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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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Day # 1


Gratitude Journal

One amazing thing that happened/I did today - I made the conscious decision to stop gaming.  After 20+ years of this habit, I'm ready to start a new chapter in my life.

Workout/run - Today I will do the Coolcicada's PPL Push day.

 Meditation - Wim Hof's three cycle breathing exercise.

Visualization - I see myself as an avid adventurist, and world traveler.  The first step is by cleaning up my space and making a plan.

Daily affirmation - The good things in life are never easy.  Today is one step closer towards the good life.

Time I Woke Up - 11:07 a.m.

Time I Went to Bed last night - 3:20 a.m.

Weekly Goal(s) - Finish my guest list for my wedding.  Write in my journal, workout, and read each day.

Monthly Goal - Remove all games and triggers for gaming from my life.

3 Month Goal - Rebuild relationships with friends that I have lost due to gaming.

What went well today: I cleaned up my apartment and went to the gym.

What I could have done to make my day better: I could have went to bed earlier last night.  I lose a lot of real social interaction by spending a lot of free time browsing reddit and youtube rather than connecting and planning my days.

What I will do differently tomorrow: I will go tonight without playing any video games.

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One amazing thing that happened/I did today - I've gone 24 hours without playing a video game.

Workout/run - Today will be a rest day.  I normally workout 5-6 days a week, but today I feel like making social connections will be a more fruitful use of my time.

 Meditation - Quick 5 minute guided meditation before leaving to meet up with old friends I've lost touch with because of gaming.

Visualization - I see myself filling my life with a close circle of outstanding people whom I want to help through life and would do the same for me.

Daily affirmation - The Apollo 11 moon landing was off course over 90% of the time.  Correcting course each day will get me to my destination, no matter how often I'm misguided.

Time I Woke Up - I woke up today at 9:45 a.m.

Time I Went to Bed last night - I went to sleep around 1:30 a.m.

Weekly Goal(s) - Finish my guest list for the wedding (Done!), Write in my journal, and read each day.

Monthly Goal - Remove games and triggers from my life.

3 Month Goal - Reconnect with a few close friends that I lost due to gaming.

What went well today: I picked up a book that I've been wanting to read for a long time and actually started reading it.

What I could have done to make my day better: Had a plan for how to spend my time. 

What I will do differently tomorrow: I will design a routine that will set my days up to be successful.

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Day # 3

Gratitude Journal

One amazing thing that happened/I did today - I woke up earlier than I have in months.

Workout/run - Coolcicada's PPL Pull day.

 Meditation - Calm 10 minute meditation.

Visualization - I see myself going back to playing in music and teaching.

Daily affirmation - I use my failures as lessons learned.

Time I Woke Up - 8:25 a.m.

Time I Went to Bed last night - 1:55 a.m.

Weekly Goal(s) - Write in my journal everyday and read everyday.

Monthly Goal - Remove gaming and triggers from my life.

3 Month Goal - Reconnect with friends I've lost due to gaming.

What went well today: I started my day with a routine that I want to implement everyday.

What I could have done to make my day better: Not let my phone be a distraction.

What I will do differently tomorrow: Try to be more intentional about being in the moment around co-workers and friends.

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Day # 4

Gratitude Journal

One amazing thing that happened/I did today - I started the process of getting my passport so I can start traveling.

Workout/run - I won't be able to do a full workout, but I will do 30 pushups before going to work today.

 Meditation - 10 minute guided meditation.

Visualization - I see myself getting back into the music scene and starting to teach others the power of music.

Daily affirmation - Having cravings is a natural experience.  Not playing games is a growing process that I will get better at.

Time I Woke Up - 7:52 a.m.

Time I Went to Bed last night - 1:30 a.m.

Weekly Goal(s) - Write in my journal every day.  Read every day.

Monthly Goal - Remove gaming and triggers in my life.

3 Month Goal - Reconnect with friends that I've lost connection with due to gaming.

What went well today: I have gone 3 full days without playing video games.

What I could have done to make my day better: Avoid twitch streams and gaming forums.  These have soaked up a lot of my free time.

What I will do differently tomorrow: Plan my free time.

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Day # 5

Gratitude Journal

One amazing thing that happened/I did today - I realized that there are some things IRL that have as strong of an effect on my as the power of video games.

Workout/run - I didn't work out today, but I will be getting up early tomorrow to go to Crunch and get back on track.

 Meditation - 10 minute guided meditation.

Visualization - I see myself realigning my schedule to allow for the things that bring me joy.

Daily affirmation - Having cravings is a natural experience.  Not playing games is a growing process that I will get better at.

Time I Woke Up - 9:00 a.m.

Time I Went to Bed last night - 5:30 a.m. (it was a special occasion)

Weekly Goal(s) - Write in my journal every day.  Read every day.

Monthly Goal - Remove gaming and triggers in my life.

3 Month Goal - Reconnect with friends that I've lost connection with due to gaming.

What went well today: I have gone 3 full days without playing video games.

What I could have done to make my day better: Understand that I have to prioritize myself and my well-being over social events.

What I will do differently tomorrow: Understand that there are triggers in life have as strong of an effect over my decisions that video games used to have.

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Day: 1


Well,  I'm breaking away from the format I've been using because I can't with good conscience say that it is actually day 6.  I played video games last night and this morning for probably 8 hours between the two.  I had a lot of stress due to social situations that instead of talking it out with a friend I tried to muscle through.  I was stressed from the amount of driving and commitment to social events which lead to a lot of sleeping in the car.   I spent at least 3 hours resting on the way there and back, which meant I wasn't tired when we got home Sunday night.  Instead of reading or expending energy in another way, I downloaded the video games which I took the time to remove and played them for the next half  of a day.

I regret it, but I know that even though I failed to find ways to cope with it in that moment, that I can still correct course.  I have deleted the games and am recommitting to myself.  I know I need to schedule my time better and come up with a plan for when stress creeps in like it did.  I have a lot of goals that I want to pursue and instead of continuing to delay them, I'll start putting those important things first.  As a gamer, I'm used to having lofty goals which I don't really take action towards, so today I'm going to start taking those steps, one by one.

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@tgoodner I understand that it can be hard for you not play video games especially in stressful situations. These are my suggestions for you to get started on your re-commitment. They might be helpful or might not, but I am going to give my shot:

  • You can search out workouts in Google and try them if they work for you.
  • You can go for a walk for a while and take a breath of fresh air outside.
  • You can pursue your current hobbies or you can find new ones (there is a section for finding hobbies in Game Quitters).

I really should've have just gone for a walk! I find I tend to do my best thinking when I leave my phone behind and just start walking. 


I've actually planned out my entire schedule for the next two days. I'm hoping this has a better outcome!

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Goodluck, tgoodner! Just keep working at it and I'm sure you'll get there! 

By the way I liked that you did Wim Hof's breathing technique! I've been planning to incorporate this into my routine (and his cold showers, too) myself, but have only done it a few times. It really seems to work amazing and I've done cold showers for half a year before and remember enjoying the amount of energy it gave me and how it work me up, a lot.


Day # 1


3 Things I'm grateful for:

I'm grateful for a partner that is able to let me know when I should get back on track. She is kind and understanding about helping me realize what my real goals are.

I'm grateful for my Fisher space pen.  It's something small that gives me joy each time I write.

I'm grateful that I have friends that will reconnect with my after months of not speaking with them.


The struggle with relapsing this week has been real.  But once again I've uninstalled my games and I have Cold Turkey now to help me avoid those websites.  Here's to another shot!

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On 1/22/2019 at 6:41 AM, jsup said:

Goodluck, tgoodner! Just keep working at it and I'm sure you'll get there! 

By the way I liked that you did Wim Hof's breathing technique! I've been planning to incorporate this into my routine (and his cold showers, too) myself, but have only done it a few times. It really seems to work amazing and I've done cold showers for half a year before and remember enjoying the amount of energy it gave me and how it work me up, a lot.

There are guided videos of him going through the breathing technique! I just put in a pair of headphones and it's quite easy!

2 hours ago, tgoodner said:

There are guided videos of him going through the breathing technique! I just put in a pair of headphones and it's quite easy!

I've watched a lot of videos (also the ones on his website), but trouble is that when I breathe so deeply, my throat just dehydrates and I start to cough or have to swallow. Must be the dry air since I'm heating the place with a (fire) stove. 


While typing "going out is also not an option since I get lightheaded and it's -20 degrees celsius and I can't lie down" I realised theres a little bench outside that I could sit on. I'm going to try that tomorrow haha.


Today I'm back on track! Got some work done today in order to get my Visa so I can travel for my honeymoon.  I made a vet appointment for the dog, and even did some reading today (a habit I've been wanting to start but have hardly put the effort into doing). I'd say today has been a success.  Tomorrow I'll be hitting the gym, reading, and working on either my music or writing. It may not be the most prolific day, but it's a day without gaming which is a win in my book. 


Spent today fighting urges and trying to stay busy. Tomorrow should be an easier day seeing that I am working in the morning and have the evening planned out with the fiancee. We will get to try on suits for the wedding and hopefully get new tires put on her car. I'll have to say that changing her tire at 1 in the morning was not the way I planned last night would go, but it actually felt good to do something with my hands. It was cold, and frustrating at times, but I was proud of simply changing a tire. 


I going to try and make plans with Brandon to go drive some super cars the next time they come to the local track. It is definitely a bucket list item I want to get done sooner rather than later!

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