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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened
Viewing Topic: Starting Over
2 minutes ago
Viewing Topic: Trying the 90 day detox once again after a long relapse
Viewing Topic: Technica's journal + lessons
Viewing Topic: chris 2.0
Viewing Topic: Maintenance of the PhoenixKing
Viewing Topic: Relapsed after completing my goal, back at it now
Viewing Topic: 3rd time's a charm right?
Viewing Topic: Piotr journal
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3 minutes ago
Viewing Topic: Feeling conflicted about moderation
Viewing Topic: ~Oxana's diary~
Viewing Topic: I can't stop thinking of her
Viewing Topic: My Journal - SpiNips
Viewing Topic: Mhyrions journey
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Viewing Topic: What's everyone reading?
Viewing Topic: The One Year Challenge
Viewing Topic: Mks' Journal
Viewing Topic: The Greatest Revolution
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Viewing Topic: My daily journal
Viewing Topic: This is not about gaming - Journal
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Viewing Topic: TheNewMe2.0's Journal - A Better Life
Viewing Topic: No useless videos for 90 days.
Viewing Topic: ☆☆Waves became wings☆☆
Viewing Topic: Giblet's Journal