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Hi there! I am Eli, I'm from Massachusetts and i quit games for good as of december 1st. I still miss some blizzard games, but other than that i am craving free. I would love to learn to draw but im struggling to find a good step by step basics book. I am also learning french! Bonjour, comment vas-tu? J'mapelle Eli. J'apprends francais. Je parle une petit francais.


Mon francais.... Fair warning my French has never been good, and my mind is only giving me Portuguese words now!

Bonjour Eli! Bienvenue a Game Quitters! J'mapelle Elegwa (ou Ty). Je suis Canadien et mon francais est mal! Je parle une petit francais aussi bien. They teach it to us in school up here. 

Congrats on over a month! Keep it up!


Mon francais.... Fair warning my French has never been good, and my mind is only giving me Portuguese words now!

Bonjour Eli! Bienvenue a Game Quitters! J'mapelle Elegwa (ou Ty). Je suis Canadien et mon francais est mal! Je parle une petit francais aussi bien. They teach it to us in school up here. 

Congrats on over a month! Keep it up!

Merci beaucoup! Tu parles francais tres bien! Mon francais est mal! hahaha


Hello to all who learn French or speak it as native-speakers :) On January 1, I started learning French with Duolingo, where I studied Italian before. I've found an interesting online course about Tolkien and fantasy literature in French, and since I do not speak French, I decided to learn it so that I could understand the course - no matter how funny that sounds ;) Maybe some of the French speakers here can help me in my learning? Thanks :)


If you haven't already, this site will be of use: http://www.dragoart.com/

They have a range of beginner to intermediate and than... hardcore I guess? heh. All step by step and usually authors talk you through the process.

From my own experience I just usually do rough sketches, rough and impersonal as can be. If I like the drawing I may work on it a little more and fine it slightly, if I'm just starting out again after a long while I usually like to do a couple of rough sketches a day to keep my skill active and to keep learning. Not my best example, but I have attached a picture I've done yesterday after a couple of sketches, it's a WWI trench with supposedly british troops! hah.Not so good drawing

How long have you been drawing for by the way? :)

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