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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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Hi! Im william! I live in sweden and iam 14 years old! I usually play some CSGO on my pc and some games on my NES! This can be for hours and i usually game for about 5-8 hours a day. (At summer) In school days i play about 2-4 hours and i have really been struggeling lately to find time. When i come home from school i play and then i eat and then basketball. (Bball is the only thing i do besides gaming pretty much) And then the clock is 22 at night and i go to bed. Simply no homework or nothing. I really spend little time on school and im still suprised im getting decent grades. I know that i think its boring but sometimes my mind keeps telling me that there is something funny about it. Please help me! I dont know what to do and i wanwt good grades in school! I really dont wanna play but im bored so often. Escaping gaming seems inpossible, So whould you reccomend me to only play NES instead? Becuse on my nes i can play 5 min and quit but on my pc atleast 1,5 hours. Please help me and tell me what to do when im not gaming. And help me to fight this feeling that i always return to my desktop ):


Thank you so much. William :D


Hey Willy,  hope you feel welcome, and I wish you the best of luck on your journey. If you find you can't quit cold turkey you could start by uninstalling x amount of games a day, and so on. It also helps to clearly establish WHY you want to quit gaming and to constantly think about the amazing things you could accomplish if you had that free time. Hope this helps, and look forward to hearing more from you!


Welcome William, you are at the right place.

Take a look at the tools of this forum here.

If you really are serious about quitting gaming I recommend to apply all the tools and talk to your parents about your problem.

Also talking about a life plan would be a great idea.

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