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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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So this isn't quite my day one, but let's call it as such. 

Day One: Want an Axe to Break the Ice

I really hate the word journal for some reason. When I was a pissy teenager and wanted to spew my pissy teenage angst everywhere, I used to write in what I so eloquently labeled, "My Shit Book." Fair warning, I unabashedly cuss. So, I am at a loss as to what I will call this. You don't exactly create a topic called, "Table Tiger's Shit Book." Fair warning, I also ramble. 

Anyhow, I figure I might as well give a bit more background on myself. 

Hi there, I'll go by TableTiger on here because I am too paranoid to use my own name. You can call me Table, Tiger, or you can even get creative. I am a 25 year-old student majoring in Biology. It has taken me some time to get through school (more on that later, maybe, who knows) and, unless I just shoot myself in my leg academically, I should graduate next year with my Bachelor's. I hope to get my PHD in biology eventually, but who knows.

I guess I might as well outline my goals for my time without gaming:

-Read through my ever expanding library of books. I have about 50 physical books to get through and about 10 or so ebooks to read. I keep buying books, but never reading them.

-Practice the guitar and piano. I haven't played either in years so I am pretty much starting from the ground up again.

-Eat things besides processed junk food. I don't have an excuse now. I am a pretty decent chef, but constantly gaming makes it hard for me to cook for myself. 

-Work out at least three times a day. 

-Draw or paint. I am a decent artist, but I haven't really grown in some time. I'll draw the occasional sketch every six months or so, but it isn't enough.

-Finish whatever I need to get done in a timely fashion. 

I'll add any other goals later. 


What I've done so far:

Started reading. My goal is to finish every book in my library, even if I am bored by it. It is taking me forever just to get through one book. My reading speed isn't what it used to be. 

I've run four times this week so far. I took Friday off. I hope doing so won't kill my mojo. 

I've eaten relatively health this week. Some days I probably didn't eat enough though. I have a tendency to do this when I am trying to lose weight. It isn't exactly healthy.

I've gotten to bed at a relatively decent time every night. 

I cleaned my messy as fuck room.

So it is my first (official) day of this whole gaming detox and I am already getting messages from friends about playing something. What bad luck on my part. I told them about what I am doing all of them are pretty understanding. A few expressed envy. 


I'll try to make these things more interesting in the future. Maybe I'll post a short review of each book I've read or the occasional artwork. Dunno.  


I figured I will put what I am reading at the moment and what album I am listening to at the bottom of each of these journals. If anyone has any suggestions for good books or albums, I would appreciate it. For music I like just about everything besides country. The artists I enjoy the most are the ones who tend to do something a bit different from the norm. When it comes to novels, I like pretty much everything besides conventional romance. 

Listening to Scary Monsters (and Super Freaks) by David Bowie

Reading: The Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut



Resuming reading after quitting gaming is tough. I was a.voracious bookworm when I was younger. But when I gamed, reading wasn't as fun but now that I've quit, I'm slowly reacquiring the habit.


Resuming reading after quitting gaming is tough. I was a.voracious bookworm when I was younger. But when I gamed, reading wasn't as fun but now that I've quit, I'm slowly reacquiring the habit.

This is mirroring my experience so far. I used to read at least a book a week for a while. Even for a period of time, I was reading a book a day. Now it takes forever to get through a single book.


Resuming reading after quitting gaming is tough. I was a.voracious bookworm when I was younger. But when I gamed, reading wasn't as fun but now that I've quit, I'm slowly reacquiring the habit.

This is mirroring my experience so far. I used to read at least a book a week for a while. Even for a period of time, I was reading a book a day. Now it takes forever to get through a single book.

Same with me. :) Another reason why I don't read a lot like before is because I had been trying to read some complicated books compare to the books that I was reading when I was young. And as I grow up, I started to feel that I need to focus on some of the subjects, not various subjects. And the internet. It has some differences, but still I believe that I can read something useful on the internet, if I maintain critical perspective and choose carefully what to read.

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