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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Day 49 I'm actually starting to enjoy Stayfocusd. If one thing I will get out of the this 90 days detox, it's gonna be the habit of using the chrome's extension. Sometimes I been having memories of gaming when I was a kid.
  2. Is Cam having trouble with his fundraising? He is almost half his goal and still has one more month to go.
  3. Thank you for your answers, is not about being right or wrong, but about getting different points of view! The gamequitters sticker sounds like a great idea. For example PokerStars has the option of Self-Exclusion from their Responsible Gaming program. Of course the reason why they have it´s because gambling addiction has been proved. Perhaps one day, when Videogame addiction is official, Self-Exclusion and Responsible Gaming for videogames will become possible.
  4. Yes, and, I would just encourage you to be patient with yourself. E-Sports was something interesting to you when you were gaming, and although it may still be interesting you to beyond gaming, that isn't certain. For example for me, I'm a lot less interested in E-Sports now than I was when I was a gamer. Just good to be patient with all of these things. Yes I will be patient so I can achieve 90 days detox. Let's see where I stand once I get there.
  5. Day 48 Answered the 4th detox survey. It's interesting to notice that I have't relapsed (at least not with gaming). I have been able to avoid any kind of videogaming. Yes I had my ups and downs. I have tried to check twitch streams but K-9 didn't allow me to. I have avoided online chess as well. Sometimes I would watch chess games but I have limited that as well. When I felt like playing chess I just went downtown and played over the board, which was a lot less than I expected only twice during these 48 days. I tried to resist the urge of keeping up with E-Sports and haven't watched any stream about it. A good morning routine woul be Wake up between 5-7am Make your bed 60 push ups, squats and sit-ups Cold shower Shave Brush teeth. Put some clothes on Grab a cup of coffee or tea Kick some ass 42 more days to go. Cam, if you read this, let me know how to delete attachments from my account, each time I post my last attachment gets automatically posted.
  6. I noticed this is a common topic in the journals. Must of us start the detox but don't have a concrete life plan or goal in life. We usually just have a vague idea of what we want. We need to become more than "mere bundle of wavering thoughts and fluctuating sensations" It's indeed beautiful. One of those books to feed the soul.
  7. Day 47 My sleep schedule is starting to normalize now. It's important to stay excited and aggressive about my goals. Sometimes when my cousin is driving around he asks me to hold his cellphone so I can catch Pokemons. I probably only managed to catch one. Felt indifferent about it. And even if I wanted to play I couldn't. This leads to something I actually did by accident. I have stayed with an obsolete smartphone since I started the detox (Vainglory is a mobile MOBA). While browsing the internet I decided to go to a resource page about Vainglory. I noticed the quality of the writters have declined and got bored about it. Luckily it didn't cause any relapse but I blocked the site now. For some reason I wanted to keep up with the news about E-Sports for Vainglory. I do wonder what will I think about E-Sports once I'm at day 90. I guess E-Sports is for me what soccer is for normal people, haha. I do see myself arranging tournaments and shoutcasting but perhaps I'm just lying to myself.
  8. Some time ago I read and practiced a drawing course. I always thought drawing was just one of those things I couldn't do. After some time I was amazed by how much I improved. Also, it is a very relaxing activity where you can notice how much you improve. I really hope you keep at it. Cheers.
  9. To be honest, I really doubt that. I mean the part about easy falling back into old patterns. Yes, you can reinstall and play for a while, ignoring the whispers in your head, but gaming will never be the same as before. There is indeed a similarity to alcohol, as you can not drink lighthearted ever again, once you realized you are a damn self-destructive addict. I am sure you felt this for some years while still playing WoW. It is a feeling that spoils your experience in the game, no matter how hard you try to ignore, it always catches up with you. On the other hand, everytime you overcome your desires for relapsing, you are rewarded with a breeze of glory. At least, that's how I imagine it. Reality shows, that relapsing is way more fun than perseverance. Well, short-term at least. Oh, and congratulations on your 90-day-detox. My envy is with you. Perhaps I'm wrong but I think Cam talked about this in some video about the neurons related to an addictive activity. The change in the synapse process in addicted neurons will remain even after you permanently quit such activity. There's a saying "once an addict always an addict". Hopefully Cam can point out such video. However those whispers in my head you talk about do come up. Perhaps it's just conscience guiding me. Perhaps it's guilt.
  10. Reunited some interesting posts related to ethics and morality of video game industry. I think it will be more enriching if more people are able to contribute and give their opinion. Reading the articles before answering the questions is recommended but not required.Feel free to recommend more articles or questions.Ethic of Game Design More Thoughts on designing addictive videogames Chasing the whale Business Ethics: Do companies have a moral obligation to attempt to help (normalize) customers who become addicted to their services? Is it ethical to develop video games? it's morality is positive or negative? Who is responsible of video game addiction game developers or video game players? If a kid is addicted to video games is it the fathers fault? Where do video game developers draw the line between making their product too addictive? Is their fault or is it fault of the capitalism? Best of luck to Cam, you are indeed making something meaningful for society, and you are at the right time at the right place, sooner than later you will be the authority in this topics. Cheers.
  11. A videogame about quitting videogames! videogameception!
  12. I believe fully committing yourself to the detox is half the battle. No hesitation, just go all in, all or nothing, follow all the steps and believe in yourself.
  13. Day 46 Saw Cam's video What If Gaming Is The Only Thing You're Good At? Excellent video, I truly recommend it. Quantity QualityMentorCommunityEducationSelf-analysisPerseveranceIn a way this reminded me of how I learned to play chess. Quantity: I played chess online and play at the chess club.Quality: I played focused and tried to win or learn something from my losses.Mentor: Got advice from former chess state champion. Community: The local chess club was the community, also founded a chess club at my school. Started going to tournaments.Education: I started buying chess books, bought Chessmaster engine, reviewed training software.Self-analysis: Started to anotate and review my chessgames (despite being make fun because of it)Perseverance: Tried three times until I finally won the school chess state championship.For the good or the worse I took a very similar approach for Vainglory Quantity: I played a ridiculous amount of games.Quality: I started playing ranked games only.Mentor: Humbly always asked for advice from better players and guild members. Community: Joined guilds, discord channels. Guild training.Education: Read articles, saw E-Sports Tournaments.Self-analysis: Reviewed final builds and saved them for later study.Perseverance: Tried to break my tier and rank each season.
  14. Day 45 It has been mentioned in the forums the following. Being aware of the situations that leads you to craving and being aware of the situations that lead you to the opposite of craving. Once I'm aware of the those two things, to take aggresive steps to avoid the situations that lead me to craving. At the same time put myself in a position where I would lack any kind of craving. Situations that leads to cravings: Irregular sleep scheduleProcastinationSedentarism Situations that lead me to avoid craving: Regular sleep scheduleHaving short term goals that contribute to my long term goal.Active lifestyle The lists are longer but that's a start. I have been having memories about my diet while I played videogames. I would buy fast food, cookies, ice cream, anything. Not proud about it. Yesterday my girlfriend gave me a lecture about discipline and motivation because she has seen me procrastinating and with a very messy sleep schedule. Normally I would have avoided the conversation but I bit my tongue listened to it all. During our talk I had some excuses to said but I abstained. I realized that the easy thing to do is to give excuses. The hard thing to do is to be responsible about your own life. That's why everyone has trouble achieving their goals and give excuses all the time.
  15. Day 44 I feel the same, even changing my sleep routine affects me deeply. I've been procrastinating a lot. I've been having cravings with the following triggers, discord and facebook groups. Need to get rid of them. Need to stop making excuses.
  16. Looking forward for updates!
  17. Day 43 Found this so awesome that I couldn´t wait for tomorrow morning to write it here. Depressed people and drug addicts are liars. Have been thinking about gaming, twitch and Vainglory. I noticed that one of the weak links during days 30-40 was my sleep schedule. This is a tool that is probably overlooked. I know it sounds boring to sleep and wake up always at the same time but it's probably for the best. For me it works really well. ### Well played internet, well played.
  18. Hope this helps, cheers. Addicted to Tv series
  19. Welcome! It takes a lot of courage to accept we have a problem, well done. Remember to start a journal right away. Getting feedback from other members is very useful and perhaps even therapeutic.
  20. Day 42 Last week I missed some workouts, I'm making sure don't miss them this week. I remember a time when some guys at the gym were talking about the reasons of going to the gym. One of them said: I come here because when a girl rejects me I can channel my energy here. The other said: I train because a girl rejected me long ago so I can get really fit, and she see what she missed. When they asked me I told them that if I don't workout I get depressed. They looked perplexed at my answer. I think most people start working out to have an easier time attracting the opposite sex. Eventually the reasons to keep working out change a bit. For health, to fight off depression, to stay busy, etc. I still have been thinking about the days I used to play Vainglory. I'd rather watch a Vainglory match at a bar than a football match. Wondering if people are already doing this. Yep, it's called (trigger warning)........................................................................................................................................................................ Meltdown bars.
  21. Found this interesting so I'm necroing. I decided to say good bye to videogames when I noticed my gaming pattern was just like an addiction. I started to google how to quit gaming and found Cam. Cam said something along the lines: "Quit games for 90 days, see how it feels. See how is your life without gaming during 90 days, if you don't like it you can always go back to gaming" When you are kid those all-night videogame marathons doesn't seem harmful. But how about when you are 18? 30? 40? I think most people who are members of this forum tried to quit gaming before.
  22. Trying new things is always useful. Also were there any things that you always wanted to do but had no time because of videogames?
  23. It's hard to forget something you loved. Not sure if it's even possible. I still fondly remember all my past relationships, but I also remember the reasons why we broke up. Past relationships are not about forgetting them, but overcoming them and moving on. While right now you can think of all the good things, there's a reason (or several) why you are not still together.
  24. This is a feeling most of us can relate, Stembro. I too used videogames as an escape mechanism.
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