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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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  1. DAY 26 my productivity hasn't quite increased. i'm still behind screens, especially nowadays for personal reasons. i hate it. studied for just about 2 hours today
  2. I'm not a gaming addict, but here is a helpful video by Cam :)
  3. Hello Game Quitters!! I'm a recovering social media addict One thing I keep hearing from recovering gaming addicts, is that they replaced gaming with another hobby Since doomscrolling took so much of my time, I made a list with different types of activities (social, resting, mental challenge and explore) to satisfy my boredom. What I want to achieve with getting rid of my addiction, is to focus on academics. However, I quit 25 days ago and my productivity (studying) hasn't really increased.. Should I work on replacing Scrolling with Studying? How can I do that? I already try to "gamify" studying but I'm so distracted by cravings and irritability... Thank you all for being here, on this forum :)
  4. Starting university, I decided to trully focus on my academics. After experiencing the worst year of my life, I decided to quit doom scrolling. Didn't think of myself as an "addict", scrolling mindlessly on social media is such a normalized activity.. how could it be an addiction? I would see youtubers quitting doomscrolling and on day 1, their productivity would increase. They would study, go out more.. For me, that was NOT the case... In every attempt I made in quitting, I was irritable, experienced anhedonia and anger, as well as boredom. My relapses, also, were a bit.. intense. I would stay in the same position, for 6-8 hours, scrolling. Without eating or drinking water. On April 10th 2024, I decided to finally quit doomscrolling. I almost had a few slipbacks.. but I am managing. In the meantime, I'm focusing more on my schoolwork, and I've completed an online course! Made a list of hobbies/activities to keep myself occupied. It's not easy, but I know there is hope. My goal is to devote myself in my passion for engineering and enjoy the journey of becoming a knowledgeable and skillful engineer!
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