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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Cam Adair

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Everything posted by Cam Adair

  1. Hey Travis. Part of what's happening is that your perspective is growing, so you are now able to see layers of possibility that you didn't before. That's good and a sign of progress. Just remember to take those bigger visions and turn them into actionable habits and small milestones you can hit along the way, as many have suggested in their responses to you. The vision you have for your life is growing, it's awesome.
  2. Congrats Marcus! Proud of you
  3. I definitely know how much 3600 calories is, haha. Been there. I haven't found the perfect mix with calories yet. Now that my workouts are good and the habit is formed I'm going to work on it more. I just need to make sure I don't hate eating, or that it doesn't feel like a chore, because that's when I use willpower to do it and that only lasts so long.
  4. Yep exactly. Everything by David Deida will also be good for you on that regard.
  5. Lots of growth happening here. It's exciting. I'd recommend The Alabaster Girl by Zan Perrion. It's one of my favorites on relationships. No More Mr. Nice Guy by Robert Glover is also recommended.
  6. Hey Logan! Thanks for the update and congrats on not gaming so far. That's a big accomplishment!
  7. Awesome to hear you have a solid morning routine already!
  8. Hey Joe! Sending love your way today. Condolences for your loss. We are here for you. Accidents happen, keep a list of the exact tasks you need to take care of and handle them like a boss. What's done is done and as Travis said, you may be at fault but you don't need to bear any shame over it. I was in an accident last year in January and although it wasn't my fault, I had to spend a bunch of time on the phone with insurance companies, etc. It was a bit frustrating and annoying (the last thing I want to do is something like sitting on the phone with insurance companies, filling out paperwork, etc)... but if you just let go of the desire for the situation to not have happened and instead just take the best action you can with the least amount of stress (control what you can control, let the rest go) from this point forward it will be done in no time.
  9. It's been awesome to follow along!
  10. Thanks for your feedback!
  11. Yeah, I hope so. I haven't felt as engaged with the forum recently, partially because I haven't been posting on other threads as much and because I haven't been getting as much feedback. But that's to be expected I guess. I hadn't thought about the weather changes. Living in Socal they're pretty minor, but everyone else has to deal with them still. Even here though, we are having very unusual weather. It has been insanely windy lately and pretty cold in the mornings. Last night I did my 5k training in windy chilly weather. But yeah, let's bounce back There was a time not too long ago that the entire community on the forum disappeared around the same time and it was only Joe and I replying to people and keeping the momentum going. It's a process, but the more we can engage with each other and let each other feel seen and heard, the more it encourages others to be involved as well.
  12. Since the beginning of September. When I committed to being back in the gym, no excuses, for the long-term (The Slight Edge style), I put together a few of my favorite exercises for each different day, which would inspire me to go to the gym (the gym is a happy place vs. I hate going to the gym.) I should also mention I do a core workout every day too of crunches, bicycles and v-sits (w/ medicine ball). Overall my physique and strength are improving well. I'm a fairly skinny guy (have been around 145lbs constant since the 8th grade, never been over 150), so lots of compliments lately on "my arms looking bigger" "you've been working out" that sort of thing. My traditional workout before was this one from bodybuilding.com, which I found worked really well but I didn't have as much fun at the gym, so over time I went away from it. I might re-introduce it for a cycle here at some point. My main goals for weight training in order are: 1) Be healthier overall (stress relief, etc) 2) Look better in my clothes 3) Increase my strength and stamina (apocalypse, hiking, etc) 4) Break through the 150lbs mark at some point in my life. I don't count calories right now - I have in the past. I may instill it again soon now that I have more of a gym/cooking habit built from so many years on the road without either. I eat the same breakfast every day: 4 eggs and an avocado. For lunch and dinner I have the same thing: two large scoops of quinoa (half a small tumberware), quarter pound of organic lean meat (beef, pork or bison), bok choy, peppers, one full yam. I eat 2-4 bananas most days. My system is fairly sensitive so I can't do protein shakes or too much protein (ie: a few weeks ago I was eating 6-8 pork chops with each meal instead and it was overwhelming my system.) I have to avoid beans and be careful with nuts as well.
  13. Great job on your physics exam! Bet that feels great. Make sure you take a minute to recognize yourself for doing well and earning it.
  14. I've thought about putting together counters similar to NoFap "hard mode" etc. Do you guys like that idea or is it better to just focus on defining what the 90 day detox looks like and having some guidelines for what to do afterwards?
  15. Taking time away from dating can be beneficial - I don't do any online dating myself, I'm happy to continue to focus on growing as much as I can and allowing opportunities to present themselves when they do - although now I have a girlfriend but that was my approach before I met her as well - and we did just meet at a wine night put on by a friend, which I attended because I wanted to have an active social life. Continue to focus on you, this is a good time where you are learning and growing a lot, and it will have an impact on who you meet in the future.
  16. Great job on 10 days Zala! Thanks for everything you contribute to the forum, even if it's just in the form of "likes" when you have a chance. It all makes a difference!
  17. Thanks to everything you all contribute to the forum! Reply to others when you can, but continuing to post your own entry is #1. I think many of us have had a tough last few weeks with the weather changes, so I think we'll all start bouncing back again now too.
  18. Happy to hear your friends in Paris are safe!
  19. That's a lot of vitamin D! Hey man, what kind of exercises do you do, specifically? Like, walk me through a typical work out for you, if you don't mind. I'm curious I rotate three workouts. Arms/Chest, Triceps/Back, Legs, 3 sets, 6 exercises, 4-5 days/week I always do 15 minutes of cardio at the start. Arms/Chest Day: 1. Pushups 2. Dumbbell flys 3. Barbell curls 4. Barbell forearm curls 5. Standing cable chest flys 6. Benchpress Triceps/Back: 1. Barbell skull crushers 2. Barbell shoulder press 3. Dumbbell bent-over row 4. Bench dips 5. Seated cable row 6. Lay pulldowns 7. Tricep pushdown 8. Back extensions (light) 9. Resistance band shoulder rehab exercises (light) Legs: 1. Deadlifts 2. Calf raises 3. Bodyweight Squats 4. Squats 5. Bodyweight Lunges 6. Leg Press
  20. Taking a moment to recognize yourself for the things you're doing well is important to build self-esteem and a positive feedback loop to inspire you to do more of it.
  21. Awesome to have you as part of our community man
  22. Completing your work is a muscle like everything else. Every day I can struggle to get my work done too, but I just focus on working at it and trying to be stronger than yesterday. I find writing out exactly what I need to do BEFORE I sit down to do my work helps tremendously. If I don't know exactly what to do before I sit down to work, I basically never get going.
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