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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Cam Adair

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Everything posted by Cam Adair

  1. Love the amount of action you're taking. It's really impressive and this type of behavior will take you far. Keep going my man.
  2. Hope you're having a great weekend Tom!
  3. With gaming you got good over a longer period of time, so give coding and other activities more of a chance. Remember, you got better at gaming in specific ways so try and apply those to your new skills as well.
  4. Hey Chris! Welcome to the forums, it's great to have you here with us. This is a turning point for you. Let us know if we can help at all.
  5. Thanks for grabbing the Challenge man.
  6. Go alone. I went out every single night for 3 years, most of the time by myself. Your sister has limiting beliefs about going out alone, that's ok but you don't have to let her influence you in that way. Having fun is a choice you make. You could go, meet some new people and have a ton of fun.
  7. The "fun" is more about the high level of stimulation you experienced. Just remember that during (and after) your 90 day detox, you'll have a different understanding of what is fun. It takes time.
  8. Awesome to see your journal up here.
  9. Both Daring Greatly and The Slight Edge are fantastic.
  10. Hey Thomas! I'd encourage you to find another activity or two you can do at home when you're bored/tired after reading. It will help you be less tempted.
  11. One day at a time. Read "The Slight Edge" - it will help you understand more about how to take that next step.
  12. Think we have a winner for current longest post on the forum.
  13. The key to having a good weekend without gaming is for you to have things to do ahead of time. So good job planning them so far and definitely invite your friends to join you.
  14. ?Boom! Great to way develop your discipline and self-confidence.
  15. It's a party it's a party it's a party heyyyy it's a party it's a party it's a party heyyyy. Cravings are fairly random but you are right that the more clear you are on why you are doing what you're doing the less likely you will be tempted by distractions. Excited to follow your journal.
  16. Hey! Great to have you here with us. I definitely think your plan is a good one. Writing will help you clarify your thinking and inspire you to write more often as well as you get into the habit.
  17. Urges and cravings will come and go. Be mindful of the justifications you're making and get moving around which will help shift the energy in your body.
  18. Hey Cor! Welcome to the forum. Happy you're here with us, especially from Switzerland! This community is a global one. Let us know if you can help at all.
  19. Hey Thomas! Great to have you join us here. Your plan sounds great. A good book to check out would be The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. A little bit of YouTube before bed is fine... just make sure it doesn't include streams, because that's when you'll want to play.
  20. Being proud of yourself for the little things is really important to build self-esteem. That made a huge difference for me. I talk more about that here.
  21. Some days you just need to pass the time. Just remember that in order to recover there are certain steps to take like having a daily agenda. It would be good to start a project you could up with to give you more purpose. This video shares more on that.
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