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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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Hi folks!

I'm on day 5 of my detox without gaming I've tried to reach up to 7 days last week but eventually gave in  the weekend.

I normally used to game on my phone during the weekend  I don't really have a problem with that but during the weekend it was usually kinda difficult to resist.

Yesterday at the edge of night I had to struggle not to fame even thigh I have done a couple push ups to wind me down after a very stressful day in school.

I've noticed that I need a rewarding activity that gives me the strength to push me through a unproductive day...

Any suggestions for what I can do about that? 


Congrats on day 5 so far! Do you have any ideas for skill-based activities? Things like learning a new skill, instrument, language, skill like web design/programming, etc can be good.


Congrats on day 5 so far! Do you have any ideas for skill-based activities? Things like learning a new skill, instrument, language, skill like web design/programming, etc can be good.

Do push ups count as skill based activity?or is it mre reward based?



 Day 7 and hey!!!!

I have finally made it to that day!the week was kinda tough escpecially today and yesterday. ihave done my studies until i could not concentrate anymore i was having a walk with my brother. It was an awesome day. I had some urges today but they come and go!

i do not quite understand how an urg or a temptation to game can get worse when I repress it...

 I notice that I can focus on a subject longer than before.

But sometimes i have certain  word associations to my game that i am addicted to... when will that subside?

Otherwise thank you for your support! You have helped me quite a lot!


Congrats on day 5 so far! Do you have any ideas for skill-based activities? Things like learning a new skill, instrument, language, skill like web design/programming, etc can be good.

Do push ups count as skill based activity?or is it mre reward based?


Pushups can definitely count for sure! Anything that is goal-based. :)


Day 11! Hey folks!

The day was not very productive due to a porn relapse and stress in school.

I felt bad about it and I don't know whether to count porn as a relapse.

I notice that I am iirritated and there are huge mood shifts.

I wantto learn how to deal with those but I am worried about behaving like a maniac being mad to anybody with no real reason.

Usually I would as Cam said "mask my negative emotions" which is not the case anymore.

In general the biggest problem was that my emotions kinda override me..




I don't really now how to motivate myself to continue my journey.

School is very tough and km putting it off since 3 days. Meanwhile I'm in gym class where we go to a bouldering house close to us..

I'm pretty tired right now but I'm happy that I have pushed myself above the limit.

I'm triggered to game like crazy... Also I sometimes eat food to feel not riggeredd anymore..



Hang in there. This difficulty you're running into is strictly a level of mastery you have. There was once a time when walking was hard too, but you got better at it and now you just do it automatically. The same can be said for this challenge you're having right now. You can get better at it, but only if you continue to persevere. Some days are harder than others, stick with it. This is all making you stronger.

Watch this video if you haven't already: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AkdqVQsAPs


Hey Folks,

i relapsed yesterday ii on my day 11 ish, i have played 6 hours on my phone  im so tired .... Yesterday was tough i have been watching cams videos about  being close to a relapse but it did´nt help me because the pressure become so enormous...  the rlapse occured in the night 

 What have i learned from that?

Well do not plan too many things because it overwhelms you and then you do not ant to even start the goals.,

2. The motivation to do something comes with the start of a task.

3. beating yourself up for your failures is leading you to even stronger urges to game because you make yourself feel bad  it ends up in a binge(like in my case)

4.Push yourself forward even if you do not feel like it it is like setting yourself new limits which you can gradually achieve.

 tank you cam for the video that you have recommend me.

I can emphasize with both you and Sam. My questions is how can shift my repressive behavior from games into an open mindset of indulging my emotion with curiosity?

  Thank you very much!

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