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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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Hey everyone,

My name's Andrew, I live in New Zealand and I've been playing games since I was about 5 years old and am currently 23. I started playing Warcraft and Pokémon Blue, Red and Yellow emulators in my dad's computer lab. I tried quitting once during my first year of tertiary education and challenged myself for 1 month with no gaming to prove I wasn't addicted. I did it, but replaced the gaming with watching other gaming content on YouTube and Twitch, and watching a lot of Netflix. So, although I didn't play any games, the function of games were replaced with other things.

I have been off and on gaming for a while now but haven't kicked it for good yet. I find myself rationalizing it back into rotation with things like "Well, if they can do it, so can I", but I can't. Gaming for me is a deeply rooted coping mechanism and I am in therapy for a variety of reasons, but video games relieve me of the things I should be processing.

Gaming prevents me from living a fulfilling life of productivity, love and authentic achievement. What I will do this time is achieve those things with gaming playing no part in it. I look forward to participating in and support from the community.


Thank you reading.


I find myself rationalizing it back into rotation with things like "Well, if they can do it, so can I", but I can't.

This thought often crosses my mind. Most people are doing just fine enjoying games. But hey, here I'm writing stuff to gaming addiction support group. I am by definition not like them, I am not like most people when it comes to gaming.

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