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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Escaping Escapism - My journey from the start


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Days 27, 28 and 29:

So again it seems I had three days that I spent out of my room :D During these three days I tried to ignore stress by just going to the gym/jogging and watching TV. The rest of the time I used playing guitar and practicing for the audition, which is tomorrow.

It feels extremely difficult to keep up with this journal now but I am trying my best, so even if I am writing here like this (say 3-4 times a week), I can be really satisfied with myself. The upside is that I have so many things to use my spare time to, that I remember this journal at midnight when I am supposed to sleep :S

Anyway, there were some questions about the game addiction diagnosis and initially I was the one who started talking about it and suggesting it, since I had read about it. I actually had a talk about it with my doctor back in the days when I was heavily depressed and he told me that nowadays they do some diagnoses on gaming addiction too, but it's a new trend. What comes to the diagnosis tool used; well as I told before, it was my own initiation on the topic and it also came up just minutes before that when we were talking about accepting the fact of being addicted and accepting the need of help. I wasn't given any drug-prescription (like bupropione, which is used a lot to cure gaming addiction) or even actually a document of a diagnosis which leaves me wondering if I ACTUALLY had the diagnosis yet. 

I will have more meetings all over the winter so if it's of any help to this community to get more information about - for example - the diagnosis of gaming addiction or anything else related to that, I am happy to provide it when I know more :)


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