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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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Hi everyone my name is Jacob. I wanted to start with a summary of my experiences up until now. 

I've been playing video games since I was a small child. The escapism aspect of gaming as followed me through my whole life. Whenever things got tough in life I have always turned to gaming as a way to cope. While this strategy worked for me when I was younger it is a huge problem now that I am older. I typically play 40+ hours a week. Since becoming an adult I have had struggles with depression. They were severe enough that I had to drop out of school and move back in with my parents because I couldn't take care of myself. I feel as though video games are preventing me from addressing my mental illness. It was very hard for me to admit to my self I have an addiction. I have tried and failed to quit before. In the past I have always assumed that I will come back to video games once I got my life in order. Recently I've accepted that I am an addict. The only way I'm going to get healthy and be happy is to completely cut gaming out of my life. I hope with the support of this community I can quit games and start moving my life in a positive direction.

Thank you for taking time to listen.




Yea, quitting games is adressing depression!

Take responsibility over your actions. Might hurt at first, but you'll develop a good punch against those demons in life!

Best wishes, don't hesitate to PM people.



Welcome Jacob - I'm also very depressed and have a hard time living the adult life. But beside I haven't been on the detox that long I already feel a change - life hasn't become more exciting but I've accepted the boredom which is something you can't avoid in daily life.

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