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NEW VIDEO: The Dark Side of Gaming (Documentary)

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Respawn module 1 told me to make an account on this forum, so hey, I'll give it a shot...

For most of my life since being a teenager, I've always played video games.  I've always been able to take care of my obligations, but I waste all of my spare time.  So like when I worked it was like go to work, go home, play video games, sleep, repeat.  Now that I'm in college it's been go to class, do homework, study, play video games, sleep.  That's it.  Really depressing.

I want to stop playing video games so that I can actually live and do something meaningful.  I'd like to learn how to draw.  I'd like to get a girlfriend.  I'd like to get in better shape and start exercising.  I want to feel like I'm actively involved in the world, not just killing time until I get another chance to escape it.  I'll see how it goes.

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You got a great vision for what your life can be. Now is the time to take baby steps and begin to learn how to let gaming go. I definitely recommend the journal, it helped me keep myself straight on my journey. Just know bro it is going to be a process, so go easy on yourself!

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We are all here to have a more satisfying life, and it really pays off to sacrifice our gaming for that goal. It takes time, and consistency in reminding yourself what you are doing and why. That's where the journal comes in very handy. 

Good luck!

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Congratulations on your decision @Redmark that is really awesome the guys have put together a Respawn workbook I will definitely be investing in it myself even though I have completed the detox it is always great to see reminders like that around the house - follow the program well I have no doubt it to be worth the cost!!

Now for your reference to help along the way here is ..
A welcoming statement :230_hatched_chick:
First move the consoles & games out of sight so it stays out of mind ..
This includes uninstalling them from the computer & devices! ..
Once it is done you can move on from there & a lot easier I might add.
Getting rid of the games for good enabled me to finish the detox strong, consider that.
After that you need to teach yourself how else to spend that free time!
Make sure you are eating healthy, getting daily exercise, & proper sleep ..
NUTRITION - big minefield of controversy I personally am behind a plant-based diet ..
This upcoming documentary backed by Producers Arnold Schwarzenegger & Jackie Chan ..
Check it out ✌️ I won't respond in forum to this topic but you are welcome to message me ..
Find some hobbies to replace the time gained ..

Start some kind of journal with pen & paper, online here, or both! ..
Cross-examine other areas in your life you find consuming your time ..
Excessive consumption is what leads to the time crippling addictions ..
Replace such excessive consumerism by using your free time to create.
Our one life, the time that we have is meant for so much more than feeding addictions.
Thank you for your interest to quit video games ..
Perhaps such bold action will inspire others to great deeds as well =)
Welcome to the forums!!

Neil,  Ex-Gamer Addict,  Gamequitters Member
My Profile Direct Message Me,  Discord Support Chat
My Journal My Introduction

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