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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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It's  DAY  365 so you know what it means

57dbfdf3695db_4444.thumb.gif.3ea0ec5e3b257dbfdf3695db_4444.thumb.gif.3ea0ec5e3b2ONE FUCKING YEAR57dbfdf3695db_4444.thumb.gif.3ea0ec5e3b257dbfdf3695db_4444.thumb.gif.3ea0ec5e3b2

(without video games)

Ladies and gentleman. This year was nothing like I've experienced before. It was full of mindless browsing, procrastination, optimistic thoughts and turning points that changed my life forever. Quitting games was hella of a ride, but I'm glad that I've taken it. It's for the best. The only thing I'd change would be the thought that once I quit, everything's gonna be fine, I'll be super productive, motivated, full of energy etc. Yeah right...Boy, I was dead wrong...That's not how it works. If only I knew that quitting games was just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more to it, so much more for me to learn, so much space for me to grow. Over the course of one year I've I learned the most important thing-what kind of person I want to be.
I want to thank Cam personally for creating this wonderful place for people who want to live their lives to the fullest. Or at least get control over their lives.Thanks to you, now I have hope for my life. Thanks to you I got into personal development wich completely changed my outlook on life. Thanks to you my life is full of positivity and hope.Thanks to this place and the people here  I'm a completely different person now!

Wherever the road of life leads me, Game Quitters will always be the start of it!
Mad respect for you Cam! You're the man!



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