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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Create. Stop Consuming.

Some Yahoo

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I didn't realize this when I started my detox, but it's important to stop ALL your entertainment consuming activities for 90 days.  Otherwise you'll just substitute 60 hours a week in games to 60 hours in (YouTube/Netflix/porn).  

I'm not saying to never enjoy entertainment, I'm just saying dial it back to a reasonable level.  1 hour a day maybe.  Yes, I leave my wife alone in the living room after 1 episode of (whatever).  Moist nights I try to create something or learn something, but some nights I just go to bed early.

Don't fall into the trap of substituting other entertainment for games.  You won't get well that way.

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The hard part is picking up a new activity with your wife though. I feel like our connection has suffered a little now I don't want to watch tv anymore, as that was a activity we shared. It is hard to try and recommend something else to try at the end of a long day when we don't have energy.

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Well, this is going to sound weird, but my wife and I (for a time) went to the used book store bought 2 copies of books to read to each other, switching off on each chapter.  That was fun for a while.  Also, you can try various YouTube tutorials for cooking, or crafts or whatever.  If nothing else, if you're like me there is a long list of forgotten honey-do's.  

That reminds me: I have to fix a drain and nail up some baseboards.

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  • 1 year later...

Love this post. I also like the video on gamequitter's youtube page about it. What other leisurely type activities have you found? I've found so many great hobbies that I'm being consistent with, but rest activities are trickier. I've only come up with reading. I've thought of meditation, but meditation actually doesn't feel very restful if that makes sense. I feel good and refreshed after, but I am curious about some other things that require less physical and mental energy. 

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