, music), unlike gaming, where you simply turn on the console, or smoking, where you just pull out the cigar or drinking, where you just open the bottle.
  16. Very interesting post, I can relate to what you are saying. It's like jumping from bad habit to bad habit. But it seem to me more like jumping from hyperstimulating activity to another.
  17. Are you seeing a therapist? what is his approach?
  18. Day #7 Today I had a dream about gaming. Today I spent most of the day cleaning my room. I have gotte ridden plenty of things and I plan to keep getting rid of more things that I don't need. I think this is good advice for anyone who is on detox. Start focusing on your health, well being and appearance. After that focus on what's around you, your house, apartment or room. Today I feel very calm. @Mettermrck Stayfocusd allows you to use your blocked sites for some time (default is 10 min), this useful for time waster sites like facebook, youtube, etc. However I have been unblocking those sites. If you activate nuclear option no settings can be changed until the time expires (which you can set as well)
  19. Day #6 I have been waking up at 7:00 am, gonna use nuclear option for today
  20. Daniel

    Relapse :(

    As long as you realize why you relapsed and take the steps to make it right, it's all good. One way to make the relapsing harder is to have goals beyond the detox. Specially a life goal, a vision of your life. This will make the detox simply a step (of many others) of the road to achieve a meaningful life.
  21. Thanks for the tips. When I was gaming I would go out to buy beer, but once I went out for a walk and I remember feeling great. For me the hard part of the gym is to get the ball rolling. Once I get about 3 weeks going, it gets super easy. I usually go 3x a week.
  22. Day #5 I'm waking up earlier and going to sleep earlier, that's good. I feel I can really accomplish much during the day. It's a big frustating doing favors for others. I felt it makes me lost tempo. I have thought of gaming but it's fine, however I need to review my filters and see that everything is order. I been having the "just a quick one" craving. Internet chess and streaming is becoming a problem and a timesink. Will adress it with the filters and nuclear options of Stayfocusd. I have been smoking often but today I finished my pack of cigarretes. So as long as I don't buy anymore I shall be ok.
  23. Hey man, keep going. Have you tried listening for audiobooks during commute? I remember that during a time I used buddhist podcasts and zen stories for relaxation. Are you raising your son by yourself?
  24. @HappyCat: My thoughts exactly, I stopped trying to recall, not the best idea really. I love the atmosphere in the library. Free entry, a/c, wifi, clean bathrooms, water, comfortable seats and tables, usually empty and in silence. It's below a theater, a museum a bookstore and coffeeshop. Behind there's a cultural space for classes of music and ballet. It's in the middle of a green area that is usually taken care off. It's close to a lagoon and and infront of center of conventions and concerts. I will take a bunch of pictures to post them here. To the library I mostly go grab books because they lend them, that way I don't buy books often. I'm craving videogames. Small crave thou
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